Finding a BG on RU Flamegor is impossible

Not the best way to communicate on english forums. No one likes thesises like this one here.

I think cross-play would be fine honestly, assuming the “public” chat channels are kept to english.
If non-english speaking people find it unfair, that’s on them, english isn’t my “mother tongue” either but I don’t speak Danish in AV chat either.


There is a way to be on same team as EU already.
Cross-realm grouping in PvP is possible - just need a EU lad to toss you an invite.
That’s how I played a bit when leveling a new alt on Russian realms for the new guild.

I don’t quite understand your idea.

And I don’t understand how can you hate Russians, or any other person by their nationality as the matter of fact. Some of Russians live outside of Russian Federation, you know, and didn’t voted or supported action taken by Mr. P. and his fellows oligarchs.

I agree with you in this opinion.
However, chauvinism has always existed. And will always be. And this is what I see in chats when our team plays against players from Flamegor in BG.
A couple of weeks ago we did premades on AV 2 days in a row (alterac weekend). 2 groups of 5 people, with 2 good tanks and 3 good healers, rest dps (5k+ gs) from Flamegor. And when I wrote in the chat that this is a premade, we are doing a blitz, etc. there was some shaman who wrote “I don’t trust f***ing Russians” and gave up hero from the start to ruin the blitz for everyone. I think that these people are not all right with the head.
I’m currently playing in guilds where half are Russians, half Ukrainians and a few more people from Serbia, Turkey and Montenegro. And we have a great relationship. And chauvinism is from stupidity.

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Hey now, I live in Russia with Russian wife and speak pretty fluent Russian and even I don’t really trust Russians who have cyrilic names and speak in Russian in games. It is what it is :laughing:

But does that kind of distrust make you do griefing?

No not at all, I just prefer not having them on my team with their ru net memes, insane strats and suicidal bravado.

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