it’s quite literally the most braindead spec in the game and shouldn’t even be viable. just like dh

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Pretty much this. Play to the strength of your spec, not what gets you to #1 on the dps meter.

well how mentally strong do you think i am. when i am 10k overall under other classes and 4p guardian tank can beat me on overall dmg( that druid was only 3p). im legit sad :frowning:

BM AOE is fine. I think BM could grab a minor single target buff to make its role more defined in M+.

next time you say something pug up 20 as as bm if its so easy to play it. u should be that within 1-2 weeks. looking forward to hear from you.

didn’t intend to hurt your feelings, it’s just a fact that BM is quite definitely toward the easier specs to play. you do you

what makes it more easy?. do u just mean playing it and killing normal mobs out in the open?. or do u mean performing well with it.

I remember i was in a guild and mm hunter tested BM he said it was so easy to play bm. and i checked his logs he parsed Gray as bm. he still said it was easy.

So i guess its safe to say its easy to play any spec at all

Hours spent to become a decent BM…?

You mean all three minutes? Yeah, you can spare those to swap to an actually decent AoE spec.

its harder to play bm than surv and mm in m+… if know math you know this to be true.

if you can sleep better thinking that then just go with it

BM has always been and will always be the noob spec of hunter specs

… Then don’t play all three. Just swap to Surv or MM and play that for all content. Since they are both better than BM on everything except Halondrus Mythic.

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I need to be honest I cannot play MM I am apparently too stupid for it because I don’t know how too play it.

i would need to do a couple of things. first of all farm tons of golds for new legendarys and swap covenant. this means doing the kyr quest chain thingy, im not sure, i dont like qeusting in wow its dull, i think kyr is best for mm?.

Forcing me into boring content to try a spec im not geared for . its not tempting.

i don’t care if it’s 2 button or 15 buttons
BM strength right now is ST with nonstop movement so you will never lose DMG while you dpsing
i think that is enough for 1 spec

Just because you don’t happen to enjoy it, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be viable.

Cries in Feral

Buy a token. It’s less than an hour’s wage and pays for 5 leggos.

Mmh, it appears Sorbeteis did manage to nerf you!

Try challenging him for a duel, see if it’s reverted if you win? You said yourself that your ST damage is still huge :thinking:

Well, give it a try!

Feral brain dead for aoe.

Maintain rake main target, thrash for dot, swipe to 5 points and bite main target.

Rinse and repeat.

Boss, just press convoke.

Yeah nice try but first of all that is not our AoE rotation and second, our damage with our true AoE rotation is garbage.