Firemaw is a dead server now. Thank you Blizzard

Well… i really cant understand how a billion dollar company can do this mistakes!?! Tons of gbid runs, guilds went to Gehennas atm. 10 min ago we migrated and changed faction too because there is no any quality runs anymore (maybe 1-2 left at firemaw)

Really how you can do this mistakes Blizzard how. How you opened that faction change and free transfer between 2 servers same time?!?!?

Gj now we have 1 mega server which everyone is at there lol. For The Horde…


20k ppl dead server kekw

idk why they made this change… for what is it good?

but anyway… this atleast proved my words that horde is allways more favored faction on wotlk but ppl were saying human racial op af as if majority of ppl care about pvp

they should rather merge nethergarde and thekal or smthing

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Lok´Tar Ogar


You will search for that 20k ppl when you cant find any ulduar runs. Atm i entered a raid at Gehennas, raid is full of new migrated ppl from Firemaw lol. Human racial is best for pvp but who cares when you cant find a good runs for that 2x trinkets etc.

20k is still alot
I play on thekal 3k ali, 2k horde :slight_smile:
you are just pampered by all these years on firemaw
just dont join random pug any time u want and find a stable group

im not saying ur not right that they did stupid decision I just find it funny how u call it dead

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If Firemaw were to die, because everyone faction changes like an idiot to go play on Gehennas with the other idiots, because the server’s supposedly dead, even though there’s 20k characters on it, then we should all remember that moment.

Because it’ll be the day so called ‘old school wow’ officially died as we’ll have killed it.


PvP server monkeys actning like PvP server monkeys nothing new.

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Firemaw horde with 10-15k population died out in a matter of days last time they let ppl free migrate to Gehennas.


Firemaw was at 20k one month ago. IF pro hasn’t updated since. I’m curious to see what the effect of Ulduar burnout + faction change exodus will be.

However, this realm will not die as the doomers predict. Firemaw has one big advantage over other alliance dominated realms such as Earthshaker and Pyrewood Village: it gets unlocked for transfers. So, alliance from dying realms will be moving to Firemaw. And if the other big alliance realms remain locked for too long, they will start bleeding players to Firemaw.

It is a very cleverly devised strategy to keep making money off server transfers :slight_smile:

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Honestly i transfered and the grass is not greener, im glad i left some characters on firemaw, the lag is unbearable, 25 fps with a rtx 3080 ti and lagging while doing hc+. Firemaw will have ppl coming over from earthshaker and thekal prob.

welp they fcked up

but firemaw wont die I think because firemaw has pvp players base and they are not willing to play horde races
if they did that to earthshaker maybe it would happen

also they are opening paid transfers in 2minutes (15:58rn) from dead servers like mine(thekal) to firemaw and I know many ppl that are already going there (so I can just cope rn for my server to be merged)

False. Data from Ironforge is at best week old. They operate on “Per reset”. So soon they’ll have updated from 1st of March to 7th

No it wont, it is the only decent Alliance server left (well, maybe. We will see how many are still there) so the ppl wanting to play alliance dont really have many choices to pick from.

Put your glasses on and take a look at the chart. There are little numbers below every column indicating the date of last update. 2023-02-08 is the last updated figure.

If you hover over one of the staples you can see when it was from. The latest one to the right is 02-22 to 02-28

Uh oh, I got got :frowning: You guys are right, I stand corrected.

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server is not dead. even if half the people left its still at over 10k.

Blizzard is the biggest clown company there is.

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I agree with the 2 posts above me.

Where is the Firemaw unlock for transfers? It was supposed to happen 30 minutes ago???

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