Fix solo shuffle legend title

Months? How long will this season go? I’m sure net season It will be another titel.

They didn’t fix 3s boosting droping mmr and doin wins glad in 1000 mmr rating. Which is more important than solo q.

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According to the roadmap they showed recently season 2 starts somewhere between spring and summer


so even people who couldnt care less about the title are just suddenly locked out of playing their alt specs until theyve grinded Legend on their main spec after hitting the max rating required for rewards, after which point there is 0 incentive to continue playing outside of 4fun.

10/10 system

Certain patterns of behavior are more suspicious than others.

More examples if you scroll down from that post. Besides, it’s up to Blizzard to determine what is enough to punish and what isn’t, and just emailing their hacks email with what makes you suspect somebody is not really something that should be judged before the email has even been sent.

well sh*t, sign me up for one of those bans then, idgaf about the title and I’ve queued maybe 1 game of disc since I hit 2.4 for the elite weapons, now I’m just trying out holy after the buffs since I don’t have any 2s / 3s partners to queue it with.


Check the date i last played and when i made this post and who gives a sh*t im not going to not play my alt spec just because of a bug i was close to 2600 start of the season also so its not like i cant farm it as unholy if i was truly trying to exploit it i would have done the 100 wins that day on frost and not just played trying to climb my frost spec.

This is not the playerbases fault the title just needs to be reset once they fix it if blizzard dont do that then its on them again + the season is already ruined from all the leaving exploiters to get mmr i dont care about this title.

was just pointing out a bug i found and ye xunamate will show you i stopped playing my main unholy while the leaving bug was happening as i lost around 200-300 rating from it.

Do people even care about seasonal titles?
They’re useless since they don’t last.

The gladiator mount is cool. The gladiator title? Meh, will be gone in 3 months.
Same for this one.

the title goes yes but the achievement stays in a feat of strength it does still need fixing as its a bug.

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