FFXIV surpassed retail wow / classic wow subscribers

Please stop fighting and just walk away and calm down .

This is why threads like this need to be shut down it only divides the player base and makes for fights .

Far more important things to worry about than a game .


Nah you’re good I prefer to play on my own.

Nope. Don’t know you from Adam except as a random person on the internet. Don’t let me stop you trying to be clever though.

Again nope.

Nope I found it hilarious. And how quick you snapped at it as well.


Then you’d lose your money. but you believe what you want to kiddo.

I do, quite frequently. But as I have no earthly clue who you are outside of a random name on the internet you’ll have to make do with me calling you a muppet online. A bit like you calling me a fake hard man online. I mean if you want me to come and call you a muppet to your face I’ll happily oblige, but I’m not paying for transport.

But meh. you do you.

Never watched anime. your crystal ball of “seeing the person behind the keyboard” seems to be in need of repair.

You’re really not doing all that well and are just using the same “attacks” other muppets do when I get under their skin.


Uses Force to flick a switch

All too easy.

its interesting to see this has turned into a divide into the wow community, hardly anyone talked about ff14 on these forums until now yes?

It is a divide indeed. Even on the FFXIV reddit, I feel like most people who bring up WoW to talk badly about it are ex-WoW players who want to point out how bad WoW has become.

I think we can blame a certain Streamer for that. His Drones started opening their yaps and screeching about FFXIV, sometimes when they clearly haven’t played it themselves, but believed what they paid a man on the internet to tell them. A man who let us remember cited figures from a website that claimed that at one point WoW had more subs than the number of people who actually were alive in three or more countries, and cited ‘facts’ from numbers of subs in a country that had ceased to exist for twenty years, so four years before WoW actually existed, and long before FFXIV did.

That didn’t stop his drones though, even when people who were -alive- at that time were like “That is impossible you can’t have subscription numbers for a game that didn’t exist at the time, from a country that no longer actually exists, and didn’t exist when the game was released!”

None of this matters to them. It is vital that they tell us lies and prove their game is best, because heavens forfend people be allowed to do what they enjoy. Thats not how some people do things around here.

I’m still waiting for them to show me the ‘facts’ as to how many subs there are in Narnia, Lilliput and Middle Earth and other countries that don’t exist.

Utterly idiotic…


Wow and wow classic is counted as a separate.

WoW passed the 100 million unique subscribers mark back in September 2013

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Great video about this site and why it is obviously horsecrap.


Bro they have two people working on pvp and you want a small team for housing ? xD

Thats not how that works tho.

But its closer to it is how that works than it isnt.

People come and go constantly. The data required to determine whether that statement is true or false lies solely with Blizzard. We could have for example people currently playing that quit during cata and came back with SL. Or come back like every 2 xpacs. Etc etc. And that people quit this game also is not all so surprising because after a while it can become quite old (especially coupled with this games overall age) and may not worth someones monthly fee peronaly etc.

Even WoW content creators who make a living from playing WoW are playing FFXIV.

how many of them were gold sellers back in the day making account after account to spam trade chat.

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Boost spammers do the same thing. They buy a new WoW account every day because they know that people put them on the ignore list sol they buy a new license on a daily basis to spam trade.


Nah I rather enjoy it, they should keep going.

Especially when the ones involved are “the elf MVP and her discord friends”
They are always in the funniest ones.

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can you remember the days when all you’d see in trade chat was guild adverts and chuck norris jokes…

i never thought i’d say it … but i miss those days.

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According to the website, WoW had 870k players in 2016, 12 months after Blizzard announced 5.6 million subscribers. Doesn’t sound very accurate.

Blizzard doesn’t announce sub numbers anymore, so where do they source the data from?

Lets not forget that According to Bellular and therefore the FF14 gang, WoW had 90 million subs four years before it was released, and even moreso, was massively popular in countries that no longer exist. It is impressive how they have statistics from countries that ceased to exist in 1992…Before either WoW or FF14 existed.

Anyone listening to that chump is deluded.

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La la land.

They list sub number guesstimates for WoW before the game was even released and the same for FF. I mean come on. It has about as much integrity as poll counts in politics that use deceased individuals as voters.

It outright contradicts itself across several places on the same site as well. It’s almost like it’s not a concentrated effort at gathering data, but more hiring of random individual to just pull up fluff data without checking it correlates but has good “on first glance” value.

The stuff of wet dreams for any advertising mogul. Especially when as demonstrated it’s clear a lot of people take it at face value and don’t even care to think about the inconsistencies present.

I’m not saying this means wow is necessarily doing better than FF, I’m saying I won’t believe it on the basis of this pile of dogcrap source.