Fishbone Marauders - The cursed scallywags!

The Fishbone Marauders have had a hard time to make sense of this uncharted land! Finally, the Crew has arrived on the new forums as well, welcoming new readers and old ones.

“Oh, the seas… Is there a better feeling than the ocean breeze gently caressing your hair and the waves carrying you on?
Any sailor will know this feeling but let me ask you this: Have you ever felt loving caress turning into the roughest of plays, the waves threatening to crush the very bones in your body?
The seas can be home to no soul, water too salted to drink and every journey finds its end but there are those that are doomed eternally, the soulless never finding journey’s end… Join me, friends on this here tale, of the Fishbone Marauders!”"

“This is the story of a man. A man that lost everything he held dear and was yet far from despair. A man driven by a drive stronger than life itself…
This is the story of a crew. A crew that couldn’t have been more different and yet bonded together for a purpose far removed.
This is the story of a curse… A blight to rob the very soul.”

Yarr, and welcome on the forum-thread of the Fishbone Marauders. We are a wee bunch offering a different approach to pirate role-play, we are the cursed, the lost but never forsaken for we have each other and the course we stir to.
“It seemed an eternity ago that the Nagaslayer left the harbor of Boralus and noble cause of ridding the endless oceans of its terrors turned into heinous piracy for the mere sake of keeping heads above the waves.
It was a different life… Barely a thing remained now of the crew that once was. As whatever they may have sailed into the mists, their return was as altered beings. Terrors upon the waves, what cruel fate for those that only sought to rid the seas of such forever…”

Our adventure has only just begun and we invite you to tag along! Join us in desperate pursuit of an unknown future and share the tale with us.
"Now more reason to bond than ever before the Fishbone Marauders looked at each other.
What remained of hair was soaked in saltwater, what remained of their bodies was but swollen meat and soggy bones, yet a fire kept glowing in those eyes, like a lighthouse on distant shore.

The crew would be forever chained by common curse…"

“Yarr” - Once renowned Captn’ Nagaslayer this man of Kul Tiras sold all of his belongings to finance ship and crew, seeking to avenge his family slain by gruesome creatures from the depths of the sea.

He would never be the same after the curse robbed him of speech…

Captain - Formerly an author seeking the romance of the sea, disaster has left this wight convinced to be a hero of literature proportion, while being quite the villain…

Quartermaster - Acting as the caring voice of reason, Arcane Enclave has freed the Fishbone Marauders of quite a pickle but this curse is even a handful too much for this gal to handle…

Sailing Master - Thaddeus Dreadsail was the first to to ever lay eyes upon the Fishbone Marauders as they landed on Kalimdor’s shores. The recent war with the Alliance has left the seasoned navigator with a sunken ship and without a job… He was in luck though as the crew’s old navigator never made it out of the mists…

Gunner Master - An expert gunner, main task lies in coordination of the gunners. To be hired.

Gunner - Leaders of small man groups, who operate on the artillery. To be hired.

Boatswain - Junior officers. They are people who supervise all activities on a ship. To be hired.

Ship Cook - The tragedy of the curse afflicted upon the Fishbone Marauders couldn’t be more eye-striking than upon daring a look at Ambrose Roosevelt. Has a man ever been more robbed of himself?

Once a culinary aficionado and womanizer alike, the man has fallen into deepest depression, one unlikely to ever be awakened from…

Seadog - The standard crew members, with room for promotion based on personal skill. To be hired.

Powder Monkey - Usually used as form of punishment for crew members, Powder Monkeys are forced to perform most dangerous work on the ship. They are treated harshly, rarely paid and are expandable. Powder Monkeys have little hope of promotion.


Yarr! Here a link to our old thread:


A link that… Doesn’t work? :frowning:


Dear diary,

Today we’ve got oursevels into a massive duel and decimated the crew known as Blackscale Marauders. I’ve even managed to cut one’s hand off!.
Today was a good day.


Conley opens his journal, grabbing his quill. Proceeding to write down the day’s events.

"MY, MY, MY!

What a TRUELY REMARKABLE DAY. Ambrose Roosevelt’s coin grabbing schemes are simply MARVELLOUS, What kind of INSANE GENIUS goes through a man’s head to BEFUZZLE! a pair of peons. Then send them to BOOTY BAY to be SOLD!

I must admit, at first I doubted the man’s SCHEME. However, it paid off TEN-FOLD!

It’s safe to say I have absolutely fell in LOVE with the Slave Trade. What a marvellous and NOBLE act to get into.

Not all the praise can be given to ROOSEVELT, however. As I - THE LEGENDARY CONLEY MAC! - Did most of the heavy leg-work as ALWAYS!

The future looks BRIGHT, however. We may be back on the sea before we know it."


Keep up the good work!


The Menace of Orgrimmar, the Annoyance of the Bay, the Fishbone Marauders have struck again! Orgrimmar has once again fallen victim to the Fishbones and this time more ruthlessly than ever!

Sit yer arses down lads, and settle down. I be tellin’ ye a story yet unheard of! It be of me first Prize when I be part of the Fishbone Crew… Oh it be glorious… Our Captain, Conley Mac, he appointed me fer leadership when he be needed elsewhere. It be troublin’ times back then, mateys, the Fishbone be havin’ no boat, no nothin’! I be feelin’ the Captain’s responsibility on me shoulder and let me tell ye, it be heavy. And so I be settin’ off with me favorite crew member, Mr. Crawfold, and me least favorite, Mr. Dreadsail. We headed fer the trenches where we usually laid ambush and left Mr. Dreadsail with his charisma as a lure… Yaaargh, he found us a nice little victim. It be a normal passer-by in Orgrimmar and he be well stocked… We took him by surprise once we jumped out of the trenches and after a little scrap, he be surrenderin’… Surrenderin’ himself and his booty… We scrapped him clean and sent him off, a jolly shanty on our lips and pouches of valuables in our hands!

But I be still hungry… Thirsty. It not be enough fer me first Prize and so I be carryin’ on with me band o’ buccaneers! We strolled down to the gates of the Valley and we be sittin’ there until we be findin’ a new target! And soon enough a well dressed Peon revealed itself! A peon, yaaargh, one of our normal targets. Good fer slavery and perhaps packages that they be deliverin’… Fairly enough it be me turn to lure him into our trap! With me charm and well done actin’, I be managin’ to convince the Peon to show me around in Orgrimmar. The plan was to knock him out in some side street… First he be showin’ me the Barracks, then the Inn, then the Bank… He be takin’ me to the Drag, yaaargh, and he be showin’ be the Cooks and the Alchemists… And me band be joinin’ me at the Alchemists, laddies don’t ye forget it. The Fishbone Crew be masterfully masqueradin’ as tourists… We be inconspicuous! Anyway. We carried on and we made our way to the Skyway. Haha! It be glorious, Dreadsail, the bastard, managed to convince the Peon to show us some of the towers… And ontop of one we attacked him. The Peon but up a good fight but we be many, now joined by Arcane, and we prevailed. We took everythin’ he had. Potions, coins, and his axe! As we be makin’ our escape we met his friend or superior, yaaargh it be unimportant, on the elevator. He asked somethin’, could hear what, but I be specifically rememberin’ when Dreadsail said “NO.” and as if the Sea be willin’ it, the elevator started to descend. Yaaaargh, how amusin’!

The rest of the night be us tryin’ to sell the Peon’s axe with no luck. Argh, laddies, we be havin’ a story and everythin’! Merman the Lumberjack, one of the greatest Warsongs to fight with Grom! He be havin’ his axe, which be a normal woodcuttin’ tool, named Sentinel’s Bane! We were so close to sellin’ it but the half-orc, we tried, was a blacksmith so she did not take the bait! Hah! Got another one, laddies! Brian would pull on his fishing rod. Skillfully he’d handle it and soon enough, with very little effort, he’d pull out a generously sized fish. He placed it among the fish and said: Well laddies? Who be havin’ the next story? The “laddies” would be scaley and relatively small compared to the Forsaken and some would stink while the other would still flop about, dying to get back into the water.


Oh my, stuff grows old quick here on the new forums. Guess i’ll bump this, or something.


Consider me interested ya scallywags!

As soon as my race change finishes dat is.


Hear ye! Hear ye! The Fishbone Marauders have wet the grounds of the Bay with human blood! No one will be safe from this Tide that is the Crew of Undead! Hide the weak and the old! Storm is coming!

No one has to keep an ear out for rumors to know what happened on that faithful night in front of Booty Bay. The Fishbone Marauders were fighting a couple of snobbish humans from the Booty Bay’s tavern, who thought themselves equal to the Undead Crew! And so a fight was settled, in ten minutes time they were to meet at Booty Bay’s notorious entrance, to find out which crew truly earned a spot among the legends.

The Fishbones lined themselves to face the entrance, beaming confidence and anticipation. Not long before the agreed time five seamen would appear from the tunnel, meeting the Undead with equal if not greater confidence. The fight was five against five and to the death, cursed be those who fled or surrendered! It did not take long before the first combatants were picked. Obviously the stronger go first… Conley Mac and Yarr from the Fishbones and some “mandingo” and a Merchant from the side of the challengers! Such notorious groups obviously drew the attention of all passers-by, creating a sizeable audience of one! A Worgen!

Conley Mac made quick work of the “mandingo” known as Kip and shortly after, all of the rest would join the fight, enraged either by the loss of their beloved mandingo or by the unfairness of fight! No one outnumbers the Fishbone Marauders! Thaddeus Dreadsail, Arcane Enclave, and “Briny” Brian rushed to aid, each finding a worthy opponent! As the fight went on, it would grow into a conflict between Life and Death itself! As more and more strikes connected with the poor men and the dwarf, it became clear that the Fishbone Marauders sought to kill them all and claim their bodies as their own, adding them to the Crew. “Briny” Brian would make quick work of an apparent father, stabbing him deep twice, before leaving him to bleed out on the road. Conley Mac also claimed his second kill on that fateful night, eliminating the Dwarf for good. The Challengers were now hopelessly outnumber and soon after, their prodigy, their hope fell by the hands of Yarr Nagaslayer! A swift slash by the Undead’s cutlass would ensure the decapitation of this magical merchant… Not long after, Thaddeus Dreadsail’s masterful handling off the sword would allow him to dismember another Challenger, leaving him with one hand.

And thus the conflict was over… The Challengers from an unknown crew would lie dead or dying and the Fishbone would stand victorious, ready to reap the spoils. The bodies of the magic merchant and the dwarf were carried away AFTER a strange argument with an elf that offered two thousand gold coins to the Undead if they left the third man alone. It was only logical to accept the huge coin sack and leave the father behind, letting his daughter accept his inevitable fate. An angry mob would appear from the tunnels when the Fishbone Marauders were already on their way into the thick jungles of Stranglethorn, bodies and booty with them.

The trek through the thick rain forest would be hard yet not impossible for the crew of Undead and soon enough they’d come upon a lonely cave where they could weather out the storm and let their pursuers hopelessly return to the Bay. The Dead don’t rest and so the entire night was spent in the dark cave. Time was passed with stories and, of course, dice. Two inseparable parts of a privateer’s life…

With the passing of word or the passing of time, it has become obvious that the Fishbone Marauders have left the Bay… for now. Let it be known that the evening of 19th was claimed by the Fishbone Marauders!


Yarr! Tonight we’re going to have our first themed guild event. A ritual to praise the Depths.

From here on there’s no turning back…


Fallen sailor’s tale:

There used to be a sailor, strong of will and fair of heart.
Sailing the seas mind on his home and his lass, all so hard.

He’d always return home to her and their brats.
But one they he came to find them slaughtered like rats.

They came from the sea, vile creatures so dire.
Shattered his heart and set his whole world on fire.

He took to the sea giving up all his things.
But listen now what good this journey him brings.

Him and his crew soon overcome by mere greed.
Caring no more about them sailors in need.

The captain so restless, the crew ever grim.
They would grow bold, their luck soon to dim.

Venturing too far, still guided by wrath.
Devoured by dark waves, this now their path.

Tolerating not even death to mean end.
He’d strike a deal for their crew to ascend.

Now sailing the seas once more but as dread.
They follow dark calling to what lies ahead.


“hmgl grlhg HMGRLR!”

My time with these guys have been more fun than WoD and I’ve only been with these scallywags for a couple of hours.

In that time span; we stole Azerite right under the noses of the Voice of Azeroth movement. Unwittingly baited an elf into Alliance forces and robbed him of five gold coins, a pair of boots and a standard issue rifle.

The possibilities are endless as a jawless simpleton!


Saw some of you guys RPing in passing in Orgrimmar & it seemed like good stuff

Probably a very based guild ++


We be struck by misfortune! Curse ye JAGGERHAAAAAAWK!


It was atleast an epic sea battle though, even if neither of us got the Azerite in the end.


<Gets a shudder up his spine>

Why be I getting a feeling as if a thousand voices jus’ cried out in terror and none of it was me fault?

Avast! In my absence me precious niche has been impeded upon! Thankfully it be down to these salted vagabonds, who by looks be as worthy as any other to hoist the black.

Good luck me hearties! Here be to you keeping the land stomping types good an’ scared!


…Now wheres the bar…


Cursed pirates be spooky…


I wanted to thank everyone for the positive reactions. We had us quite the struggle ICly after we were sunk by the hands of Jaggerhawk but managed to overcome all obstacles as a crew and are soon to plague the seas once more, stronger than ever!

Beware of the Fishbone Marauders!!


We are back in town lads and lassies! Beware!