Fix the incursion quests, then revert XP


so right now incursions have basically killed the game for many of my friends. The main issue is the brainless running around in a circle while also getting gold+lvl+gear at 50 and it being the most optimal way to level up.

it replaces the rest of the world…of Warcraft. There’s 2 ways to solve this.

First way is a complete overhaul of the incursions, while also making it an instance.

The second way is to make it work like the rest of the classic quests:

  • looting quest items requiring you to wait before picking up the quest item.
  • Quest items on the ground has a respawn timer.
    (this would halt the whole circle drasticly)
  • Boss is not shared with other players outside of the party.
    (so you can’t just tag and continue on your circle)
  • Escort quest is not shared with players outside the party.
    (this is just wrong, you didnt help the NPC to escape, you stood by the ramp and took credit).
  • the talk to NPC and get the report feels redundant. i have no clue what to do with this, remove it ? or add into the kill quests?

After these updates, then it would be possible to revert the XP.

So basically you just don’t want anyone to play incursions at all and are telling the playerbase to do dungeon spams or questing.

Yes, god forbid you exploring the world and doing dungeons with other players in a MMORPG.

there’s RPG in there. I’ve seen your post. you want leveling to be a brainless run in circles without doing the kill-quests. just the instant pick-up and talk to an npc.

its classic SoD. they advertised it to be classic with a twist, not a race-game with mounts.

I’m not defending incursions but they incentivize people to group up and play together. The difficulty is really casual too so people can chat and all. What people do though is up to them

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My suggestions do not change the requirement to group up.

How to really fix them:

Make all possible quests a 1 time daily limit.

Increase Reputation gain by a factor that it is still possible to get friendly rep within 1 day

Your suggestions make it so you compete against other players for no reason. If someone helped me or I them, why shouldn’t they get credit for killing the enemy they killed? (:

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I’d accept this statement if the game wasn’t 20 years old and outdated.

then you invite them. The idea of having to compete with other players in a MMO is important. its a core part of the game. For example, if its a player from the enemy faction, i guess players would fight over that quest item right? If its not an enemy faction, then i guess we would try to be first to tag.

but lets say we go with your idea anyway. The problem of having this design is that the rest of the game does not have this design, therefor the area scales way better and outperforms any other area. So the third solution would turn up, which would be to make it so the rest of the game works like in incursions. But then you have retail.

this is not as good argument as you think. cause you can play retail then, that game is not 20 years old with all the changes. The reason people like classic is due to the old design-philosophy. If you remove that philosophy the game dies. Leveling is a part of the game, not a stage to remove as quick as possible.

sure. I am not against this either. But I think a lot of people hates dailies.

To be honest, for me, making them dungeons where bosses give Rep or gear sounds more fun. but this requires an overhaul.

In a full group that means turning it to a raid :dracthyr_shrug:

if you’re a full group then that’s to bad. but that is how the game is built, the rest of the game works like that. to introduce a whole new system should be a no.

You could also stay and help them afterwards. up to you. Let me ask you. how many of those that helped you with the boss in incursions have you added as a friend? (that was not in your group, be honest)

None of them (: We just helped each other and went on our merry ways. I don’t expect someone to become my friend after helping them either

Edit: Actually 2 of them*. One of them is now a guildie i talk to daily

Not in a seasonal content which isn’t classic itself and will be ended soonish. Where there are lots of new things to try out, refreshed classes and specs because of runes.
I don’t want to be locked on 1 character just because Classic was like that.
Being alt-friendly is the right way in this game mode.

You already have 100% XP increase and 75% increase from 40-50. you could atleast do some dungeons and outdoor quests with others then.

from the time people ran in a circle in ashenvale and tagged bosses and just continued running?

i hardly believe that you added people that helped you in Ashenvale. Maybe if the area is more empty, like in feralas, where you are usually 2 groups at most on the same boss. but then a boss should be killable with a raid instead.

The hinterlands in lava lash. (:

I did like 6 or so incursions total(enough to be honored) because repeating the same quests is boring.

Basically, all I’m saying is, the content is boring but it’s not even half as bad as you make it out to be. That being said the community on lava lash is different and there were like 2 groups doing them total at any point in time while the open world felt way more alive (I started playing at lvl 20 like a week after P3 came and there were people dungeoning and everything)

Alright, but then we are starting to reach a similar point here. I ran Incursions with a friend.

we made the decision to only run as 2 people, do all the quests that were given to us and inv some people who ran passed us to do bosses. This was fun. however the problem here is that is not how people play it. slowing down the running in circles is what i am after and respawn timer on quest item is the way to do that. Forcing people to stop and group-up/Create-raid to do bosses is a good way to solve the circle running.

dont get me wrong, I dont think incursions are boring, i do see potential.

Unless this option simply doesn’t exist people will do it like that. That person I mentioned above explained to me what princess runs are because I didn’t really care to find out and people are abusing bugs to do the dungeon faster. That’s just how people are.

And yes, we’re for the most part of a similiar mind, I just don’t think making me compete against people who I’d rather help will make this any better.(It is a thing I hate in classic as a whole and love the change in retail, so having this on bosses was welcome)

but it means people wont stop and try to find a group. it means most people will ignore each other. Which is exactly what happened on retail.

Having princess run as an issue doesnt mean we should add more issues. especielly since princess runs doesnt give anywhere near the same amount of reward.

100 % better then incursions sh*t

yes nobody would ever step into incursions then that’s why i said you basically just want to remove the whole game mode.

why shouldn’t they? why should anybody care about leveling? if you are looking for friends off from questing you are 19,5 years late for that.