Fix scaling in Legion raids!

Yes, I know SL released, yes I know I should focus on SL content, yes I know dev prio is on other things etc. etc. please don’t write stupid things like this.

Also yes, I am aware of the hotfix ( - STILL NOT GOOD!

But, one of the things I enjoy, is going to old raids to destroy them. The only thing left for me in Legion is the Shackled Ur’zul mount, for which I have a lockout on 10 characters at the moment. Right now, as 147 ilvl Demon hunter (level 60 ofcourse - dinged the first day), I just went into Antorus mythic today, and try to attempt Garothi, and Aggramar. Garothi took whooping 4 minutes to kill (before pre-patch, I could kill it in less time) - as a havoc DH, I was doing 12k dps at level 50 in pre-patch, and now I did max 14k dps with the Kyrian ability… I also couldn’t get past Aggramar, since I coulnd’t even outheal his regular melee hits ON VENGEANCE (don’t even mention Foe Breaker and Flame rend, which destroyed me).

Increase damage multiplier in legion raids for lvl 60 characters atleast 3 or 4 times, and reduce damage for atleast 3-4 times aswell. This is not ok at the moment… Fix this asap please.

Comparison - In Legion, soloing mythic Archimonde was not easy, but it was possible with good gear and proper coordination in 7.3.5. When we started becoming 120, and had let’s say mythic dungeon gear (340 at the time), soloing Archimonde and Mannoroth was a breeze.


Oh man I will be so annoyed if they don’t fix this. As a filthy casual I don’t have time to raid in current content as family and work commitments keep me from spending more than a few hours a week playing the game. One of the most exciting parts of a new expansion for me is knowing I have a whole new set of older raids that I can now get to see and go through solo.


Yep… It’s unbearable atm. Atleast I received alot of gear today so will try again, we will see… I doubt it will be good enough.

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I wonder if characters still at level 50 can fare better than at level 60, or they hotfixed that out.

If you check the link in my first post, this seems to be the case, however as explained in my post, the reality is not very good - I got owned so bad that it was actually insane. Still waiting for some more gear from SL, and will once again attempt then. But as said, this shouldn’t be an issue. I should go in at level 60 and dismantle him, and not the other way around.

Damage done and damage taken reduction should receive a few more multipliers - this is the whole point of the game. I leveled up 10 more levels, I got new gear, I got new powers, I should now go in and faceroll the stuff I couldn’t do… I remember when pre-patch came out and I ran Dragon Soul 25 hc. Bosses took longer to die than in WOD at level 100… The scaling is a complete joke…


Agree 100%.

Wait what’s wrong ? It’s harder to solo Legion raids at 60 than at 50 at prepatch ? I’m looking forward to solo BfA raids you’re getting me worried



at the moment this is exactly what it looks like. I didn’t test anything other than Antorus on mythic difficulty. Here are the results:

8.3 - I had 477 ilvl and bis corruptions as a vengeance DH. I went in and killed Garothi and hounds easily. Aggramar didn’t really pose a threat until he did his Taeshalach tecnique, which is understandable. His hits barely touched me and the elementals didn’t hit for any damage. The technique could be bypassed (Mirror of the Blademaster trinket trick), but I thought i’m not gonna bother with that, just gonna breeze it in SL.

Pre-patch 9.0 - keep in mind essences were still viable, Ilvl got squished to 131 ilvl and the corruptions were gone. I soloed garothi worldbreaker in roughly 5 minutes, while doing 13k dps on him. Hounds, I could barely survive but managed at the end, couldn’t get past Aggramar due to insane damage on his melee swings, not to mention I wasn’t even able to knock 5 % of his hp before the technique.

Shadowlands live - I had 141 ilvl at the point, and was level 60. I went in there, and Garothi took like 4 minutes to kill (I had 14.4k dps as a level 60). His bombardment thing hit really hard compared to BFA. I skipped the dogs because I already have the mount, but at Aggramar I was speechles. Even his melee hits did so much damage, I had to use ‘cds’ to heal myself back up, and the technique just destroyed me. Got him to 94 % hp as a VDH which is crazy.

This was btw done 40 minutes before wednesday reset (ar roughly 7.20 AM), but this hotfixed that prevented us being so bad in Legion content, should have been live 1 day ago.

As said, didn’t attempt NH, Tomb etc… Just Antorus on mythic, and it is not doable. Ofcourse it may be if you use some clever tricks or if you have optimized classes for it, but this shouldn’t be the case for raids that are 2 expansions old cmooon… I should go in there with a heroic geared shadow priest and destroy his flamy bum, and not get devoured on a vengeance DH…


No reason to degrade yourself. This is an obvious screw up on Blizzard’s end. It was already bad enough in pre-patch, but became compounded for a multitude of classes when reaching max level.

Many (if not most?) specs lost legacy content power for some reason, after gaining 10 new levels, and acquiring 40+ ilvl of loot.


It’s very easy to implement, Blizzard must just tweak demoralized debuff on legion enemies and adjust it properly, and in all other expansions too.


This is super frustrating, normally I look forward to clearing old content faster, and completing stuff outstanding from the previous expansion, I was really disappointed yesterday going to Nazjatar (paragon mount rep) and the level 50 enemies were pretty much the exact same difficulty as the level 60 mobs in the shadowlands? I thought we were supposed to be stronger when we gain 10 levels?


What happened to that legacy buff like you got in ICC ect, where you hit things for large numbers and all that.
Legion is really old now, why isn’t that active?

Can’t believe it’s still giving problems now. They messed the stat/level squish up this time.


WHAAAAT ? What’s the point of becoming a godlike being hero of the afterlife if murlocs from Nazjatar are still threatening ?


Any other experience?

wait really? Isn’t that even worse than what we had at start of BFA? I can’t recall Legion enemies being tough when going back. I was looking forward to doing Uldum/Valley at max level as I haven’t done it that much.

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why are you looking down on the murlocs they have heroes and are almost as mighty if not more then us

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I hope they fix it soon.

For me, Legion offered some of the best transmog gear and I’ve been dying to farm it. Finally got my Void Elf Warlock to level 60, got her some gear and I can’t even solo ToS Heroic.


Update - 27.11.2020. I now have 171.2 ilvl since I did 8/8 on mythic. I still can’t get Aggramar past his first technique, which now appeareda at 90%. I managed to knock off his 10 % hp before I got owned.

Please add atleast 3 or 4 times damage multiplier. Not being able to get past a boss 2 expansions old, is laughable. FIX IT NOW!!!


i died in 5man dungeon in legion mythic. scaling is broken

It’s not even about being solable but the time investments too, much stuff was solable in BFA i just didnt felt like investment was worth it.

So yes please fix the scaling