Flamelash AQ40 opening

Just a thought, how is this going to play out with no alliance around?


If it cant be opened they will change the opening requirements.


dont let the #nochange crowd hear you say that


Zul’Gurub → Naxxramas, simple

Naxx heroic hardmode

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Why do u want stupid pve content (event) of pvp server?
Ur all hords have 11/10 skill dont need gear.


After X month of non-opening, Blizzard will open the AQ gate on all server.

Problem solved.

Well it’s just one more threat that the players of Azeroth won’t need to challenge, that’s a good thing, no?

Why won’t anyone think of the children…

sounded like flamelash brought it on themselves with either not transfering if you are ally and not acting like some kind of honor addicted virtual murderer if you are horde, horrible toxic realm by the sound of it


i just went to the flamelash server to see if things really are as bad as everyone says.

i did a /who search on lv 60 alliance chars and this is what i found.
3 mages
0 warriors
2 warlocks
2 rogues
1 druid
1 priest
… to think this may be the fate of most pvp servers in some months.


After a while the material starts to accumulate automatically. Flamelash will still be late to the party by several IDs.

How many months of delay the players can whistand without better PvP Gear meanwhile they face better geared players from others Realms in BGs?

What do you mean? Didn’t you know what you signed up for when you choose a PvP server? /shrug

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I initially had doubts about rolling on a PvE server at launch, but with reading all of these threads I am so relieved I made the right decision.


99.89/0.11 % H/A.
But with xrealms pvp server battlegrounds it be better, at least 80/20 H/A.
And hurdes can still have fun while in queues they can play pac man


The cowards who left will be forced to go back to the server for AQ40.

I hope AQ gates will never be opened on flamelash and I hope the same happens in every other server.

I just hope the sheep zerg pathetic weaklings get their punishment for clustering in the dominant faction and they all just quit the game.

On my server it is 75% horde and 25% alliance. As an alliance player, if the gates won’t open unless my faction contributes, I will never ever give a single mat in. And I will try to convince my connaissances to do the same so the gates never open and horde sheep can just rot in their dead server.


You seem very salty.


As somone who was on Earthshaker before the mass migration i can confirm…

You can probably still download the plinko addon.

ten storms is completely fine for alliance, i world pvp all day as solo and most fights are 1v1