Fix AV pls!

i would love to see blizzard reverse the map for a week. Just to see how well you will manage to win, when you all of a sudden need to try and coordinate 40 random ppl, instead of chokepoint winning?


100% It would just be the same dude.
Focus ibgy while zerging down and making sure no player would be north of it.
And returning for every minor sighting of enemies.

Arguably could be harder for us to hardcap ibgy but we would get it, mainly because av includes horde rankers (who que it alongside ab/wsg) even in prems ppl will cycle out and join their av pops for more honor.
Not that we dont also have rep noobs but generally the horde team will be alot stronger than the alliance team; so fights we will win.

resuslts from wsg and ab, tell quite a different story my friend :slight_smile:
Maps are completely balanced there, and we do win more than we lose in them.
So you expect to win easy? once you try to counter a massive imbalance?

well ab/wsg includes alliance rankers, so there are good players and prems mixed in there.
Av does not inculude these ally players, hence it sucks so much.

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separate premades and soloers, and all soloers will go to AV

Actually back in vanilla when AV was good…it was 2 out/2 in and you could spend an entire evening NOT getting in AV.

But if you did get in it was fabtastic.


So that’s why I have over 50% winrate in both WSG and AB, ok my friend. :slight_smile:

That’s not how statistics work.

Neither is him saying Allies win them more.
It isn’t true just because he says it is.
That’s not how they work either :slight_smile:
Blizzard hasn’t given out the numbers yet so we can only speculate.

Are you seriously implying that the backdoor had anything to do with horde winrate?

No matter the reason, if any game ever has 99% winrate in favor of one side, it demands immediate attention, or players will straight up quit. Instead blizzard chose to completely ignores the problem, so most of alliance did quit and horde is now crying about queues.


I would say that we could use:

“Horde win AV more” as it is an unsymmetrical map and forum whining as a hypothesis

The working hypothesis for the others is 50-50.

Given a lack of data, that’s the only position that makes sense.

valkia still posting on foruns, you spend more time in here than any other blizz employee. they should hire you tbh. but that would be just another GM horde player enthusiast maybe thats why they dont really care about what you type in here.

Im sure horde feels great with 100% win rate and 2hoours queue.
thats what you guys been asking for since av release. as we get to this point is still not enough and horde players still come in here crying over the queues they themselfs help built with the ocean of tears they drop on foruns everyday since av release . not gonna lie its so amusing to read them tbh, so keep them coming pls :stuck_out_tongue:

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If you’re gonna troll at least put in -some- kind of effort.
1/10, because I’m generous.

It’s only going to get worse from here on out. Let’s break down what an Alliance player has to deal with in AV.

-Imbalanced map in favour of Horde. The fact that Alliance losing SH means so much more to their success rate than Horde losing IBGY says everything.
-Rep Farmers - They do not care about winning they just want to do hand ins.
-AFKers - Plenty of them still in AV it’s not uncommon to go into the first fight with 30 players.
-Poor H/PH
-Horde turtling games for over 30 minutes to suck up every last bit of honor.

So why would any Alliance ranker want to play AV outside of AV weekend and even then they would only play when their pre made isn’t running and even still it can be better H/PH to solo queue WSG/AB

It’s got to the point now that Horde don’t even have to try and it seems like they are having fun farming AFK players because of the honor. So enjoy it, enjoy the queues and take solace in the fact that those queues will start to become even longer so you’ll be able to go farm, cook a 3 three course meal perhaps hit the gym then after your done you’ll get an AV queue pop. The other option you’ll have is go and get stomped in WSG/AB by pre mades but you’ll probably need 2 hour queues before the happens eh, don’t worry, it won’t be long before thats the case.


You summarised it well. I think queues will be naturally balanced when the winrate will be around 50%.


There have been so many thread about how alterac valley map is imbalance. Blizzard did nothing useful to fix the map.

i’ll give you one exemple (because i know you will intentionaly act stupid and ask for a list of those imbalance).

Alliance most forward gy : multiple path to get attacked by horde, only have 1 path to exit for alliance player. Making it insanely easy to push and cap. No tower to cover it too.

Horde most forward gy : Only 1 path to attack it, this path is a chock hold that is covered by a tower. It has multiples ways out : 1 that link directly to the gy’s flag (like alliance actualy). And a the other is a whole giantic hole that allow horde to back-door alliance push and/or switch to attack without having to face alliance’s push.


Imagine if the report afk was working Alliance side. Your queues would be even longer.


After queueing for AV for first time in quite some time, I am not surprised that a lot of players on Alliance just don’t take part. It’s utterly boring, rewards are quite poor considering the time invested.

On my Horde character, at least each time I went and joined AV I knew I’d be able to accomplish something. As Alliance you can’t be sure you’ll see the map further than SH GY. It would take some drastic changes as well as changes in people’s mindset on Alliance to fix this problem and I doubt it’ll happen during Classic. Damage is done.


Horde is doing everything in their power to make alliance AV experience as miserable as possible, and then has the audacity to complain about queues?