Flametrash immigrants have destroyed Earthshaker

something about Europe and its current ‘immigration’ problem.
you know… the thing every sane person on earth calls an ‘invasion’.


Oh yeah, can’t beat a bit of immigration talk on a video game forum! #Corbynforpm!

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MakeEathshakergreatagain vote Trump and build wall

They hardly care about pserver talk.
They’re the reason we have classic.
I’ve seen multiple topics locked and removed when things got heated.

This is absolutely hilarious, especially the argument that the Horde was toxic for PVPing on a PVP server… As if Venture/Big Dig weren’t roaming around with 10+ player raids, killing every Horde in sight and then quickly taking a portal before the Horde got organized. As if there weren’t 3 Alliance rogues camping Kargath almost 24/7, triple ambushing anyone that left by themselves but refusing to engage in a fair fight. As if DM entrance didn’t often have multiple Alliance raids killing anyone trying to enter until eventually getting kicked out by the Horde. As if Stratholme entrance wasn’t constantly camped by Alliance until later in the evening.

I vividly remember a rogue named Capnstabbin spending over a minute trying to kill my lvl 35 mage on their way to STV of all places. Dude dismounted, used half his coolies and sat out 2 full ice blocks to kill a clothie 25 levels lower than them. The joke was on him, though, as the spirit healer was closer to SoS where I was heading. I guess the big difference is that instead of crying about it and transferring servers, the Horde just laughs it off, or gets organized to fight back.

Hell, I made a character on ES and one of the first things I was greeted with was a 10 man Alliance raid ganking everyone who was flagged outside UC, no matter their level. So please save me your high-and-mighty BS, this is just how the game works. If you can’t handle a 60/40 imbalance, you should probably just transfer to a PVE server. Most PVP servers can only dream of something that close to 50/50…

For the record, I only kill grey players when they’re being a dick. I won’t engage with most people under 60, but instead, help them kill their mobs or MC them so I can buff them. I’d rather help them get to 60 so they become more fun to fight.

Also, that mage named Måtch or w/e that killed you in Arathi is generally considered a douche, even on the Horde side. They’re the kind of person that needs on Dark Runes “for raiding” only to put them on the AH. Being surprised you meet opposition at one of the most contested farming spots in the game is just downright silly. They didn’t kill you for honor or fun, but probably because you were killing the fire elementals they wanted for themselves.

As a final note, allow me to explain why people might want to cleanse a zone of the opposing faction: To prevent lowbies of your own faction from being ganked. It’s not so much griefing as it is taking care of your own. I can’t even remember how many times I’ve seen people shouting for help in STV after being ganked by 5 people, all way higher level than them, even before phase 2…


Came here to avoid mega servers and now it’s one of the biggest servers. Unlucky.

Alliance are to blame for this and nobody else. They are the ones who decided it would be a good idea to ruin a server by secretly trying to migrate to another server. I’m happy the horde followed and ruined the server. Karma.

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Your the biggest idiot on the forums

Why is it karma that they’ve destroyed another server?

You can thank blizzard for the transfers :slight_smile:

So you are saying you had it hard when you outnumbered your oponent by at least 3 to 1? Imagine what it was like for them…lol

Im happy they chose earthshaker, so i could move to bloodfang LOL! Though we are more ally than horde now on the server which does feel kinda strange overall.

Great idea.
Until you try and realize that you can only transfer from PvP to PvE. Not from PvE to PvP.

So you are saying you have a hard time with basic maths involving fractions? In what world is 60/40 3 to 1? My point isn’t that we had it hard, I don’t consider that having it hard at all. I enjoy the competition, common enemies make friendships grow stronger and all that. My point is that Diddums should stop pretending it was one-sided and maybe a Classic PVP server just isn’t for them.

The Alliance were flexing, they got smashed, and they ran away to a server that had a worse balance than 60/40, but in their advantage. Now that it turns out they’re not a big of a majority as they had hoped, they’re right back to crying. Imagine being forced to play with people like that…lol


60/40 is a MASSIVE imbalance.
And if you’r goal was to grief because you could? Then having 50% more players surely made alot of people straight up leave. And like you pointed out “Allience controlled untill we had enough of it” Simply because you had the numbers to do so.
Enjoy you’r pve server.

So you did not have it hard as the dominant faction griefing the allies on your server then?

Like I pointed out, 60/40 is more balanced than any other PVP server could dream of. I would gladly take on an opponent with 50% more people. Hell, Alliance members from Flamelash might recognize my name as the dude engaging in a fight where he’s outnumbered 5 to 1!

How the poop did you deduce that my goal was to grief? Do you consider mind controlling people to buff them as griefing?! I would often give my guild mates lip when they killed people under 60… “Allience” often controlled BRM the entire evening during raid times because Horde guilds were too busy fighting each other to organize enough numbers to kick them out.

Why am I even replying to someone hiding behind a lvl 10 alt, who doesn’t have the basic decency to enable a spell checker…

9am to 5pm Alliance was probably the dominant faction on the server. Can you please explain to me what you consider griefing, cause I’m starting to get the feeling that if the Horde doesn’t strip down their armor for you and lay down, they’re supposedly griefing… Stop pretending you didn’t know what Phase 2 was going to entail. Whenever Alliance had the chance to engage in a fair fight, they ran away. Every. Single. Time. A 10-man Alliance raid camping the entrance to a dungeon, killing 5-man groups as they trickle in, then when 2 of those 5-man groups fight back without even forming a raid and you get this “omg they’re griefing, so toxic! :sob:”. And after wiping them, those 5-man groups would just enter the dungeon and go on with their day instead of camping the entrance. We would go looking for the 10-man Alliance raid in Felwood with like 6-7 people, but all we would usually find were the individual Horde players that got ganked by them and a portal to Ironforge. If the Alliance guilds were looking for balance, why did they transfer to a server where Alliance was already the majority?


Everyone I’ve run into in The Expendables have been carebears tbf.
Sounds like they just weren’t cut out for a PvP server if you ask me.

You alpha you…