what u talking about?

The picture is not from a aoe pack. its from dungeon in total. like in all dmg done dealth during a dungeon. in a decent run with both monk and warr and maybe i PI on me, i could done maybe up towards 15k overall or so ISH…

But look at warlock. nothing in groups buffs him and there is no PI or anything on him. he could place a rain of fire and own dmg. talk of ez

Any decent hunter would just play the best spec depending on the situation.

i’ll be decent for u, sponsor my legendarys

All the information on what was going to be doing well in different situations has been available for months prior to 9.2. You should’ve started preparing.

I wasn’t responding to you but to this troll comment:

As a fellow hunter, I understand the appeal of playing BM because it removes your need to think.

However in keys, MM is just as simple, aimed shot = cobra shot + kill command in one.

Just play that and pretend BM doesn’t exist, it’s easier.

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It is a tiny buff, it wont bring us to meta lvls but it is a start…

Scent of blood > Primal wrath on +10 and lower.

I pro player 4k m+ rating and number 1 druid on server.

Btw just so you know, the damage proffile of BM will NEVER beat the heavy hitters in AoE in overall damage done.

This is the curse of “sustained” damage specs and how overall is calculated. This happens because the AoE burst specs plan their cool downs around the big packs (especially WW and Destro locks). While doing those packs they will do RIDICULOUS amounts of damage (which inflates their overall damage done). In the same time you dealing a constant sustained dps of 10-20k between packs will not add much of overall damage to the meter.

Now the part that matters:


What i mean in the above is that the true thing that matter is TIME SPENT killing mobs, and let me give an example:

  • Scenario 1: You run with the above group and you ALL open your cds on the big first pull. The mobs die in 30 seconds with the warlock having done 60k, monk 40k, druid 30k and you 30k. On the next pack you pull everyone is out of cds and you spend another 30 seconds killing it with you doing 12k, the monk 9k, the lock 6k, and the druid 5k. (total time to kill: 60 secs)

  • Scenario 2: You do not open in the first pack and deal 15 instead of 30k damage, increasing the time to kill the mobs by 5 seconds. In the second pack you open your cds and do 25k damage, killing the mobs in 20 seconds instead of 30. (total time to kill: 55 seconds)

My point is that the correct play in certain scenarios is to do LESS overall damage in order to kill the mobs the fastest, and you should NEVER feel bad about doing that (the rogues have been doing that almost always).

Now I do not disagree that BM could use some buffs (like blizzard actually did), just pointing the fact that it will NEVER reach the heavy AoE burst specs.

Damn, that’s two Sivaria whining threads in one day.

Oh nevermind, it’s just a necro.

Ok youve lost me on this one…like wtf.

So you wanna say that overall dungeon run dps 15k is low for you without tier set?
Like balance between specs is out of this world. No wonder some classes spent 10 hours in lfg.

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