I like the new Black Aspect
Afraid it’s officially been classified as an adjective as well. It was already both a noun and a verb.
Anyway, this campaign story is… somethin’.
I like the idea of going underground and there’s some cool stuff about that, but then it’s also filled with people who seemingly wanna sniff me… which would make sense if the cavern was actually dark, but it isn’t, so it’s just weird!
And then it’s full of weird activities like snail racing. I don’t get it, and then the story… oh boy. I mean there are some cool moments but there’s also a lot of horrific weirdness. Alexstrasza easily tops the list.
Also, is it just me or have I heard Alexstrasza’s voice actor before? From Neverwinter Nights. Aribeth de Tylmarande? Anyone? Edit: Well… https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Wendee_Lee and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendee_Lee
I was right. Heh.
They are mole people after all. And they do seem to actively use that to their advantage whenever they need
Yeah but why would mole people take up residence in a bright place?
Ah well.
Black dragonflight PRE taint was always said to be honorable and loyal. So, no changes there. As for wrathion, while he wasn’t ever a traditionally good character, he wasn’t ever fullly evil too. He went on a ‘genocide’ (which was later retconned partially) on old god tainted mad dragons. There’s a lot of difference between that and>I WILL USE VOID AND USE LIVING GIANTS AS POWER BATTERIES.
Sabe had a big change on that I agree, but tbh, again, pre taint black flight wasn’t as evil, if he had gotten rid of the whispers and taint in outland it at least makes somewhat sense.
As for Ebonhorn, that bit is mostly personal preference. From the three he seem to be the only one with a decent cool minded thinking. Wrathion would be an excellent diplomat due to his connections and spies, and Sabe is quite seasoned wthen it comes to fighting. But whole theme here is redeeming the flight, and freeing it from it’s taint and past sins x’D
Just imagine questing in pitch black darkness… I guess dragonflying would have been quite spicy then.
Ok this is going great I’m alright just flying around and listen up I’m just going to go a~ THONK
Well, that’s that.
I imagine there could be an item that lights it up for you instead of it being naturally bright. Like a massively enhanced lamp with extra range without as much brightness or something. Imagine a black cave with hundreds of lights lighting it up as players fly around. Omg it could’ve been cool.
Ohhh now that is such a cool image!
Yesss pointless mechanics that allow you to traverse through zone, good gamedesign (no).
Lighten up large caves that supposed to be dark are usual practice in game industry, and possibly as old as invention of lightning in video games.
Oh cry me a river. Immersion oh no can’t have that.
It can literally just be something the character gets out automatically in Zaralek cavern and it gives good enough light and that’s it. Basically looks like a weather effect and otherwise you have to do nothing. It just looks different. And cooler.
But oh no. Inconvenient. Everything’s inconvenient. Don’t even matter if you have to press any buttons. INCONVENIENT.
you can have immersion through gameplay inconvinence in survival horrors like re4 or dead space remake.
So basically remove scenery from location, wow is very good at showing landscape of various zones, you want zaralek to be a silent hill or some bs, in expansion where main feature is speedy dragon flying
sorry for advocating for good gamedesign
I honestly don’t think you know what this game was ever about.
They haven’t created all this content and immersive open worlds and tried to avoid loading screens with massive maps for no reason. They made an MMO. Immersion is at its core, or at least it’s supposed to be.
What amazes me is that people can play a game so long and yet not know it.
By the way I’m not looking for something frightening. More something similar to TotK’s underground.
I think you missed the part where I suggested using the light it other players to create the scenery.
Do you even know how to design a Tetris clone? You think you could do it? I mean you’re such a good designer, right? Should be easy.
i honestly think that you are delusional and never understood what wow really is, and no i’m not really interested in rose-tinted tales about “magical exploration of mysterious azeroth with unique adventures” it’s at best irrational perception of the past, and at worst mental illness.
i think abscense of loading screens and large world was very cool in 2004 for mmorpg regardless of your specific perception of genre.
i don’t think wow can handle it, not much of modern games can handle rendering of massive amount of players at large distances, especially when they are considered mobile sources of lightning. Anyway it’s large amount of work for very vague result that can recieve backlash by community.
you don’t need to know how to cook apple pie to have opinion that you don’t like it and something feels off about taste.
Also yeah i had video game project at college, but it wasn’t a tetris, it was flappy bird clone
Oh I really think I do. I’ve discussed it with some of the lead people who made it.
You know, this response reveals a lot about how you approach design. No principles at all. No goals or aims. Just acceptance. And you insult.
You don’t have to render the whole player. Have you heard of LoD?
If you bill yourself as knowledgeable on a topic, you need to know such things.
I picked Tetris. Not Flappy Bird. I picked it because it has strict guidelines - a set of rules that govern what Tetris is. The speed, the size of the board, the score system, locking, rotation, and many other things.
WoW is like this. Making WoW means something specific. You should not ignore it. You should not brush it away. WoW is WoW. Tetris is Tetris. Comprende?
Too bad that wow was made not by “some” people but by large team of developers.
Anyway maybe it was “immersive” in 2004, idk how you can consider something like vanilla wow immersive in 2023, really, it doesn’t hit the mark at all, there are ton of single player open world rpgs that do it better than wow did it in 2004, and even then there was vampire the masquerade bloodlines and morrowind, they did it better too.
It’s not an insult if it’s honest truth, wow community is plagued by old crusted boomers with rose tinted glasses 24/7 when they talk about anything they played in teenage years, honestly it really looks like mental problem.
The peak of this is asmongolds 1 hour rants about wow vanilla vs retail where he blatantly cries with red face and whiny voice.
and it’ll somehow become easier to create and not heavy on developing resources at all, lmao.
WoW achieved goal of being open world rpg adventure in mmo environment with strong leaning in group content and progression in power of your character, but alas it’s not an immersive sim, never supposed to be, character animations are clunky (in vanilla), “questing zones” are formulaic with definitive pattern to them, goal of leveling your character is clear and vanilla combat doesnt look realistic or appealing nowadays at all.
Ah yes, but I talked to the leads. The people who called the shots. Not random developers or QA staff.
Anyway, this conversation is tiring. I’m afraid I cannot consider your statements correct, but you are clearly set in your ways. You will always seek to draw WoW away from being true to itself - for convenience. It’s a tale as old as the game itself.
You spend a lot of time saying things that you know nothing about. Nothing of value can come from continuing.
I bet it was long conversation with ion, morhaime and metzen in road cafe.
Sure, thoughts are involved, it’s pretty tiring especially for average denizen of this forum.
You sound like member of some sect.
yeah i’m foolish and know nothing
I guess I’m a crusty boomer but one of the coolest memories I have of WoW was during vanilla when I quested on a pvp realm for the first time, and I had entered Duskwood. Contested. Eep.
And then it got dark. Duskwood did dark really well, I miss it still lol. Horde attacked. An undead ?? rogue ran past me, chasing a poor fellow alliance player. I’m all alone, in the dark again. Hugging a tree. Ignore me, ignore me, ignore me. I’m not here. Hiding in the darkness! And then, the ominous sound of stealth nearby.
I can tell you, combined with the whole dark night vibe in Duskwood, I nearly peed my pants I was so scared It was very immersive at that time.