FFXIV surpassed retail wow / classic wow subscribers

So then there would be TWO games virtually identical to each other… how would you choose which one to play? THINK about what you’re proposing…

Why would you want TWO identical games…??

i reallly think your place is in final fantasy,just look at your beard.

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I dont care about the scuffed number and people stopped playing wow til 9.1 while ago.
but FF dev team deserve succes, they care about people playing their game. If only wow devs would…

“Horribly designed forum” aight master you design it like this then.

I just don’t like inaccuracy, having worked with all kinds of figures and numbers and statistics for a long time, it grates on me when people post absolute nonsense.

You seem to be under the mistaken apprehension that I hate FFIV. I don’t. I love the FF franchise, FFVII will always, for all it’s faults, be remembered with fondness in my heart for it’s sheer beautiful story, and yeah, the fact I was a teenager when it was released… Yes, the Graphics were dog toffee, yes, it was turn based, but the actual moments when they did things right, and that horrible foreboding sense when Sephiroth’s Theme kicked in, even before he appeared…there was nothing like it. When you actually fought Sephiroth at the end, you actually really felt like this was “Oh my word…this is really the big deal, this is win or lose” and that was brilliant.

I think anyone of my age demographic, so 40’s, who ever gamed during that time, will have that same ‘chill down the spine’ moment if they heard the Sephiroth theme start up.

And that’s cool! That is actually amazing.

Problem is, FF never had a formed gameworld, which did hamper it in being an MMORPG. Every Expansion was a whole different world, with different tech, and different skills, and so it was just…hard, and often not worthwhile to actually invest in. Sure, you could learn the game mechanics, but would you actually give a fudge about the story? If you want an MMORPG, you want a Story. You need a Story.

I think the telling thing here, is that people keep using the term ‘MMO’ to describe Wow, which kind of invalidates their opinion to an extent, because they are expecting an MMO, and not playing it as an MMORPG, as a result, whilst that attitude is prevalent, they’re not going to find the game they want, because they don’t actually -want- the game they say they want. FFIV isn’t that either. And it won’t be, can’t be, until people actually revisit their expectations of a game, and if they just want an MMO? Then Toodles, off you go, have fun on League of Legends or something.

If they want an MMORPG, then we should be going “Have you ever considered the power in actually playing WoW as an MMORPG?”

So don’t talk about MMO’s. That is part of the problem here. WoW is not an MMO, it is an MMORPG. So I never understood why Classic fans keep trying to bash down a genre of a game they never even probably played. And I’d put fair money on FFIV players not actually playing it as an MMORPG either.

They could try it.

Heavens forfend. They might actually have fun.

I get a bit tired of these “FF perfect wow sux” topics. Just go away then.

And as for the whole “wow Devs are greedy soulless corpo drones whom don’t care” and FF “are epitome of care about players” I don’t get how people square that circle when FF has a horrendous amount of MTX despite also being sub based and it’s very aggressive MTX promotion, yet apparently it’s only actiblizz that are greedy corpo hawks.

So I think the key is, so long as I say “I listening guys, here’s that mount you wanted” people will overlook that fact I’m trying to suck tons of money out of you, but will lambast the other guy

It’s very blinkered. And seems to be in the spirit of wow bashing trends.


What you wanna bet on that this rank is gone again with the next patch?

And if people enjoy FFXIV then so be it. Its their taste. I couldnt stand their boring encounters and combat design. Not to mention that atrocious 2.5sec GCD.

You are only 1 google search away from your cravings. Anyway data used is google trends, youtube views, twitch stats etc. But mostly google trends. Again it predicts all known points correct.

I’m never going to understand why any one cares which game has the highest Pop.

I’m playing and enjoying some games that barely reach 5000 daily logins.

You guys make too big of a deal over population.


I’ve been told that they have spells that can be used inside the GCD as well.

Dono how true that is, But i am never going to try the game to find out any way

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Its not about that. It’s that wow is falling so hard with no stop in sight. That is good. A game that is objectively bad should be falling. I hope it wakes up the right people at blizzard

The sooner people realise that WoW is not a “passion project” where the devs care about making a “Good game for players to enjoy” and more of a Money printing machine to satisfy shareholders, the better.

I’m always baffled when people on these forums try to suggest blizzard still cares about the game or it’s players.

We are all $$$ to them.

The game is fun overall, but people need to stop trying to defend blizz or in any way think that they will “fix” the game.

It’s on a very minimal effort maintenance mode nowdays


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Back in the 90’s-00’s it felt like the N64, Game cube and PS2 games were more in the “Good games for the sake of giving players a good game to play” tho.

Dono why the switch happent in the past 10-15 years where they care more about monetizing and shareholders than players

Because it became more and more accepted by the general public to play games. If you remember 10-15 years ago the media were basically witch-hunting gamers on all fronts and trying to convince parents of how evil and manipulative these games are and how they are turning your sweet little baby boy into a “freedom fighter for a certain group”. These groups of people are nowadays looked down upon with “yeye whatever you say”.

So with more acceptance and the numbers growing anyway the business just boomed. The amount of companies that truely care for their games and even take some drawbacks if it makes the game better rather that just going for the big dollars is minuscule at this point. They however still exists.

All in all there was never a switch but more of a slow transition.

Guess i should be happy that i grew up in that era then…

It must be awful having to deal with all the “Cash shop” stuff as both a parent and child in this day and age.

Just dont use it. Never will use a cash shop for a F2P unless i really think the game deserves some sort of payback for the fun i had over the years. So far the amount of F2P games where this occured would be 3. Maybe 4.

For shop stuff in P2P games: Meh. Only if i find it worth the development.

As for a parent: Dont have your kids access your credit card or bank account or whatever it is. The money i had as a child was very limited so spending money on such stuff never occured to me. Unless i decided to earn some pocket money on the sides. And trying to take my parents money never occured to me as i dont try to anger the devil himself or worse, my father.

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Same here, it’s well deserved.