Fix AV glitch

You have to be a gymnastic to do that on horde base.


Have you tried?:slight_smile:

Why do you only mention the backdoor jump into Alliance base when you can do the same into Horde base?

The backdoor jump, call it what you want, was available in every AV version of vanilla for both bases.

AV is not designed to be balanced and fair. It’s designed to be an epic battle.

The fact that most alliance players doesn’t even know about the Horde base backdoor is because AV is, as I said, so unbalanced, so it’s much much muuuuuuuuch easier for Alliance to take the Horde base so the backdoor is never needed.

Alliance can much easier take the Horde base. Horde can much easier defend their graveyards. Alliance can much easier take Towers compared to bunkers. The alliance backdoor is easier to make but also easier to defend. Etc etc…

Bottom line. AV is not a symmetrical esport map. By design.


At the back, there’s a skip that skips both towers and you end up in a positiong where pulling additional adds is nearly impossible.
Compare that to the Ally base where in 90% of the games I’ve seen Horde ends up pulling most of the useless base NPC’s that grant neither honor nor rep on death.

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Yes I have tried . Both horde and alliance , you literally toggle autorun to backdoor alliance base. While as alliance , you have yo do two perfect jumps over an invisible wall to backdoor. See the difference ?


No no you see that’s beneficial to the Horde so NO CHANGES!


Yes, the difference is that it’s so easy to take the Horde base that you don’t need to use the backdoor into horde base. Alliance can stand in boss room and defend the flag or stand on top of a bunch of elites.

I would say it’s the opposite mentality. It does benefit the Horde, so, CHANGES!

In the end. Horde doesn’t care. Personally I have never won an AV thanks to backdoor. It may have made one or two AVs a little shorter and I think Alliance in those AV was thankful about that because half their team was afk anyway.

True, after 15 years maybe Blizz will “surgically” fix a bug like they did before, a bug that is making the game less enjoyable

Careful you might upset the #nochanges group of people >.>

Don’t know what to say, blizz made already a change? I think the #nochanges is not really valid here. :slight_smile:

Also, its a bug, a bug/ glitch something that needs to be fixed.


Horde actually calling that a back door, litterally need the best possible precision.

horde base ally skip jump is WORTHLESS

and there are TWO dun baldar horde skips, both easy


That’s not the impression that was left when the Horde broke the forums with all the crying over AV.


Alliance was abusing an exploit to circumvent the solo queue limitation to queue as full premades in AV. This was confirmed by Blizzard as an exploit and it was hotfixed 3! times. It was in fact hurting alliance puggers more before the first hotfix who would suffer from alliance premades queue dodging leaving them alone when gate opened. You could also see many alliance puggers complaining over that.

It was a new kind of exploit unique for Classic.

The horde AND alliance base backdoor is a terrain feature available in every Vanilla version of AV and not a new kind of exploit only for one faction.

But again, I have said this a million times. By all means, close it. Horde don’t care. It’s not needed and is never winning any AV games that I have seen. It’s a non issue in nerfed AV. But it’s really hypocritical to rage over alliance backdoor only when both bases have a backdoor that are authentic.

I think both backdoor are stupid. In fact I think all terrain and buildings trick jumps are stupid.

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The only one who is raging here is you. Go back and start reading again the post.

You could have easily said something like " yeah, the horde has a bug similar to this too and it needs to be fixed"

Not turning this in a horde vs alliy thing, be constructive, not toxic. :+1:


Why would I say that when it’s not my opinion though?

Bugs that was part of core gameplay experience in Vanilla retail shall be part of Classic.

Both backdoors was part of every AV version of Vanilla retail.

I don’t care if they close it but I’m not gonna ask for this or any other change.

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Of course it’s not your opinion when it doesn’t affect you, or your game experience and I understand that, but when you have many ally players complaining about this, don’t you think it’s a bit of truth there?

Yes, they were, I’ve played vanilla thank you. This gameplay experience you are talking about was a bad experience, especially when it has a huge impact on the BG.

If you don’t care about this topic then why are you replying to this topic? The guy made a simple and humble request which is really easy to fix.


OP is a hypocrite that are asking for changes in a recreation of a game from 2006.

That’s far from “a humble request” and it’s not easy to fix. Blizzard would have to go in and change the database and they already spoken about how this is like opening Pandora’s box and they see it as almost as sacrosanct. It’s also a slippery slope, I mean where does it end when they start changing things we can all agree are authentic (please spare me of any Straw Man response).

Don’t you understand that they have an authentic database that they have fitted the modern client on top of. They spoke about all these things at Blizzcon.

So no, it’s not a humble request.

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My man, do you work at Blizzard to know what is easy and what not? Putting an invisible wall there is super hard? :joy:

It is not a slippery slope, it’s fixing a bug from 15 years ago that has a big impact on the gameplay experience, Alterac Valey in this case. Where’s the problem?

Again, I know it doesn’t affect you because you play horde, but I’ve lost AV games because of a bug.

Do I need to know what is a Straw man response? I didn’t agree on anything, I’m simply playing the game and I’m reporting a bug, and I’m not the only one.

I get your point, you’ve said it already that you don’t care about this and it’s fine, but I care, that’s why I’m here. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Blizzard talked about this and how they will not fix bugs that was such a big part of the original experience. This bug, if it even is a bug, is available for both bases and was part of every patch of Vanilla.

Dude, alliance use the backdoor to ninja cap towers all the time in horde base. Alliance can also glitch pull the boss. All these things was part of the original experience and should not be changed.

They talked about this on Blizzcon. They even showed videos and screenshots and talked about how big of a challenge it was to fit the new client texture on top of the old terrain database. They can’t just add stuff in the old database nilly-willy. They talked about how changing the database is like opening Pandora’s box and they see it as almost as sacrosanct. IT’S A BIG DEAL.

Did you even watch the 2 Blizzcons before Classic where they talked about all these things and the Blizzard office interviews? Over 2 years they spent hours and hours talking about bugs, the terrain, how the game should feel, the database, that they don’t wanna change stuff, that they will change some specific stuff like the mail, progressive content, versions of items etc etc etc, they talked about all these things.

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