I think you’re on to something here. If you’re corpse camping someone, killing them over and over and over again, you know damn well you’re ruining their experience. Kill them once and move on, twice if you want to make a point.
“Do to others what you would have them do to you”
Big true. How I imagine things go down on the horde side if someone writes “alliance camping LHC!” is something like this: “WHAT!? We can’t let this stand, to battle brothers, lok’tar ogar!” and then every orc, undead, troll and tauren from UC to Org, driven into a mad frenzy of bloodlust makes a beeline to EPL for the glory of the horde.
Meanwhile on the alliance side if the same thing happens all you get is crickets chirping and tumbleweed blowing across the screen.
Glad to see there are some Alliance still on the server. I came back after a week break to find this mess, so hopefully Alliance will rebuild because wpvp is most fun when it’s balanced.
Early Honor System implementation and no caps killed FL, not player behavior.
You can’t blame an entire side for participating in trying to rank up, it’s a core element of the game, considering how powerful the rewards are.
Thinking that Horde should ‘play nice’ either is unrealistic, because the lack of Alliance forces them to play in groups, which, in turn, makes Horde group up, who’re just going to win through sheer numbers.
Everything for a single HK, i understand very well,but then treat all the alliance players like sheeps and sheeps doesn’t need to be encouraged, just shears em
Camping is cancerous and bm, but then you have groups on Horde-side who haven’t seen another group or player in hours, (pre-exodus) who then just squeeze that one Ally for every point of honor he’s worth, it’s completely unfair but it’s a result of the imbalance.
You should have some respect and not corpse-camp imo, but not everyone has a grasp on basic morality, especially today when most people want that instant gratification.
I’d have no issues queuing for 15-20 mins if it meant that there were a more even amount of horde/alliance. Solo farming pvp is extremely fun for me.
That’s what I mean, the imbalance was so bad that horde groups I’ve seen would wait at TP for hours at a time.
I’d be riding in-between Kargath, SG, BRM, and BS, only to come back and find the same group camping there, without moving. A lot of the high standing players would camp TP because it was their best way of farming, which is so dumb, you should be roaming the world and hunting people opposed to sitting at a FP.
Cool that you are trying to get things Moving, I might consider joining though the time investement to get to 60 in such an hostile environnement is a bit daunting.
Tho i did have a hunter trying to kill me in Felwood yesterday morning, didnt think he would attack me due to the situation.
But he did and gave some honor in doing so…