Final Blood elf and Void elf Customisations

They don’t always correct, hafl the people who notice and even write on forums don’t always get through to them, andjudging from some of the ocorrections we get, like years later, we know this is the case.

It may be a slim chance, but I was being thorough in exploring the possiblities, and i still can’t rule it out.

just like Ic an’t rule out your statement that it could be the Sunwell plateau just before Arthas’ march through

:man_shrugging:t2: :man_shrugging:t2: :man_shrugging:t2: :man_shrugging:t2: :man_shrugging:t2: :man_shrugging:t2: :man_shrugging:t2: :man_shrugging:t2: :man_shrugging:t2: :man_shrugging:t2: :man_shrugging:t2: :man_shrugging:t2:


It could also be a grand Draenei Palace on Argus.

All possibilities must be explored, right?

Ah okay, sorted, thought you meant just before so interpreted it that way… yes you’d be right then. It could be. It would make sense that it was.

Although there is a comic that shows the current architecture we see in Silvermoon being built by Darth’remar and his lot…

Was that an artist mistake? sometimes they don’t always think these things through. The comic i think was before Chronicles, so chronicles rendition might be more accurate

also the comic showed Silvermoon not Quel’danis, so maybe both are accurate… maybe they built Quel’danis first, which makes sense as that’s where the Sunwell is, then set to building Silvermoon and decided to change the style up a bit. Quel’danis reminding too much of their kaldorei heritage… and later in time changed it too to be more like Silvermoon

i know reaching, but what can you do when you have two conflicting sources… either one has made an error, or one is over written, or you take the explanation that allows both to be possible.

The picture of Dath’Remar building Silvermoon (within Silvermoon City) is not the same as seeing Quel’Thalas as a region.
Silvermoon is the capital city of Quel’Thalas…not Quel’Thalas as a whole region.

It would be like saying that London = the whole of the UK, because it’s the Capital of the UK.

Not necessarily, but it could be. So little is shown, minds like mine can’t help but speculate all the options and blab about them.

Silvermoon City is not the entire Quel’Thalas.

The detailed picture of Quel’Thalas with the Elven statue and the Thalassian ships are of the region…not directly in Silvermoon.
I mean, look at this way with the Blood Elf Priestess in the TBC cinematic. Whereabouts is she stood, when she sees the Mana Wyrm? It’s obviously Quel’Thalas - not some nutty theory about it being night elf lands, but during the day…

It’s clearly Night elf lands, but during the day… anyone can see that :upside_down_face: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :blush:

Just like the night elf druid in Classic…clearly in Blood Elf lands, but at night. :slightly_smiling_face: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :smirk: :roll_eyes:

It’s all night elf lands, if it’s elven or troll, it’s night elf lands . Time the kaldorei got serious and put their wayward kin in line, the children have been left too long without a disciplined hand to bring them back in line, and we’ll get rid of the trolls like Azshara should have done, no room for those who refuse to evolve and be enlightened - we’ll spare those who give up those disgusting practices can always find uses.

Elisande’s group had the right idea, but they were weak, siding with filthy, pathetic demons. Someone’s got to put the blood elves in line.

A new Elven empire is reborn. We’ll have orcs for labourers and humans for clerks and administrators… they also make good famers. Gnomes would be in our assembly factories, and dwarves would be resource materials acquisitions.

We need the Draenei to explore the stars …omg…the stars :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

We’ll put down the forsaken, Shadowlands awaits, time to move on. Tauren are important for the food supply, gotta have those beef burgers… and we’ll put the goblins finance and banking, as well as sales.

Order will be restored… none of this nonsense the races have been up to, too much freedom, and all they’ll do is tear each other apart. They need a firm hand Vernon, to guide them and make them do the right thing.

We’ll leave the andaren as is, only other race besides us and the draenei that seem to ahve any real sense

Likewise with the night elves - skulking about their forests and being as savage as the Trolls.

Nobody cares about night elves.

Sylvanas had the right idea - I just wish I sided with her, in more times.

Give a dog an inch, it takes an arm, that’s why we are putting them down.

You bettter fall in line, or you will be shown how savage and effective fangs can be. It’s not usually our way, but sometimes the semblance of savagery is enough to bring air heads to their senses.

that nightfallen faction don’t seem to have learnt very well the education we gave them in 7.1, and seeem to have returned to ridiculous parties and carefree behaviour with a an entire world to order.

But maybbe once a coward always a coward. Fall in line or be purged.

Geez WoW is becomming more and more a game for 12 year old teenage girl justin bieber fans it seems

hmmm… i have osmetimes toyed about with a an aggressive, conquering night elf group, especially after TEldrassil,

But every time I think about it I just hate the idea… then they just become your classic eveil dark elves that want to conquer everyone and think themselves better.

No , I like that they’re benevolent, and only unleash terrible fury in defence or protection of their land.

The Elisande loyalists “let’s reclaim our lands” “let’s conquer and take back what’s ours” - it doesn’t fitthe original kaldorei… it’s very Legion minded.

Frankly , I don’t want any of the playable elf groups to be like that. Leave that for the enemy ones like San’layn and naga

Is that why night elves are still fooling around in Azshara and not actually making any progress?

Pot kettle black, tree hugger.

Besides, we’re here to talk about Sin’dorei since they are the most important and diverse of the elf races.

I really think blizz should give blood elves red eye options and the DK undead faces and skin colours customisation options to open up to all the classes - this is effectively allowing darkfallen customisations.

Void elves shouldn’t get this, but instead I hope they get those additional void based improvements.

I find it amazing how Elfs just wants more and more and more and more, meanwhile I play most races, between all of them, Worgens, Maghar Orcs, Zandalari Trolls (Ouf) even Orcs…and Highmountian Taurens etc, haven’t got nearly enough, Vulperas basically got eye colors only, and some lazy fur, how selfish you are to think your race are the only played one, cause its not.

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I like this phasing… you have half tipped void hair… so not just tendrils,

But you have a purpling to the edges of the hair or some of the strands

Also you can have degrees of purple on the skin… it can be void skin effects.

You criticise elf fans and then do exactly what you are criticising them of doing.

They also feel they haven’t got enough, but are being upbeat and positive about what they would like more of.

  1. void elves - certainly didn’t get any new void customisation - how nice it would have been to have some of those mentioned above?
  2. Blood elves - what’s wrong with wanting some tattoos, fuller beards and scars all of which have shown up on NPC characters - if you like the look of it, why not? Same with
  3. Night elves - everyone raved about Tyrande’s star arcane tattoos on both the Night warrior and avatar of Elune - given how the core of night elves and their arcane origin is tied to this star and moon aspect and it’s cool - why not have an element of that too - afterall they are the children of the stars - not the forest (despite their love of forests).
  4. Nightborne - the perfect example of fans actually asking for some things in addition to what blizzard did - and getting it… but like all the examples above, what did they ask for? What was already in the game and available, the jewellery options of the npcs, the glowy hands etc.

Face it, wow does some awesome and very likeable and cool things for it’s races and their various NPCs… players don’t just want leaders or NPCs to look cool, when a feature is cool, like black eyes and star arcane tattoos, or glowy hands and narrowed eyes, they want it.

Elf players get up and ask for the things they want… some have some really cool ideas, but most are asking for what blizzard has already shown to be made available.

none come on and say other races have enough (well once in a while), but elf fans asks because there are many more of them, and the wow fantasy inspires them.

In Warcraft, humans and orcs have the most lore and activity without a doubt, but the elf fantasy in wow is better than any other franchise and people love it for that. So it has a big following. Not surprising more people are interested than not aye.

One last time (probably not, as so many people need it repeated…):
When we ask for something, we, unlike those who criticize us, don’t ask for others not to get something. Yes, others do need stuff too, but why should an elf enjoyed have to fight for races they do not even like? We are just giving our ideas for that which we like. Others are free to do so too.
In the end, the choice of what to implement is always Blizzard’s.

I for one love the elves the most, though still play most races with only few exceptions. So, based on the first part of the sentence, it is only logical that I’d try to get more options first for those I like the most. Still, there are many things I’d love to have for other races too, such as long human beards or for their males to be able to look a bit less masculine, both body and face wise.


Did not get it due to the fact that for the last 4 years your kin have been asking for High elven customizations, instead of pushing and asking voidy things.

After finally making Blizz copy the already existing race, now you have another excuse to whine, it is to ask for voidy thing, knowing that the community hates both Void and High elves, you have added Blood elves into your thread too.

gr8 m8 i r8 8/8

These customization demands started after the Tyrande vs Sylvanas fight, before that no one even cared about these options. All they wanted “hIghBoRnE cUsToMiZaTiOnS”.

They are children of FOREST, remember the reasoning of the War of the Ancients, the commoners have fought the arcane addicted ones. Then they became Kaldorei resistance, banishing all the arcane usage and everything that tied them to Highborne and etc things.

And yet we all forget that we were playing with half baked race for more than 3.5 years. What we were asking is our race to look like our NPCs.


sounds like its returning to its origin then the original age on the vanilia box was 12+ :stuck_out_tongue: