Well done, my fellow mage!
Lets take your sample and deep dive into it! I will make it step by step.
So… It is a rank list for class/spec dps (damage to bosses only) in Amirdrassil (M), all percentiles, all item lvls, all bosses, 10.2.5 patch (2 weeks). And we can see that fire mages are pretty well in here on average being top 3 dps. The ranking is made on the basis of max dps in the upper quartile (75th percentile).
I will try to prove that fire mages need their damage increased, stating that their doing worse than other classes/specs using this sample.
- Wacraftlogs is a database of damage (and other stuff irrelevant to the question) logs. So it means that there might bad players, good players, players who died in an encounter, maybe bots, maybe someone being carried out through the dungeon - so all kinds of players. But I would like to see the best possible damage the fire mage can do. For this purpose I will click on Percentile and choose Max. So I will ensure it will give me the one best result from all of the parses made for the last 2 weeks for each class. And we will see the following picture:
Fire mage - 18 out of 26 (further i will use just X place/26 or 18/26) with 313k dps (best class Balance druid with 427k dps which is 36% higher than fire mage dps)
(please note: it is not clear if its the best parse of one mage through all of the bosses or average sum of best of different mages)
(Update: Uh, I finally got it. Here it seeks the best parse of one player on one any boss. So it means fire mage 313k dps is the highest possible result among all of the bosses)
following fire mage stat on each boss, same sample (only dmg to boss):
- Gnarlroot - 14/26, 288k dps (best SubRogue, 341k dps, 18.4% higher than fire mage)
- Igira - 6/26, 260k dps (best UnhDK, 273k dps, 5% higher than fire mage)
- Volcoross - 17/26, 264k dps (best SubRogue, 309k dps, 17% higher than fire mage)
- Council - 12/26, 313k dps (best BalDru, 427k dps, 36% higher than fire mage)
- Larodar - 4/26, 256k dps (best ArcMage, 259k dps, 1,2% higher than fire mage)
- Nymue - 8/26, 215k dps (best RetriPal, 226k dps, 5% higher than fire mage)
- Smolderon - 10/26, 301k dps (best SubRogue, 352k dps, 16.9% higher than fire mage)
- Tyndrall - 10/26, 219k dps (best SubRogue, 255k dps, 16,4% higher than fire mage)
- Fyrakk - 10/26, 197k dps (best SubRogue, 218k dps, 16,4% higher than fire mage)
Okey. Fire mages (in the best observed state) are not that great in dmg to bosses lacking up to 18% of dps from the best and more than 10% in 6 encounters out of 9. So, according to this stat you can legaly improve fire mages ST dps by 5% and they will not be even the best. I will return to the question how it might be done, but meanwhile…
Maybe I am wrong?!!!
- Okey. How can I ensure the results? Well, maybe all fire mage parses were not that great (foolish doubleclickers), and they always didnt have an Aug in raid, or the ilvl was always less than raid average…
Lets return to initial sample. Rank list for class/spec dps (damage to bosses only) in Amirdrassil (M), all percentiles, all item lvls, all bosses, 10.2.5 patch (2 weeks).
I will change 3 things:
- Max on Percentile (we still need the best result)
- Change M to HC (HC is less punishing in mechanics and the sample would be larger to find the best parse for each class/spec)
- Fix the ilvl to 483-485 (to ensure all of the classes has got comparably equal ilvl)
Fire mage - 24 out of 26 with 300k dps (best class Balance druid with 424k dps which is 41.3% higher than fire mage dps)
(please note: it is not clear if its the best parse of one mage through all of the bosses or average sum of best of different mages)
(Update: Uh, I finally got it. Here it seeks the best parse of one player on one any boss. So it means fire mage 300k dps is the highest possible result among all of the bosses)
following fire mage stat on each boss, same sample (only dmg to boss):
- Gnarlroot - 14/26, 285k dps (best AsRogue, 363k dps, 27.3% higher than fire mage)
- Igira - 18/26, 259k dps (best DH, 293k dps, 13.1% higher than fire mage)
- Volcoross - 22/26, 263k dps (best SubRogue, 321k dps, 22% higher than fire mage)
- Council - 23/26, 301k dps (best BalDru, 424k dps, 40.8% higher than fire mage)
- Larodar - 9/26, 258k dps (best BalDru, 279k dps, 8,1% higher than fire mage)
- Nymue - 10/26, 235k dps (best SubRogue, 260k dps, 10.6% higher than fire mage)
- Smolderon - 15/26, 289k dps (best SubRogue, 365k dps, 26.3% higher than fire mage)
- Tyndrall - 18/26, 201k dps (best SubRogue, 237k dps, 17,9% higher than fire mage)
- Fyrakk - 19/26, 185k dps (best BalDru, 218k dps, 17,8% higher than fire mage)
Well the situation is even worse… Fire mage lacks up to 41% dps from the best and more than 10% in 8 encounters (more than 15% in 6 encounters). It is not the worst result among all classes, but it is well below average.
Here I want to explain why you see mage in top 3 dps in your initial sample. It means that average top fire mage plays better than 22 other class/spec. Which makes me truly proud…
So how can 5% dps increase can be achieved? It is pretty simple. Pyroblast damage is around 30 - 40% (lets assume 40%) of mage dmg and it 95% crit throughout any enconter. Well, if we consider that top baseline dps is 260k, that means Pyroblast is 104k dps. So 5% increase is 13k dps. If we increase Pyroblast dmg by 12,5% we will get more than 5% overal dps increase, because there is ignite dmg based on initial pyroblast dmg. So lets make it 10% increase. Just to be better and not the best. Of course It is rough and fast calculation, but I think if blizz will check full logs on their servers, they can easily count the right number. It took me just 2 hours to make this deep dive.
Btw, we are not talking about lazy hands. The numbers above are max dps on bosses. So it is objectively inner class restriction, cause you very unlikely to beat this numbers.
- Well, my fellow mage. That is all for now. Go get your your college degree in math and stats. Very useful and helpful. Kappa