Finally - Brave Community Council wants warforging back!

why not bring back Titanforging ? Titanforged is better then warforged :stuck_out_tongue:

Then we are no longer talking about the same thing. I was talking about TF being +15 ilvl like before and WQ and Mission tables currently grant 220 ilvl. So a TF proc would take the item to 235. This item level I think is both fair and non-consequential for highest tier. It doesn’t even make heroic raids irrelevant.

This level I would be fine with and I think would also be fair. Tbh, I would prefer that ALL items are always that high so raiding (heroic at least) and m+ (15) isn’t the only way to dramatically improve your character.

still remeber titanforged pre legion gear with gem slots for level 20s 140% Ver with full set :rofl:
a level 20 was more tanky then a max level back then

I don’t think we were ever talking about the exact same thing.
“Like before”? It never was that.
Anyway; I’m talking about Legion TF. The best version of them all.

I don’t care about raids. Hence my proposal.
We keep TF for world content. So raiders, PvPers and M+ players have no reason at all to care about it. That way TF can be its glorious real self (and world content players don’t NEED it, so it’s a true bonus - for fun).

No it’s a horrible concept, just level an alt if you wanna stay on the gearing treadmill that is WF/TF.

Oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

Body seems unclear, is it a complete message?

Yes, yes it is. I hate that system and all the arguments as to why has been made. It’s just plain not fun, I don’t want to run the same dungeons and raids for 2 years to “keep them relevant in case you’re one of the 0.002% lucky ones this week”. Get that outta here.

If people want Warforging/Titanforging… Why not just put it in the form of gear upgrades via an easy-to-obtain currency?

Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t it like that back in Mists?

Why all the currencies, seriously? We’ve already got like 3 billion of them. Staaaaaahp. I want challenges and adventures, not grinds!

I quite want adventures and grinds, not challenges.


That’s fair. I just put that in there as it keeps being the other main argument against TF. However, my point is that TF is a pointless RNG system that only really exists as a timegating thing to keep (boring?) content relevant. Would be more fun if you just got that high ilvl by default or through a currency - and then had time to do fun things. Perhaps Blizzard could invest more money into developing the open world…

Just, for the record: Grind != a lot of questing. Grinding is doing the same thing over and over again for little gain, especially if it’s easy or nearly mindless.

And hey, bee mount grinds or netherwing drake grinds or whatever is most certainly welcome. Gear upgrade grinds for raid gear less so.

I think I’m fairly open to a lot of grinds.
Quite enjoyed farming turtles in MoP. I enjoy doing Korthia currency farming today. And I have fond memories of grinding the Winter spring Frostsaber mount in Vanilla.
But the word implies doing something boring and unfun, which obviously no one is going to suggest more of.
I do like repetitive tasks that yield incremental progress toward some tangible goal. Kind of an MMORPG gameplay staple to me.

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As long as the grind updates or changes itself along the way.

As you level up a tradeskill the recipes change and you get new abilities.
As you level up you get to go to new zones and you get new spells to defeat harder mobs (or at least it used to be like this back when levelling was good… >_> )

These are not grinds. They take a lot of time though, and are definitely MMORPG staples.

Your examples… plsno. :[
The Korthia dailies grind literally made me quite the game - and half my guild with it.

Yep, I knew the sweaties would cry about this.

Just let the average player have access to higher end gear and stop complaining about it.

If you find it fun then it’s not pointless. Not everything has to progress your character in a game, you are allowed to have fun too.

If you want to run LFR as you say you do, then just run it?

See, this just makes me think that you do not want to run the occasional LFR because you don’t actually want to run LFR, you want character progression in the form of ilvl.

There are reasons why it has been removed in the first place.

Warforged and Titanforged was an heresy and should never return to the game.


This, yes. But:

We differ in our views there. I think world content is fun content.
Would I like more of it? And more variety? Of course. But I already like what is there… WQs and dailies.

Don’t bring it back. It is by far the most toxic lootsystem we’ve had.

So imagine wanting the Inscrutable Quantum Device, you farm it and it drop.
Ilvl 210… damn, no forge. Keep farming and farming. Yes it dropped!! But no forge… keep farming De other Side cuz pugging this is a amazing. Yes finally it forged, but damn it was only a warforge not a titanforge so I’ll better keep farming.
One week before 9.1 it finally drops and titanforge 226 IQD, but damn now it’s 9.1 and I have to do this all over again.

Now imagine doing this for all for gear slots.

I get that running 15+ keys every week with no chance at all on getting an upgrade is not ideal. (but the possibility of getting that sweet titanforge on every slot is not the solution) And they tried to fix it with lowering the amount of gear that dropped. Making it so that getting that non forged loot would feel just as good. But people did not like that. So valor was introduced. And now you’re basically bis 246 in a week and all upgrades must be from the vault and now you want forging back?

It’s kinda funny actually. And I guess you have not realized that forging will make the great vault obsolete faster as well, so you’ll be like what’s the point of even playing other than hoping for that sweet titanforged WQ Trinket.

You can have access to high level gear, anyone can go into M15, is not exactly mind blowing difficult content.