Fix Reckoning

Blizzard surely did witch-hunt pallies and reckoning applying changes nonstop at end of last year but just to make sure how things are now.

Reckoning does work now. You can stack charges, you can mount and still drop bombs, you can change target. You can pretty much use it the same way as it worked before all the hotfixes.
The problem is ppl still use old guides and old methods to do it. Thats why their charges magically drop all the time.

people using videos and guides from private servers and saying “its bugged” “its nerfed” haha so funny

Hi Reinald. Zugzug.

Much the same thing with rogue combo points, don’t see the problem. Also everyone has known ret is a bad spec since vanilla released, people shouldn’t be surprised and should pick a proper (holy) spec if rolling paladins.

It’s not “much the same thing” as it’s two completely different things and has nothing to do with one another.


Points you get during combat that increase your offensive capabilities, sounds very much the same to me fam.

Well it’s not.


Point is, it was balanced keeping in mind that the buff would last on the Paladin even if he switched targets. If this mechanic is gone then it needs to be buffed.

Like making it a stacking permanent buff that you can use at will like rogues’ combo points since you are so keen on keeping them comparable.

If there was a change so that if u where to bandage ur self you would lose combo points and if you were to blind someone else you would lose all ur combo points or even just targeting them not using an ability and the fact only u getting crit on which is highly rng and less likely to happen much in a fight then yeah it would be "much the same thing "


i only played in vanilla, and time enough to remember how reckoning worked. not private servers at all. Reckoning does not work at all as it used to. Simple as that.


“can still be stacked”, “its possible to”. Look, it’s not my fault some paladins abused on some sit macro or whatever together with hand of justice exploit, the thing is they not only fixed the exploited, but altered the way the talent functions to a way its not at all reliable to use. The simple fact you “can stack them” doesnt mean we should settle for it i mean, the talent was insanely nerfed. And no, it d oesnt work good “once you know the rule set” because the ruleset is basically doing an insane ammount of macro and keybinds gymnastics that insanely decrease your dps. They dont need to change it they just need to fix it back to how it was in december or whatever, minus the macro exploit


Well i am 99% sure current reck is not working as it should but you can still play around it. With swing timer addon and stopattack macro you are able to get “neutral” stacks (as we get them using /sit + strafe right before the next NPC’s attack). And when you bomb someone you should avoid locking target with r-click (just attack in melee range and discharge) . Using these 2 tips helps you to avoid losing stacks accidently.

It is still annoying when you recieve a crit midfight and should be fixed to match 2005 condition but no one cares…

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If that’s your genuine position, then perhaps you should keep your opinion to yourself and stick to only reading the forums.

Reckoning used to be something to be reckoned with. Anybody who pvp’d even a little bit knew about it. Then it got nerfed to a point where the community has apparently forgotten that it ever existed. That says it all.


i know it can be played around, and i try to do it and most times sucessfuly but still, its an uneccesary increase in dificulty to make something work that should by standard

blizzard dont care about paladins


can we now get reckoning talent working according to its tooltip? because its clearly unintended by design the way it is atm.


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