Fix your game already. Not even crafting orders are working

Literally, Crafting order have not been working since yesterday. And its the only thing that stops me from progressing and upgrading my gear. Im paying money for a game that literally isnt working. Ive never encountered a bug like this that hasnt been fixed already, you cant just shut down whole crafting order and just not fix your game. So for the love of god. Fix crafting orders please…


+1 and an amen and hallelujah too.

Zero communication from Blizzard “support” on an issue that has been in effect for hours now.

No SM output, nothing on the home page referring to “Known Issues”, no blue posts. Nada. Zilch. Hee Haw.

Get the digit extracted “Support” and fix it. If you can’t, let us know at least.

All the lack of communication does is feed supposition, conspiracy and speculation.

Literally, i really highly doubt this problem is an extremely hard fix for a multi billion dollar company that it would take 2 days to fix it. And the fact they are not even acknowledging the problem just makes me go insane since i pay to play this garbage game.

13 hours according to another post… lol

All so the crafting is set to 20 items per day, for the last 3 days i craft 1 items it will drop from 20 orders to 6 remaining, and the 24hrs reset to the crafting orders does not set back to 20 it is random every day 6-10-14-2 this needs to be fixed asap