Finally - Brave Community Council wants warforging back!

That shouldn’t be achieved through RNG ilvl inflation systems.

Okay, how do you suggest it should be done then?

Or do you think you should not be able to outgear content at all?

Because the truth is that people complain about RnG ´´feeling´´ bad, but I fail to see how upgrading through the current m+ valor system ´´feels´´ better, in fact it feels worse, and it is objectively more tedious, confusing and needlessly complicated for players than just simply having better gear drop. Of course the current awful upgrade system doesn´t even really allow to outgear mythic raiding at all, but that´s another matter.

warforging is crap.
if they really want us to grind the same content hoping for a lucky upgrade, they should introduce tokens to upgrade gear, or revamp professions with recipes to create better gear.


Yeah, even with idea of WF/TF being just free few levels of upgrade - I rather would like to see professions updated. Currently almost everything in WoW has “levels” xD profession crafts, renown, dungeons, items…

I’m fan of items having constant ilvl.

Killing Azshara for titanforged font until the end of bfa was an amazing experience. I loved it. Any vouches?

Vouch. Preach it sister :pray:

Balancing the game around degenerate gameplay like farming the Azhara trinket for +5 / +10 WF and or sockets UNTIL THE END of BFA is what is ruining this game. The majority of the playerbase are paying the bills, not the 0.5 % who want to parse better on logs.

At least you are honest about not wanting prior patch content to be relevant, and only wanting to play the current patch content, thanks for your honesty.

This will not save wow gearing xDDD
it will make it faster and smoother that’s for SURE
cause we all remember gear showering from the skies

but it will not FIX anything

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Not by Warforging, that just leaves an extra thing for people to be disappointed about on top of the already disappointing lack of loot distribution from raids/dungeons.

They just need to slightly modify the drop rate of items, its really that simple. Also bring back dungeon loot being able to reach the levels it could in the past.

I don’t think a player who only does normal level raids (for example) should be getting gear that amounts to higher than the level rewarded for that activity, that’s just stupid.

Against it at all cost the warforging was a headache to begin with forcing you to get the bis constantly. If I would see something return would be reforging gear.

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who are you to judge what others find fun? what if i consider raiding or M+ degenerate gameplay? What is ruining this game is the raid or die crowd such as yourself. there should be multiple ways to get the same gear not everyone wants to spend 8 hours in a raid.

I don’t like the current situation where your item level completely dictates what content is worth doing and what content isn’t.

For example, I like the idea of running the occasional LFR. But because the loot is item level 220 and my character’s item level is 230, then doing LFR is completely pointless.

The same applies to Mythic+ and World Quests and everything else. If the rewarded item level is below that which I have, then it is pointless to do.

With Warforging and Titanforging the content was kept relevant, because there was always that slim chance that you got a Warforged or Titanforged item, and that made content you otherwise wouldn’t do, worth doing anyway.

And I am not the kind of player who always wants to push the difficulty barrier to its limit and reach the pinnacle of progression.
I am quite happy to just run LFR or do World Quests a whole tier, even as it gets trivially easy. But it has to keep being worthwhile and rewarding.

And Warforging and Titanforging were very good at keeping content rewarding longer than it otherwise would be.

All that being said, I don’t think future problems are always best solved with past solutions. Especially in a game I think there’s a lot to be said for trying new ideas and designs, and not just rehash something that has already been done before. I kind of prefer the game to present me with new designs and ideas, not serve up the old stuff again and again.

But I do like the conceptual design that Warforging and Titanforging presented - that item level rewards aren’t so static in nature.

remove the hole M+ becourse it is totaly waste of time does not give any loot …

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I still have nightmares about the gear I couldn’t replace from season 3 in BFA until we were well into season 4 due to TF.

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Warforging/Thunderforging was good back in MoP allowed items to scale up just a tiny bit above what the item was intended to be. Bringing back an opportunity for our now item level 252 items to WhateverForge into a 256 item would be a great system to get back to incentivise players to continue playing.

Re-implementing the Warforging/Titanforging we had recently is a complete clown idea and should under no circumstances be considered an option.


So? What is the issue? You can relax and actually do other stuff and not follow the carrot for more gamble loot you won’t get anyways?

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It is always funny to see people criticize Blizzard and tell how a 2 year old could do better and then proceed to ask for TF back into the game.

I am truly amazed.

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WF and TF was awesome.
They should bring it back to the game, but ONLY for world content. And the procs should only work in world content. If you’d enter instanced content, it would downgrade to the regular item.

Problem totally solved. You’re welcome.

So from mission boards, world quests, random drops, etc? These are of so low item level I don’t think you need the added effect of only working in non-instanced content. I think the main issue with TF and WF is that if you play at high levels (doesn’t have to be world first or anything) is that lower tier of loot can proc to be better than higher tiers of loot, which basically means that luck is now a deciding factor in whether you can push a key to one higher level than others.

If the WF/TF never exceed the highest tier and even stop a few levels lower (like -6 ilvl) then the system would probably be fine and could create more activity in world content. Could be combined with upgrading older content too, but I think we digress then.

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These types of rewards tend to be upgraded to higher ilvls as the game progresses.
But more importantly; TF could proc all the way up to mythic raid levels (which would be exceedingly rare of course). So yeah; downgrading would be needed.

Exactly. Hence my proposed solution.

It can proc like mad (in rare occassions), but it won’t do any good in instanced content.