First time playing WoW Classic and

I like the comments “reroll pve! Its a pvp server” blabla de effing bla.

How did you guys get to 60? Yea thats right. With pve.
How did you lvl your professions? With pve.

The majority playing this game, and paying for this game, are casual players who want to log in and play a little. They are the ones who you grouped with in the dungeons, they were your tank, your healer, your dps. They were the people you grouped with to do some elite quest.
They want to play a game. They want want to go a dungeon getting that 1 drop, completing a questline. They want to farm mats for their professions, they want to do some quests, or even just explore. All they want to do is play the game.
They are the majority of players in the game. They big blizzard the most income.

Now they cant do any of those things. They can die. They cant say “i want to log in do a dungeon and call it a day” Because they will spend all their time trying to get to the instance. They cant go lvl their professions, because they get killed and camped without end.

So they just unsubscribe, because they dont want to pay for a game they cant play.

Blizzard are watching subscriptions numbers dropping realy realy fast, and they know they have to stop this. Because they know most of the ones who just unsubbed wont resub. They want to keep the remaining happy, so they dont leave the game. Because they need their money.

It is very simple.


get camped kid cry some more

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You do need to post more.

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forget pvp servers, they are sewage, roll PVE, like the rest of the sane people.


Is it really confirmed that bgs is more efficient for honor?
I would assume that on highly popolous realms like Gehennas you’re better off ganking popular entrances to popular dungeons.

Seems to me that everyone plays Horde because it’s so cool and edgy. Like a rebel. In the forums also. So edgy and naughty. Us poor alliance casual players who no longer stand a chance at doing anything. It’s not fun. I had to go on a pvp server cause all my friends wanted it. Now I come home from work, after putting my son to sleep and finally getting some game time. Log in and ganked. Here and there. Ganked. Thank you for ruining my fun. Cause I had fun with some causal pvp here and there. Then something happened and all the brains of the human horde players switched into a frenzy. I don’t understand the fun in beating lower lvls everywhere. Camping out travel destinations.

Don’t u just sometimes want an equal fight? U egdy badasses you. Of course u don’t.

comments like these make me sad, because it’s obvious that the guy behind the keyboard has been or still is being bullied in school or something, so he has to take it out one somebody else with no actual consequences, hope your balls drop soon my dude

welcome to Classic baby :wink:

Thank your friends.

I have played on PvP servers for years because of my friends, this time around in Classic I was smart enough to choose a PvE server.

There’s no such thing as casual PvP on a PvP server, casual PvP happens only on PvE server where both sides want it!
Anything that can happen on a PvP server, will happen on a PvP server!
There’s a ton of info and videos about it online, only takes 5 min research!

That is how most people play nowdays, it was your life choice to have a family or to have a job that takes a lot of time (and pays a lot more then a more laid back job would).

imagine crying on a wow forum, keep crying nerd

imagine camping forum only to deliberately reply with bullsh*t like that so you can annoy people, this is perfect example of why i’ve always been the biggest advocate of having to get a license to reproduce


I would support that with full force if I wouldn’t know that rich bastards like politicians and company leaders, gang leaders etc would bypass that system with their money and corruption.

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For the guy who said i did nothing, that video was a snip after 30 minutes of trying to get to Morgans Vale. it took at least another 30 minutes to get to BRD.

I think there isn’t anything wrong what is going on the video. Horde or alliance is camping the entrance it always been like that, to pass the gate you have to die at lease 2 times… and yeah pvp server is pvp server you had to be prepared for such result.

Well, you know, being camped on the way to BRD instances is one thing. You have an endpoint and you’ll get there in X amount of deathes, where X varies between 5 and infinity-1. It depends on your class, severity of faction disbalance and enemy priests with MC who will simply MC you and walk you all the way back to gates. Although instances are by definition requires a party, and there is no guarantee that all 5 people will not ragequit in the process.
Now imagine doing your business in outside world. Sky is the limit to time you’ll waste trying to quest or grind. Why is that should be fun?
“You had to be prepared” - because you said so? BGs coming sooner is clear showcase even Blizzard wasn’t prepared. But good job for you, my sweet UD talking about “you should have known”

You didn’t have to, you just decided to follow your friends instead of making the best choice for yourself

Definitely. You don’t get just killing honor in BGs, but fat bonuses for objectives and completion too.

Only problem is - he won’t there either,. Overpopulation on the PvE servers is so bad, that Questing is impaired and finding a rare is just as improbable as winning the lottery.
Targetting quest mobs and rares? Good luck if you do lnot live in a big town with the best of internet connexions, a gaming mouse and so on.

There is no easy/immediate fix for Blizzard due to server type’s imbalance: there are only 3 PvE servers vs 18 PvP servers, not including the 2 RP/RPPvP.

Opening unlimited transfer (both in # of servers and # of players) from PvP to PvE is way too risky for the sanity/stability of those 3 PvE servers.

And could damage even more the balance of the PvP servers, if mostly Alliance players use the service as is suspected from the complaints/requests.

If they want to do it in an orderly manner, they probably would need to open new PvE servers first and closely monitor the transfers to aim for a balance.
Which will create new dramas as they shut the transfers to a faction, as some friends/guilds may not be able to move together.

Not an easy problem to fix.

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