Fix solo shuffle legend title

I would like to see you green.

Maybe it helps you to be calm when you understand that english is not the first language for many. So choosing the wrong word, even though he didn’t mean it in a bad way, you get triggered.

Same for me, when I read it again, this can come off a bit harsh. All I meant was:“can you explain it to me”. Maybe that’s you wrote and deleted what you did.

Anyway keep that in mind. :^)

Sorry but, I really don’t want it. I have fun here because I’m true to myself, and that’ll never get a “promotion” from Blizzard. :laughing:

Nah, I deleted it because I was breaking a forum rule by posting an example, but it wasn’t up for long so I hope it’ll be overlooked.
But English isn’t the first language for most people in Europe (including me), but proficiency levels is in the end up to the individual, even though some have much worse conditions for learning than others.
And since we can’t read body language or tone of voices here, it’s up to what the person writes to convey what the person means. (Which I fail at more often than I’d like to as well, but staying active here helps me improve my own proficiency level.)

Anyway, I think the status quo is fine the way it is. As long as I don’t get permabanned, then I’m happy.

No its not like that at all, LOL!

To claim ignorance while committing the act, in this case an exploit, then yes that’s what it’s like. In the same post below the part that you quoted, you’ve got a closer example if that’s what you prefer.

Yea green would not suite you, red would be perfect. Beware our red pilled community helper. Hahahhaha

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They cant prove the exploit if you reached 2400 on main and then played 100 wins on alt lol… They gave you title because its in the system (a broken one apperantly), all they can do is remove the title in a fix, but they cant give any penalties.
You expect players that reached 2400 on main to stop playing and winning on alts just so they wont get the title because that could mean exploit? Might aswell quit the game when reaching 2400, kek.

You do know it’s not just “main and alt”, right? It’s still the same character, just different specs.

What do you think an exploit is? It’s because it’s borken (writing it like that on purpose because it’s funny to say), and then gets abused, that it becomes an exploit.

The line from innocent to guilty, is drawn at the circumstances. For example, let’s say you reach 2.4k as one spec, then immediately start queuing as some other spec, and keep queuing as only that spec until you’ve farmed those 100 wins for the achievement & title, while also staying on low rating, that in itself is what you can classify as suspicious.
If the person then immediately after hitting 100 wins as that other spec on low rating, starts queuing as the “main” spec again, then it’s even more incriminating.

But if you’ve got a person that hits 2.4k, plays some more shuffles and stays roughly the same, then queues as some other spec and gets some rating as that, and let’s say 50 wins, then queues as the main spec again and gets 35 wins on 2.4k+ by going up and down, and then queues as the other spec again which let’s say is at 2k now, then that is less suspicious.
Because the circumstances wouldn’t indicate as much intent.

What about: “I was playing my main spec and got the elite title so now I want to get it on my off-spec as well.”

That is something I could literally do if I would be interested in SoloQ. Get first spec to 2.4k and then try on my 2nd spec.

Even harder to take as exploit then…

So walking through walls in capital city is still a bannable exploit?

Look at what happened to people selling pvp tokens on AH at the start of season… Nothing, they just took their gold, they didnt get permad. And it was higher abuse since they knew they shouldnt be able to sell those (like selling conq points).

So youre telling me because somebody plays different specs should be banned if they reached 2400 on main? Yeh nope buddy. But lets agree to disagree here because this convo wont be going in right direction anyway. Pce

Ever heard of whataboutism? So because Blizzard doesn’t manage to ban every exploiter, they should never ban any exploiter?

Yeah in most cases.

Alright, well, at least you’ve made your position clear. Cheers.

I think they should 100% ban every exploiter / cheater in the game. But maybe it would be better to release systems which were not so easily exploitable and gives endgame rewards? OR instantly fix the systems or put them on pause when an exploit is found.

I did that 3 posts ago, you just failed to understand. Pce

Yeah, I agree. And Blizzard doesn’t ban every exploiter, sometimes on purpose, because sometimes they just fix it at the root cause and leave it at that. But other times they do ban people for exploitation (even while fixing the root cause of it too), because exploiting is still a bannable offense. It’s just that it’s up to Blizzard’s whims, and the quality of their work, which ends up with varying results.

Hence why you should email their official hacks email, when you spot someone suspicious. It’s still up to Blizzard to determine what to do with the information, but you can judge for yourself what is suspicious-looking and what isn’t, and then argue why it’s suspicious in the email, and then Blizzard can do a deeper investigation like checking full queue history and looking at the chat logs to see if the player ever talked about it.

Sure, buddy.

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Is that actually something they look at and take action against? How much “evidence” do you need to provide?

Well, was a person at the end of… I think it was the end of SL s3, maybe was s4, but anyway, was a person who had put together a list of players and xunamate info and everything, showing the beyond suspicious activity of the players that had been boosted and whatnot, and then the person posted that list on the forum while asking people to help send reports to that email about it.

A few weeks later, a person revived the thread, saying that he had been suspended and had his glad mount & achievements removed, while admitting he had gotten it from buying a boost. (He was a good sport about it, he wasn’t angry about it. He just mentioned it all because he wanted to show people that he did get punished for it.)

Anyway, it’s just an anecdote, but they do check the hacks email. And you don’t need to provide all the evidence, just what made you suspicious of a person, and then Blizzard can take it from there if they judge your suspicion is worth a deeper look in the server logs.


Of course the guy who created this post juiced a solid 30 wins for legend on his mains alt spec right after hitting the rating :joy:

Or is xunamate lying to me dear Randomdkxd-Ravencrest?

Could be that’s how he learned about the exploit, some people hear/read about it from others, while some people can discover it on their own.

As long as he only got a few from it, then I don’t think it’s worth mentioning tbh.

Could very well be

But it is kind of irrelevant. Anyone who is able to hit 2400 right now will be able to gain that rating again and eventually finish his wins. Especially when it is gonna inflate even further in the next coming months.