Finally - Brave Community Council wants warforging back!

The demand for this to return is due to Acti-Blizz nerfing the drop rate of actual gear in SL and relying more on the Crack Vault that sometimes gives you baby powder than the crack it should provide :wink:

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Right, lmao.

Thing is people would gear up way too quickly if bosses dropped gear as frequently as they did before. People are sad they don’t get item replacements as often as they did… which literally is the never-ending hunger for more speaking

And I understand the appeal for some people. They can barely get upgrades anymore through the content available to them so they want to get mythic loot as a means of progression… but to everyone already playing at that level you literally turn the raids themselves into a korthia of its own. People need something to aspire to… otherwise they get bored. Which makes the current state of things just fine.

Warforging and Titanforging isn’t going to fix that.

What will fix it is Blizzard increasing drop chances.

I had a belt drop from the Ancient Guardian and soon as I looted it I had at least 4 whispers and 3 in instance chat asking if I needed it.

Now just imagine the absolute bedlam if it randomized to Titanforged and I said to myself “hmm… Do I keep this or not…” before I get every single plate wearer in shouting distance demanding I hand it over.

That is why I loathed warforging and Titanforging, was glad to see it gone and hope it never bubbles back again to the surface

I don’t see this as an issue? If I am paying to play a game to get gear to improve my character to then go onto doing harder content and then getting better gear from that harder content that is the logical gearing method.

Right now you do the content and then spin the wheel to see if you actually get loot and when you do get loot its useless to you.

This is more insulting when you and your group do raids/M+ at harder level’s (Mythic/ M+ 18+)

You slogging through the dungeon/raid you do the content and you go to loot and you get Anima, I remember when WoW was about getting phat l00t and not a lootbox simulator.

Targetable rewards is what the playerbase should have and from what I have read we are getting that in 9.2 but come 10.0 Acti-Blizz need to have a vendor in play where if we are doing Dungeons/Raids/PvP and to an extent world content we should be getting tokens we can use on the vendor to buy the gear we want.

Well there are only so many difficulty levels in the game and getting things even faster invalidates the progression system itself. The people that play for gear would burn out rather quickly. You know the old saying of J.A.B “You think you do, but you don’t” well… here its actually true.

I’m firmly of the opinion that allow the player to progress as fast or as slow as they want.

If someone like me goes hard and tries to hoover up all my BiS items and I do what I want to do and then I come onto the forums and cry about it then that would be my problem because I rushed the content.

A game should never stunt you from what you want to do to pad out the interaction metrics.

Acti-Blizz’s mentality of “We need to keep them engaged by time locking content and ontop of that throwing in RNG elements of getting loot” this works but they end up ticking off the players in the long run and burns their reputation.

Now unfortunately I don’t have metrics and it would be hard to find stats of players leaving due to this because of “other” things going on with the company but it’s definitely a factor.

Warforging is just the duct tape towards content that becomes outdated and outgeared into the void a few weeks after it’s release.
Why would one do LFR and normal raid when they are absolutely pointless? Even heroic is losing it’s value. Titanforging somehow attempts to fix it by adding some casino element to the content that would be obsolete.

Instead of adding useless titanforging blizz should remove lfr, normal and mythic difficulty from raids and just make a few last bosses more difficult. We had one raid difficulty before, it’s good enough as it is and provides content.
And also blizz should squish the gear disparity so the difference between lower and higher difficulties is not astronomical. Right now in comparison to mythic gear, the normal difficuty is straight garbage can.

I mean ultimately you can say that about everything… but if we remove all barriers then people are getting full bis in 2 days and facerolling all the content in the game. You don’t hold a playerbase that way either.

There’s definitely things for which what you say is true, but I don’t think gear progression in its current state suffers from that problem. It’s really just in peoples head for the most part.

hey bad sarcasm is what i do ok :stuck_out_tongue:

If you are talking about one raid difficulty in Vanilla you can’t really compare that game to the current iteration as it is now.

Also LFR,Normal and Heroic are there for the point of players who are limited with their time to play the game and if you removed that well the forums would become a full on meltdown.

Legion and to some point BFA did well for world content players there was always something to do and there was loot to be had albeit often it was Azerite.

SL dropped the ball here by delbritely making world content longer to complete and the rewards terrible until you got further along your sanctum to make it less terrible but its still bad.

Id rather remove mythic too since making entire tier of content for 0.0001% players without even considering the majority is bad idea.
Should have done it like with ulduar, one normal mode, and some optional hard modes. This way normal people can clear the raid, tryhards will have their one boss with super hard mode and that’s it.
Right now there is absolutely zero value in LFR and normal. It takes multiple hours to get a group as any role.
There is no point in having easy useless content like LFR and normal, there is no point in having the most important content being gated away from 99% of playerbase and there is also no point in also adding such a gear disparity that causes that split in first place.
I rather speedrun some TBC raids than spend even 10 minutes in SoD on any difficulty.

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How is the majority not considered? There is a difficulty mode for everyone, I’d say that is making it about as accessible as it can be. Its easy for someone that doesn’t play said content to say that it shouldn’t be in the game…

I don’t like pet battles, I think it serves no purpose and if I wanted to play something like it I would just boot up pokemon on my old gameboy. Does that mean it should be removed or discontinued? Of course it doesn’t. For some people that is their heart and soul and thats great.

If anything we need more content, not less.

And I wouldn’t want that in a thousand years. Tastes differ. And thank god they do.
What a boring world it would be if everyone was the same :wink:

i agree we should remove LFR then raiding as a whole because Ion had said time and again it’s not worth blizzard’s resources if LFR is not a thing = No Raids so please harp on about your lfr hatred let’s remove raiding and go back to 10 man dungeons

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How about rename it to Upforging(lololol name ik)and can only be procced on LFR and Normal raids and Normal and Heroic dungeons, which would make the gear advance to the next tier level, so to speak.
For example:

  • LFR - Upforges to Normal gear ilvl
  • Normal - Upforges to Heroic gear ilvl
  • Normal dungeon ilvl - Upforges to Heroic dungeon ilvl
  • Heroic dungeon ilvl - Upforges to Mythic 0 dungeon ilvl

That way casuals can get their titanforging to a higher ilvl and players that raid or do dungeons on a higher level aren’t affected and won’t feel the need to run lower difficulty raids/dungeons.

This would also make it so ilvl raises naturally (or luckily?), in case you are stuck at that ilvl, basically would help casual players go further up due to the gear ilvl permitting them in time, if they’re lucky enough.

Sounds okay?

Heres another suggestion: get rid if the council :+1:t2:
So far it had been a complete farce

Gimme that flippin tongue lol I’m gonna nail it to a cinder block and use you as a tire stop in a parking lot.

The first difficulty designed is Mythic, all the rest are created by removing mechanics from the Mythic version. It’s not a difficulty designed exclusively for the “1%” its just a difficulty only the “the 1%” can reach, there is a difference.

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Please don’t. RNG gearing is bad. Bring back item reforging if anything.

But still is just 1%.

I would really dislike it. Mostly because its just too random making it feel bad especially when you try to target a certain item.

I do understand people at some point will be fully geared and lose the motivation to play that character but you must pretty much achieved the end goal of gearing.