Final Blood elf and Void elf Customisations

No but its a topic on the forum, which is open for discussion, and I have brought up the paint that Elves have been receiving too much attention and its time to focus on something else for a change.

Its not a crime. I just tired of seeing the same threads begging for a little more and a little more.

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I don’t believe they have, but they should. The more popular races should receive more attention. If more people play them, they shoudl have more options.

I’m not saying other races shouldn’t receive attention and improvements so they become more attractive to players too
 they hould. but currently many people love the fantasies and stories of the elven groups and their looks.

THis should be properly exploited and developed, so to for others.

But as I pointed out above, elves haven’t gotten more than other races, and inf act it is non elf races that have gotten the most 
 the fact that it is the elf races that occassion the most comment tells.

Finally you are being disingenuous, you are counting 4 races as one, if you considered all the attention Trolls, zandalari, Orcs and Mag’har receive as one group, then that is 4 times as much attention as Mechgnomes or Goblins - off course it’s going to seem the Trolls receive more attention, because you are unfairly comparing four races.

The better comparsion would be to compare Nightborne attention to Mechagnomes rather than all elves to mechagnomes, and we know mechagnomes got WAY WAY more options than Nightborne did when they launched. Wasn’t that unfair on Nightborne?

You see how stupid these “unfair” debates are? Just propose what you’d like to see for what you like, add why if you must, and hope for the best, others who share your view will comment.

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I don’t like the eyes and corruption stuff, but man these skin colors and hairstyles (the starcursed ones) ARE SICK! I mean, not a lot of people play Alliance these days, but I still do occasionally and the Void Elves are still my favorite race so I’d love to be able to customize my toons like that. Give us what we want Blizz, ty.

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Nobody is going to be playing alliance if they don’t facelift the faction and fill it with some really cool stuff

I’ve largely focused on elves, cos I like them, so have seen a lot of cool suggestions, the void cursed hair above for void elves, the star effects and tattoos for nighte lves in the other thread, doing a pretty sick super cool city for void elves and night elves too
 stuff like that would really help.

Ofc, doing cool things for dwarves and draenei
 Elves are popular ofc, so if you really add cool stuff fans will go ape for it, but you also want dwarves and draenei to be cool
 and sof ar theyvve been mediocre on he things theydo for all the alliance races
 really good that void elves got high elf stuff, but no void improvements. I thought the void eyes were sick tho.

Another thread suggested some really cool races for the alliance too
 they need thatlevel of calibre and coolness to attract players to it Players aren’t going to play alliance if it’s races, especially it’s best ones aren’t that cool and get trashed around all the time or just absent , substittuted with more humans.

If you want to draw horde players to the alliance, you have to make it’s non human races, really cool too, so horde players would have a tough time picking one, and the hope is some may end up playing the alliance more, but ultimately they’d have more reasons to come back to warcraft, whether horde or alliance.


For Blood Elves:
More phoenix-based features - whether it’s jewelry or tattoos. We need emphasis on phoenixes.

If on tattoos, then it could be a fel-green, red, purple, golden or blue.

Agreed. Phoenix is to blood elves what stars & moon are to night elves or void tendrils to void elves

You kinda need racial based things represented. That are baed on themes that characterise each race. Every race has some really cool things I hope they will bring out.

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what female belf need is proper long hair with no clipping too
and of course more belf 2h weapons swords spears and same 1h/shield from silvermoon guard npcs
tho the one odd time alliance raid was in silvermoon
the npc"death" for these guards felt like the male nelf death animation because it was lol


More Arcane Sanctums and maybe Manaforge-like buildings, within Quel’Thalas.

Not actual Manaforges, but something that looks similar. Maybe where we see Blood Elven Arcane Mastery truly take off.

To be honest, I want more in a blood elf city
 look the beauty of Zin’Azshari and Suramar is night elven, there is a grandness to it that stands above, but it has that idyllic delicate but greco roman ancient feel to it.

A blood elf city is sort of an evolution. In on e respect they didn’t have quite the finesse and grandeur of the night elves, but they advanced, and capturing some of it, also did new things, like the floating towers. This fits a group that wasn’t able to match or recover much of the knoweldge the night elves of the north lost (whom they were a part of too till their exile), but in starting again, had to kind re do from scracth.

So I expect, more modern feel, slightly simpler buildings but beautiful none the less, mixed with some old style greco-roman night elf looking stuff too. in their gold and red.

These images are from the movie coma 
and I immediately thought of the blood elves.

See, it’s got some of the old, but not quite the scale and grandeur of the night elves, yet it’s got some new they never did, spectacular buildings, a bit more like our modern world, , not as intricately detailed, but still spectacular, including floating towers.







I don’t know.

That feels like a combined High Elf/Human City.

I get more of a cross between Stormwind and Zin-Azshari, than I do of Quel’Thalas and the Sin’dorei.
Hayven Games (RIP), created restored versions of Quel’Thalas, which (with some updates to the Sanctums across Quel’Thalas and other areas), is what I’m looking for.

That has always been the high elf concept, it’s the better, higher grade version of human.

for nigiht elves what they did is try to create something more distinct, more elven, more removed, - this is why you have night city, a star an dmoon focus, and you have much more magic, whethe rit’s arcane (pre-sundeirg) or nature
 but you also have more extremes
 they tried to create a group of elves that were off course older and had more to them.

The reason people are so resistanct to night elves is because they are on one faction (until nightborne anyway), and therefore perceived as alliance, so i f you liked horde you had to hate them and resistance and not want anything good for them.

This gets in the way of what their original concpet was in WC3 and the lore of WotA, they were/are big enough to be an entire faction of theirown, not just some human allies
 they were made to be that.


in a sad way, fitting them to the alliance, meant cutting them down, especially when horde development had to take priority to boost the horde, they suffered. And what is very grating is that now it’s the alliance that needs teh boost, yet the sentiment is now “boosting alliance races won’t do anything”
 wtf? Ofc if you improve the alliance and make it more attractive, people will want to play it.

The refusal to me jsut shows they cba, and have no motivation for it. And it’s their fault entirely, so into boosting the horde, you have no motivation to be inspired for the alliance or even the races anymore.

I think that’s pretty much what the high elves are
 It’s all part of the original alliance set up. iBut in warcraft, human civilization is elevated and influenced by the elves not the other way round, although by design, the highe vles are a better version of humans,
 so they took a portion of the nicer more elven bits, and greatly multiplied it o make a purer elven rae
 the night elves, which is the original elven race.

And the lore has the ngihte lves haveing an elven civilziation , long before the high elves came to be and build theres, and much earlier than the humans. so being elves from that original night elven civilziation, the high elves would have that influence, but htey would also have human influence because they are part of the alliance ( or rather humans would be influenced by their new desiigns and ways.

The much more night elven looking Quel’danis
 this must be the first city built, and the old version, updated over time
 if you look at this artistic impression (not canon btw as the comics prove), it has a much more night elven feel,

It sasys Quel’thalas on chronicles, but this could be a night elven city like Zin’Azshari
 becauseitr eally looks centred around a well, and the geography doesn’t fit silvermooon
 for starters silvermoon is far way from teh sunwell itself, and Quel’danis and magister’s terrace isn’t this developed
 but still that’s the image given,
 it could have been a recolouring of zin’azshari


Then we have the modern version of Silvermoon and blood elf architecture


Much more towers

This image by AH4 on DeviantArt

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No - it’s Quel’Thalas.

The Highborne never had large ships or anything like that.
The Night Elves never had a notable fleet like the Thalassian Elves did.

WE know so little of what the pre-sunderingf kaldorei had (not just the highborne - the highborne are simply the upper caste rulers in that era, and after that era passes, only their communities like in Eldre’thalas keep teh designation
 that is until the Daranssians make a pact with them, and they’ve revived it, largely now a mage centred Order, more so than a caste).

Still we don’t know. Zin’Azshari while having the Well of Eternity, also boarded a hug elake, but then it isn’t the sea
so you wouldn’t need great navies like the civilizaionts that arose after the sundering who’d have much more water to cross
 so it could be consistent.

There would have been night elven communties on the ocean shores
 liike those in Desolace and Darkshore, Feralas even are at the ende of the super contintent, so they could have had far more developed navies

what is clear though, is that if they did, it’s definitely one of the things lost. Afterall, those in Eldre’thalas don’t venutere out their city for 10,000 years, so if they had maritime expertise, it was lost to everyone else but them.

MEanwhile botht he Darnassiasn and the thalasisans who develop after their exile from them, would have been missing this knoweldge and had to redevelop. The Darnassians are in isoaltion iin the forests protecting the well, their is no need for nval activity. or much naval activity. I presume the war of the SHifting Sands was the only major event that took them south, and i think it was mianly druids invovled with that, but sentinesl may have been too- don’t remember.

TheThalassians however, along with humans and all that fighting and competing, would likely have a much stronger navy or more developed. I don’t think it would be a sophisticated as any developed during the kaldorei empire (if any was - I say this because you must remember that the elves of this era are generallyfar more advanced than the night elves and high elves post sundering) - not becasue thes urvivors weren’t capabile, but part of the reason is choice (night elves) and circumstances (blood elves).

STill yes, they’d have a much stronger navy, although the pictures aren’t any iron clad verification of this., so from that perspective alone, it isn’t enough to say for sure that this is Quel’thalas on that premise alone.

A better indication is tall buildigins
kaldorei civilziation isn’t too big on those. Yes you have them, obivously - we knew this from the original ruins in the old model versions, but we see tall buildings in Surmar, Zin’Azsahri and Nar’thalas, however they aren’t that common, you odn’ thave that many twoers and spires (which is a bit weird, cos you’d think they’d want to reach the stars - but maybe thath’s more done via magic than tall buildings - but then I always associated loving trees became a thing because before building a civilization, climbing them would bring you closer tot he stars the night elves loved, and so the tree love develops and is linked to the star love.

so when building cities, you’d have tall buildings
 but then they do, it’s just that they are huge and wide, rather than having many towers.

The blood elves have lots of towers in comparison. And floating buildings,

it could be Silvermoon, and that’s just not the Sunwell beam at the top, but a small pool of magical power blasting off the palace.

Blizzard confirms it’s Quel’Thalas, from their authorised Chronicles book.

Get over it and stop trying to rob from the Thalassians and give to the nelfs. Your not Blizzard. You’ve got your picture of a belt world. This is the Thalassian world.

Their are no other locations barring Silvermoon and the Sunwell Plateau, with ocean between them. The distance is likely smaller in the novel. I mean, look at W3 - the Sunwell was in Silvermoon during that game.

I was questioning if that was a labelling mistake 
but it’s a minor issue, we all assume it’s Quel’thalas and kinda have adjusted our perception although it doesn’t look high elven at all.

It may perhaps have been the first version before the current architectural models happened as the time progressed and thy became high elves and started doing things differently. So you have Silvermoon having a mixture of old kaldorei looking stuff, but also a lot of new stuff that you won’t see in any kaldorei city, because that’s something they’ve developed.

You have to note they were not isolated unlike the kaldorei groups. Every kaldorei group we know of was isolated and built nothing for 10,000 years.

Darnassus is the first city built by any kaldorei group in 10,000 years, and it makes 0 changes from it’s ancient architecture. This makes sense, not only because the people who built those cities and ancients are still around, but also because in isolation, they’ve had no mixture, and the long vigil task of that group offered them no means or time to sit down and build cities and settle. When you are dealing with wild gods and dragons who live in lairs and open ground, rather than humans and draenei, you don’t really need or have use for a city.

And basically every other group on Kalimdor you come across is just millennia behind you, you are hardly going to have a new or evolved architectural style

  1. you don’t build anything, so nothing evolves from 10,000 years - usually new buildings and styles come when new people, younger generations continue building and building and try new things
 people who don’t build won’t have come up with new things

  2. People who don’t mix and interact also will not have come up with new things either, often enough interactions can influence your style, can also give you new ideas, inspire you
 in isolation this wouldn’t happen

Also arrogance is a great deterrent, you won’t learn from other cultures if you consider them lesser and far beneath you.

The Thalassians are the only elven group that interacted with other race - fighting trolls, working with humans, and gnomes and dwarves, collaborations happened a lot, plus they were not immortal, they had subsequent generations, and they built, so they would have come up with new styles and iterated on the old

it is quite possible it is how Silvermoon or Quel’danis first looked, and over the centuries and millennia has just changed to what we have now.

However, labelling mistakes do happen. oh they do, as well as conceptual errors, the artist could have been told to draw elves, and shown night elf stuff, or interpreted the context as well, since those who became high elves were first night elves when they land, their first city is going to reflect the kaldorei architecture, and drawn accordingly.

Who knows. I’m just exploring.

And it’s not, otherwise Blizzard would have confirmed this.
How many years has Chronicles Volume 1 been out?

Before the Sunwell Plateau was destroyed by Arthas.
Don’t forget - in TBC - the Plateau itself was still under construction for being rebuilt.

Again - how many years has this book been out? If Blizzard hasn’t confirmed it’s error by now, then I think we can safety say that the picture is Quel’Thalas.

The ocean and the view of the ships is pretty much, solid confirmation.

Again, night elves never had a large navy, in the times of their Empire. Plus - their wasn’t nearly as much water, near their locations.
All those lands that you see that are currently off the coast were once nowhere near the coast. Darkshore and Eldre’Thalas are two examples of this, as we know Azuremyst and Bloodmyst Isle were part of the original Kalimdor and how far out are they, from current Darkshore.

Oh please, would they though? Sometimes the never correct a mistkae, sometimes only when they actually come back to the lore or material and then someone calls them out on it, and they go
 oh actually that was a mistake, we’re correcting it.

Of course they would.

Why label something as Quel’Thalas, the playerbase states it’s Quel’Thalas only to then turn around 6 years later and say, “Oh it’s not Quel’Thalas, it’s a mistake.”

Look at the night elf fan, who wrote the Elegy novella for BFA. He forgot about Sin’dorei age and the quests in Ghostlands. The latter of which, he acknowledged, only days later after the novella was released.

It defintiely won’t be before the sunwell plateau was destroyed by Arthas

Read my explanation above
 at best htis would be the early version of the city that would have chagned over time.

The blood elves haven’t built a new when we meet them in 2.4, they’re only been repairing what was broken, and that looks very different.

You could be correct but it doesn’t really add up, so slim chance
 but you still could be correct that this is how it looked just before Arthas destroyed.

I never said “just before.” I was talking in the general sense of, this is how it simply looked before the Third War as a whole.