Especially with WOTLK in mind.
Eh, i won’t be playing Wrath for various gameplay reasons, which is why having no TBC era realms has made me so depressed for the last few days.
Yes, but that doesn’t explain why there are Classic era servers literally with 0 population still up and running for some reason, or at best like 1-2 people, if 3rd party sites are to be trusted. It’s clear they have completely neglected Classic as whole.
Let’s not fool ourselves here, even Classic hasn’t had any real realm communities for a very long time, maybe in the very beginning of the games launch. Also, with the current state Classic era servers, i’d wager most, if not all, classic players would be fine with a server merge and accepting people from diff realms and growing the already existing communities. It’s more about having a healthy community, interactive gameplay than a realm specific community. The server ‘‘identity’’ was a huge thing back in 2004, not so much now.