Finding a BG on RU Flamegor is impossible

That was so funny, keep going. The only thing blizzard did: saved themselves from possible problems with exchange rate if russian money suddenly will turn into toilet paper one day cause of war and Sanctions. A lot of companies did that, thats so obvius that blizz dont want to loose whole ru retail and classic players - they left us so many ways to pay.
Guess, at the same time they made you think russian players cant play wow anymore and they dont want us to play (or care about sanctions). Great job by blizzard xD

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I doubt your message will help to drawn attention to my cause of merging queues and getting better queue time, so I ask you to refrain from engaging in irrelevant conversation, unless you think itā€™ll really help.

Iā€™m pretty sure Nicolay is Russian.

Yeah, I figured, just wanted to take a stab by paraphrasing The Gladiator.

My reply to the title: good.

May I inquire about the motive behind that message? I saw your post about long queues back in 2021, which was resolved by the same factions BGS. Iā€™m simply seeking a solution for a similar issue.

I donā€™t know whatā€™s funnier, the fact you think there is such a thing as ā€œinternational lawā€ or that he may be breaking it by buying a game time card imported from 3rd country like Turkey. The sheer childish delusion you must have about how the world worksā€¦

Technically speaking Iā€™m an EU citizen currently residing in Russia.

How so? Time cards are gifts and gold is not sold for real money, only exchanged for some in game item. Essentualy those players are F2P but EU players pay Blizzard for this to happen.

Pretty sure this is breaking international law ā€¦


No, not really. He could have moved to Russia before all this crap went down. Even if not, thereā€™s no law that forbids people from going there, you might just have trouble coming back and nobody will try to save you if someone else decides you are an enemy of the state. There was no revocation of citizenship either.
I wonder if the term ā€œmentally Russianā€ would be acceptable here?

Iā€™ve lived here for nearly a decade before the military intervention in Ukraine began.

As an EU citizen I can move back to EU whenever I please. Privided I can secure and afford a means of transport, which I can do only in theory, since I ainā€™t paying 5000 euro for an air ticket via central Asia. And I am absolutely in no danger in Russia either as a law abiding, tax paying permanent resident.

Iā€™ll tell you more, not only was there no revocation of anything, my kids are dual citizens who can move freely between EU and RU and enjoy all the benefits of both with 0 drawbacks.

Well Iā€™m a 3/4 Ukrainian, geographically speaking, and spent all my childhood and adolescence and early adulthood in Czechia, being taught to hate and fear and despise the evil commie orcs who occupied us in '68, so I am very far indeed from being ā€œmentally Russianā€.

Thank you for the explanation. Knowing is always better than guessing.

Honestly Russians do not deserve remotely to be on the EU servers, they shouldā€™ve already been moved to Asian servers. But sure blizz only actually cares about money rather than the well-being of the EU playerbase.

Why? Iā€™m serious. How did you ā€œdeserveā€ the privilege of playing on EU BGs.

In my opinion, the best choice is to mix them all. The barrier in communication in BG between English and German (not knowing English) for many is the same as between English and Russian.
Itā€™s just fashionable not to like Russians in Europe. That 50 years ago, that now.

Unless conscription starts to happen.

Iā€™m not a citizen, no country anywhere ever conscripts foregners :wink:
I guess if we go to all out nuclear war between NATO and Russia, I might end up in a camp as a foreign national of unfriendly nation, but by then if nukes fly it might be wiser to be in Siberia rather than Moscow to begin with :thinking:

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Japanese players wouldnā€™t like that. Not that there are many Japanese WoW players, but still.

Oh my! So Russophobia does exists. It is only called the other fashionable word. You know that hating people simply by their nationality origin has the very definitive meaning?

So you donā€™t like asian people as well? I thought server should be placed based on location, not preference of individuals.