Flamelash, the first server to die

i would rather be on a server with many horde as a horde with healthy AH and party can be done easy, than move to a dead faction upon arrival… and that is what i think happens to anyone that did use the ‘option’ and maybe getting ganked by alliance alot more ontop of that, so basically in the same situation alliance was in on flamelash… no thx i would not move if i had that choice, rather be on a server with 0 alliance than that.

If i had the option to return if i didnt like it, then i would probably check it out, and the option to return should stay open for 1 more month if more than 3% returned and so on.

because making a decision that might destroy your gaming experience with no chance to regret it, just means not many will take that option.

PvP servers =/ WoW Classic, you know. Hell, it’s not even all PvP servers, since quite a few (Ashbringer, Mograine, Gehennas) are still alive and thriving from what I’ve seen on forums. So it’s prolly about 50% of the total numbers of servers which are either in jeopardy or outright compromised.

What Blizzard should do, if you ask me, is just to open 1-2 new PvE servers and open transfers from ALL PvP servers (both Horde and Ally side) to these servers. Then we’ll see who stays there and who leaves^^

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better for pvp not better in

you do know there are pve servers yes? that dont have this world pvp problem…

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enjoy your bgs ques which will be your only sourch of honor form now on

“We strongly suggest that any players planning to use a Free Character Move do so as soon as possible. Free Character Moves may be disabled without warning at any time.” … posted on nov 8th updated on nov 9th … 1 month ago.
they gave u a 24h deadline announcement even.

That is why i KILL EVERY HORDE!

For peace purposes .

24h is nothing

#no changes

Nothing unexpected/not intended did not happend.

Server transfers is a change

literally every pserver warned blizz this would happen if you do honor without BGs especially if you throw in 1.12 naxx competitive PvP sets, I bailed after the first round of transfers they gave reduced my friendslist on flamelash by half, 2 round of transfers later it’s dead, gee if only blizz didn’t handle these transfers like a complete idiot

there are x-realm battlegrounds planned, IE if you’re on a mono faction’d server you still get to pvp a ton because blizzard actively repeated the same mistakes they did in vanilla, did nothing to fix the damage and now is stuck with having to do x-realm BGs and reward these players even more, Classic is gonna die and people will bail back to pservers, kronos already has raid teams again for this very reason people aren’t gonna pay for a service that is genuinely below the quality of a free version that is more reliable and actually has working GMs that remove stuff like botters, which so far has not happened at all on classic, GMs seem to be completely absent and people are able to exploit/cheat until they wake up and most of the time they just get away with it, see also asmongold wintrading and instead of asmongold getting banned in any form, the guy that reported him wintrading gets banned instead, cause you know, blizzard really cares about the quality of their games nowadays.


How could you miss #no changes ?

As far as i know, horde side had atleast 2 guildcouncils and were very very organized with pvp and pve. Thats how horde side got both worldbosses first down, even alliance kept coming. we had dedicated pvp raids that were keeping most of the alliance out of the pve groups.
All organized.
So when you say it was all about sheer numbers, it was not. It was organizing those numbers from chaos to deadly raids.
Sheer numbers were when toxic guilds started ganking low levels, i dont think that was really organized action or plan, just certain people being toxic like they always are.

Still, i see many posts from alliance side here that keep crying things like “This was all your doing, now you suffer waaa waa whine whine”.

There were alliance ganking groups also, you were there too.

I have absolutely 0 respect for you alliance who left the server but still keep coming here to whine about it. You ran. You left people behind, literally. And then you claim it was someones elses fault. Cowards.

There was option to wait it out until blizzard does something (i have no idea what they could do) or the councils of players take action, but no, you ran at the first moment when things turned hard and now cry about it in fear.

Respect to the The Leftovers and…leftovers , i promise not to gank you ever. And i only attack if you attack me first.

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Horde side total griefing totally ruined your server. Blame yourself.
I hope you will never have option to xfer from Flamelash, you caused this

Ps. have fun ganking yourself when other servers have AQ open and you don’t.


“You caused this yourself”. This is exactly what i was pointing out.
We caused nothing alone. And what we have now is total horde victory, not loss, like you try to whine.
And yeah, world-pvp is now impossible, but if you think thats going to last, you are not very bright.

Flamelash will get AQ open just like all other servers, this is not only server that has this situation happening.

How bout you stop posting to flamelash server topics if you ran and go to your safeplace whatever normal server you transferred to.


So if I camp you for a month non stop with my 200 friends and you quit, it’s not griefing but a total victory for me?

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Ridiculous claims. You dont have friends( :slight_smile: people are so sensitive nowadays so i better edit a smiley here to make sure it is understood as a joke…). i have patience to wait 2 months and play other characters, i dont quit.
I allready have experienced hours of getting ganked both in vanilla and classic, its nothing new.
If you feel like its a total victory, good for you. I personally think that is sad victory.
Just to clarify, i didn’t participate in those gank roams against low levels, so if you thought i do that, you were wrong and it shows what kind of person YOU are.


Total horde victory xdddddd I giggle everytime


you are the problem, now you have to deal with it on your own. Stop crying