Fix tbc horde bg que time

This is absolutely unbelievable to be honest I don’t mind waiting 10 15 minutes but 1 hour 45 minutes for a battleground? The horde can’t get are resilience sets unless we don’t sleep for 2 weeks? I am going to just keep posting daily crying until something is done if nothing gets done in a month I will cancel sub and so will half my guild its a shame because we where very excited but already as usual blizzard let there players down.


The only ‘‘fix’’ to horde bg queue time that is needed, is to remove mercenary mode from retail.


Welcome to “what happens if 90% are horde and wants to queue for a BG”. Blame people trying to min max with horde racials. You lot would need mercenary mode at this point.


#nochanges classic


There is nothing to fix. Its player made peroblem and only players have power to fix it by switching to ali.


I’m still amazed that classic andies are against cross faction but are asking Blizzard to balance factions, knowing Blizzard can only make imbalance towards one faction since in a 2 faction game, one will end up eating the other’s playerbase.

There are reasons why most of mmorpg out there dropped factions all together


Should’ve known better.


That’s what you get for jumping on the Horde bandwagon in the first place.


It’s not even about racials at this point, it’s about people going Horde since they get much bigger opportunities for finding friends/guilds/raids and so much more.


It was about racials in the start because Horde was superior in this regard during TBC so every alliance guild moved over to Horde for TBCC. Which spiraled out of control as anyone could have foreseen.

And again its only Mercenary mode at this point that could fix this in regards of PvP at least.


I’m sorry, I thought this thread was about retail and it didn’t even cross my mind that it was TBC, I need reading glasses now!

I was referring to Retail’s Horde overpopulation, sorry!


Actually I have played alliance all my life the only reason I went horde was I had real life friends playing horde.


People rolling horde be cause is a lot better find people for everything. I have characters on both sides and different is visible. Sometimes if you remove from alliance df queues [wts] treads what gonna leave is 4-5 groups.

Queues times outside rated stuff, are only about faction balance.
If they remove mercenary mode, this can make horde ppl stop playing random bg but also alliance will have lack of players. “not enough soldiers” buff it’s active since few years on alliance side.

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It wouldve been nice for them to have ‘remastered’ tbc. Like offer little things like mercenary mode for faster queues. Or LFG, not to teleport to dungeons, but just to list or find groups for dungeons, kind of like when you sign up for a Mythic+ in retail. So instead of spamming chats you can use LFG tool. But yeah… I gave up on tbcc fairly early on. Kind of annoyed that I spent money to get a character to 58 tbh. Biggest waste of money ever I think.

I’m not sure it’s really a population thing on TBC. More of a people aren’t taking part.


Wrong forum

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Horde racials aren’t even that much better in TBC. It’s more or less only Forsaken and maybe Orc that are good while night elf, human and dwarf got good ones on alliance depending on the situation.

It’s more likely to be a case of people on alliance not being as interested in PvP’ing as a whole and a fair few of those interested still playing horde for things like casting animations.


I have been hated for saying that, but I can’t help : the Alliance, as a faction, is definitely a retirees and casuals faction. It would not be that bad if the imbalance in terms of players engaging in high end content was not that bad.

I think that’s what Blizz see in Retail too, the player base disparity is not as large as people think. It’s just reflected in the high end :frowning:

16 years or so passed. Years and years of experience.

They are fully aware. of the problem. they just don’t care to change it.