this was a halls 20 pug.

Its getting to a point where i feel embarrassed for playing bm.

I won boss fight sure with like 2-3 k dps. but is worth having 2-3 k more dps and lose 10-15k aoe for it? :S


Holy… Can you crop the image properly? Not fun being blasted with that amount of white when you’re in darkness. It’s like being flashbanged.


provide logs otherwise we cannot check if its a gear and tier set issue :slight_smile: (Or skill issue)

All 3 specs of hunter have their strengts and weaknesses :smiley: if you boost BM aoe that’s it BM is best spec again


lock was 4p monk as 4p. i the hunter was 2p. but bm 4p dosnt add any aoe dmg, but it might give me 200-500 more overall. it simpley makes our beastcleave last for 10 sec instead of 4 sec. so i just gain more focus on spend on ST.

Yeah checked the logs. But in all honesty. MM and SV are still good. But seems like a slight tuning would be fine

MM has better AOE. BM has better sustained ST dps. Just how it is.

and does it mean i got the legendary for it? what about those. does it mean i can afford new legendary. and what about the hours i have spent to become a decent bm? tbh its a pure spit in my face the way bm is atm.

Especially for being a 2 button spec.

I don’t want to sound mean, but i laughed when i leveled my hunter to max level,. Switched to BM the first time and couldn’t grasp how empty my bar was with actual combat abilities XD

it is not a 2 button spec. i play warr/dh as well, those are more easy to play than BM.

Fury or arms?

At least at arms you need to track your fury and check overpower stacks and cleave accordingly.

mm is realy strong in ae just try it out. Its not that hard to play :smiley:

Fury. bm has more to it than what u would think. cobra shot> kill command>barbedshot>bw>kill shot>multishot>wild spirit. thats the dps spells, and u really need to keep an eye on frenzy stacks and ofc beastcleave… but u also need to use bindingshot slow traps, cc during combat fd and pet taunts to save tank, or remove a mobs from grp. might as well add MD and tranqs in also xD…

but if u talk about questing and lvling, yea bm is piss easy for poop content

technicaly you should complain about blizzard having to fix the MM aoe by nerfing it significantly not about BM AoE because they are for sure not buffing that

Your cropping skills need some work


I heavily doubt that they are going to buff the 4th most played m+ spec that’s doing okay when they are not buffing specs that are bottom tier dps in both aoe and st and barely played for multiple expansions now.

It’s a tough one, boost BM then it just becomes the only hunter spec yet again. I’ve never known MM or surv have their time since M+ began in legion because BM had it all till SL. Ranged, completely mobile, simple rotation and had the strongest ST and AoE. Then blizz tried to make every spec have It’s place with surv as pvp, bm as ST, mm as AoE.

Do think every class should be capable of 15k+ damage. I mean you play BM at a higher rate then I play MM, and 15k is a pretty bad run for me in 0 tier set.

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It’s not just about overall damage either. Halls is the perfect example of single target damage on priority targets being useful.

Sure you could just go MM and do some crazy overall damage. But the result would just be a dead pack and a shard of halkias that’s still at 60% health.

If you know your aoe isn’t as strong as other specs, just focus on the stuff that your spec is good at. In HOA for example focus on taking the shards out while your team deals with the pack.

Sure, your overall will suffer. But the key will likely still be faster. Higher overall damage doesn’t necessarily result in faster clears.

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do u mean in general, or do u mean push keys now?. because how many who plays a spec a lower keys has nothing to do with balance at higher keys.

It always has and always will be best spec.
To me anyway. :blush: