Fix scaling in Legion raids!

Yes, this is very annoying.

I was hoping to have no problems soloing old content now that there is 15(+) levels difference, but we’re literally doing the same damage now as we did when we were at lvl 50. Possibly less if you just have questing gear instead of heroic+

just to point out 147 ilvl is very low for lvl 60. avg ilvl at 50 was 130.

But 10 levels more should increase the chance to be hit crit etc by 10% and crit etc by 10% right?

its like this at launch of every expansion. a freshly dinged max lvl player is at a much lower power lvl then another toon at last exp lvl and ilvl cap. so the drop in power is very noticible.

once ppl start raching the ilvl 210 + they will notice a big difference in the legion raids.

same happend in bfa newly dinged 120 players had no hope of soloing mythic EN.

Before prepatch i could 1 shot mobs on argus with my dot.
At level 60 post scaling introduction I can only 1 shot them if it crits

I went back to do bfa world content and can’t say things died quicker there than at level 50.

Its pretty disappointing

No, this isn’t the case or how it should be. I made an example a few comments above with how soloing mythic Mannoroth and Archimonde worked in Hellfire Citadel in BFA.

I could solo all of them in legion 7.3.5 with really good gear and proper coordination. It was hard, but doable. When pre-patch hit (ilvl squish and numbers squish), it was still doable, maybe a tad harder. When BFA came, and mythic dungeons with it (ilvl 340 at the time), soloing both bosses on mythic with each 330-340 ilvl char was so easy. I could kill Manno and Arch in 1 min tops.

Now, killing something at level 60 takes longer than it took to kill in 8.3 BFA. This is wrong. Doesn’t matter if ilvls are 170 or 210 - even a freshly digned 60 should demolish 2 expansion old raids!


Do you guys know that we have trash gear even if we did 8/8 mythic 0?

Stats come from gear, not level.

Ever since they introduced the legacy buff, it was supposed to kick in at 11 levels above the content. Which means we could for the most part one-shot bosses from at least two expansions ago.
Whenever they’ve done a squish, this system has been messed up - I hope they fix it shortly.

It’s 2 expansions old stuff, I have zero idea which part you don’t understand?

I find it normal we can’t go 2 shot Mythic N’zoth, but dealing less damage than 2 patches ago to a boss that is 2 expansions old, is not normal. Clear?


You lost traits, essences, corruptions and stats. (I had 28% haste lv50 and with same gear at lv60 i had 8% haste or so)

Just give it time. With 200ilv you ll be much much stronger than before.

Also, the systems in shadowlands are weaker than the ones of bfa, making the diff even bigger.
We were too strong in bfa.

Since WoD we’ve gotten a legacy damage buff for all the raids that were over 10 levels below the current max level. This damage buff would multiply our damage to such ridiculous numbers that the bosses would die in a few seconds max.

There’s no reason why Legion shouldn’t have the legacy buff now that it’s over 10 levels below the current max level.


You’re not wrong, but the entire point is that the legacy buff that was introduced in WoD to any content that is 11+ levels below max clearly isn’t working.

Mythic content from the previous expansion was never subject to this buff, so there your gear would have a much bigger impact as you say.

Ofcourse, what you are saying is 100% true. I have been playing WoW for 14 years, and this is always the same story - in the last patch of the expansion you were alot stronger then you were in the early days of the new expansion. This is even more visible since MoP to WoD transition. As much as I try to understand this, I still don’t find it ok.

I have played all transitions, from wod to Legion, Legion to BFA, and now BFA to SL. It wasn’t such a ‘bad’ feeling, trust me. As explained above, I facerolled mythic HFC in BFA starter gear without any hassle. Now bosses faceroll me.

I will ofcourse return to this thread to post an update when Nathria drops and gear starts to kick in, until then we will see how it goes ofcourse.

Atm im doing less dps on my lv60 paladin than what i was doing at lv50.

Its mainly cause of the really low haste i have now (12%vs28%) + the removal of the combo of vision of perfection + crusade + the trait that gave extra 5 secs on wings + the traits that gave you an insane amount of mastery while in wings.

Its just a lot, thats why we re so weak right now. I think this was needed as bfa powers were too powerful.

I compared between paladin in prepatch and in sl as its hard to compare with the pre prepatch one.

I don’t think any raid past Deathwing got the you didn’t clear it this week here’s another damage buff type deal.

That being said most of my time is old content and its just sucks that things take longer at 50 with high ilvl then w/e the old 100 is… Didn’t bother to try at 60 as read this.

As said before, I agree with this. What you are saying aren’t opinions, but straight facts.

But still, soloing old content (2,3, expansion olds) shouldn’t be an issue. And this is the whole point. I believe and i’m still waiting for a hotfix in the next few days or a week, to address this issue. Because right now, it’s not functioning ok.

i will probably have another go at Antorus when I clear 8/8 mythic this week. Will post an update then.

Same experience here as well. I did only easy stuff so far (SL takes time…) but it seems that they did not scale the damage we should be doing properly. I would say we should do at least 10x more dps if the legacy buff was working properly on bosses.

So something is broken indeed. It was my biggest fear with level squish. That older content would be harder to solo. So far i was right to be sceptical.

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Hello,I’m also kinda mad about this,I waited until shadowlands to do Nighthold on Mythic with my new DK that is now my main,the thing is that bosses truly hit hard and man I had to go tank spec and barely killed some bosses,for instance Star Augur is a pain in the a** with all those stacking abilities and took something like 6 minutes to down it,the thing I noticed is that they lack the debuff that makes them deal less damage and have less health,go into HFC,Blackrock Foundry or something and you’ll see that they have a powerful debuff that is crucial to make the content I’d say BEARABLE because I don’t want to spend 2 hours clearing old content just to see my last pieces of transmog not dropping,they just need to add this debuff to them

Update - me and my friend, both mainly mythic geared (184 ilvl), with legendaries, STILL COULDN’T GET PAST AGGRAMAR!!! FIX THIS CRAP!!!

This wont be fixed, we better hope that we can overlvl the scaling during the next expansion…