Flamelash faction balance

Classic realm Flamelash is about to die pvp-wise. Ally guilds are migrating to other realms while horde players are camping the ironforge/stormwind gates. If you want people to play beyond vanilla to tbc, you have to fix this blizz. We need a blue answer on this topic, %90 of the realms in classic are facing these problems.


Funny how there were alliance camping the path between org and the zeppelin tower all yesterday evening ganking anyone who was still flagged. There are constantly alliance on the lower deck of the org to STV zep. On Wednesday night we couldn’t do the ‘it’s dangerous to go alone quest’ because the volcano in Un Goro was covered in alliance. I swapped to my alt and went to Feralas but guess what there was an alliance raid ganking everyone on the narrow path where it goes under the tree root and the bridge over the river. Then when I tried to do the ogre kill quest there were 2 alliance levels 48 and 49 just killing all the horde who are trying to do the quest who tend to be around level 42-44 and don’t need to be in a group so the alliance were just circling round picking them off one at a time.

However despite all this going on the horde are just living with it and getting on with things.

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Kek get rekt horde scum


our guild was just transfered from Flamelash to Bloodfang, and we feel good now. you can try it.


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well, nobody cared

big F

The thing was, my post was true, the alliance were fighting. Also as soon as BGs opened the whole thing would have cooled down (not ended I doubt but improved), all they had to do is wait a week.

But now the exiles are called flametrash on their new server and the leftovers (the only alliance guild now) are the heros of the alliance.

I would rather be trash on a server where I can play than a hero on a server where I am basically a mob to farm.


you are nearly never a mob to farm, horde here actually help some of our levelers kill mobs sometimes, quite rarely they kill a person and if they kill a green the apologize. theres alot of people talking about our server when they havent really played it. theyve seen it, but theres quite alot of stuff happening inside.

What levelers ? Even if things were exagerated about flamelash the server rep is ruined, who in there right mind would unironically roll a character there ?

there are alot of levelers, who unironically already managef to get 20+ from lvl ones, and alot of pre exodus people who keep on leveling.
i dont understand why people think they know everything when they havent played it. its like talking about a vine, when you never drank one. Oh i rolled a tourist on flamelash, i saw 3 people on IF, oh i saw no auction houses, oh i saw 15 online lvl 60s nobody plays this realm, its impossible to do anything here. like wtd

I mean it doesn’t take 3 months of /played to see that the AH is empty and so are the capitals at peak hours.

“%90 of the realms in classic are facing these problems.”

That’s not true at all.

Maybe some people realize that it’s very easy to reach rank 14 in an empty server.

Good luck leveling and gearing up when a single horde group has more people than your entire faction.

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