Flametrash immigrants have destroyed Earthshaker

Lol. Just… sigh
If this is the generic alliance player talking, then it’s no wonder why server populations and servers are looking the way they are.

On a more serious note, 60/40 is actually “fine”, and quite normal. Always has been. A 50/50 ratio on servers isn’t unheard of, but it’s definitely not common.
Personally I wouldn’t mind playing on a 40/60 server.


Me Undead Warlock Me play on meme server with my spaz friends
All human paladinz xfer off my meme server so we go make another server meme server and me make thread xD OwO tIem to KILl sUm pUssY AllAyns xD

60/40 to either side is super good for a PvP server.
Only difference is that one side can’t admit that they might not be as good at PvP as the other side so they tend to grasp at whatever they can to justify their own inadequacy.
Faction imbalance, racials, whatever allows them to point fingers at anyone but themselves.


60/40 is great balance…when you are on the dominant side. I mean, who wouldn’t want a 2k player advantage…


What about the player base in general? There were free transfers, did you notice a lot of players leaving servers where they were the dominant fraction?

Right now horde has 10 min AV queue. Can’t premade it, and also have WSG queue. I would just buy a dwarf priest or something from playerauctions at that point. Cringe.

Anything between 50/50 and 60/40 is perfectly adequate for a PvP server.
It only becomes an actual problem if the ratio gets lower than 60/40 i’d say.

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Not applicable to current mega server population…so no. It was ok in vanilla as I did play the minority (horde).

It’s true, that’s why we play to win and don’t give up the moment our zerg fails, therefore earning more honour and rep.
Meanwhile Alliance squander their instant queues by acting like losers and complaining on the forums whenever they can’t win in 7 minutes, which is pretty cringe if you ask me.


I was posting this in the context of Flametrash being PVE realm for Horde. I know, needs at least 10 iq higher than yours to get that.

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dey tuk our juuubz


open transfers on any realm and you’ll see minority factions get killed because people WILL opt for convenience, regardless of whether they are Alliance or Horde.

and that’s just asking whether or not people want to cope with their mandatory hour long corpse runs to BRD which for most people would be enough reason to transfer, but Flamelash died so suddenly because of peer pressure.

imagine this, your guild opts to transfer in lieu of everyone else leaving, the prospect is such that anyone that doesn’t transfer gets stranded on a realm with empty capital cities with empty auction houses and no feasible ways to get group PvE content done for gear, everyone around you leaves, you are left with the decision to either sink with the ship or try to make due while floating around on a wooden door.

that choice would be insanely easy for most people, that 60/40 number you talk about would’ve been similar today if it weren’t for transfers, heck the remaining 90/10 are mostly here out of circumstance, not because of some nihilist desire to be alone.


Imagine this: A faction that’s the majority on one realm transfers to another realm where they know they’ll be the minority.

Wait, you don’t need to imagine, that’s exactly what half the Horde on Flamelash did. So your quote doesn’t really hold up to much scrutiny and in the case of Flamelash, it seems to only apply to the Alliance.

Before the transfers, I kinda wished I was Alliance on Flamelash, then I would at least find people willing to fight. My guild opted to transfer off the server, I didn’t, even though that meant I wouldn’t see any more world PVP. You wanna know why? Because there’s a bunch of my RL friends on Flamelash who have virtually no interest in wPVP and I wasn’t going to ditch them over some people I’ve only “known” for a few months.

Even now, I don’t regret not transferring. Instead, I made the same character on ES because being outnumbered sounds like fun to me. I enjoy a challenge! I’ve told my buddies numerous times: I would much rather go into a fight I should never be able to win, than go into a fight I should never be able to lose. If I’m almost guaranteed to lose, I can only go up from there and anything will feel like a win. If I’m almost guaranteed to win, I can only go down from there and the slightest loss would be downright embarrassing. If I go up against 5 ppl by myself and I almost manage to kill one, I’ll be laughing my rear end off!

If your only interest is to get PvE content done for gear, it would seem obvious that you shouldn’t be on a PvP server. PvE content in Classic is dull as nails and to me, it’s just a necessary evil to quickly and easily get basic gear for PvP. It feels like a lot of people playing Classic see it the other way around, where PvP is considered a necessary evil, only good for getting better PvE gear.

Look, I don’t blame Alliance players for transferring when they heard the majority of their faction were going to transfer. It makes perfect sense to want to stick with your friends. But please stop with this holier-than-thou BS, and please stop pretending that the people who initiated the exodus were looking for balance. It’s quite obvious they were just looking for easy gankings, and on Flamelash, they actually had to put in effort which was just too much to ask, apparently. Instead of at least trying to face the challenge, they just rolled over and went looking for excuses.

According to your logic, Apes should have transferred off Gehennas considering it’s about the same 60/40 split in favor of the Horde. Yet, from where I’m sitting, it seems like they are thriving in this environment and they regularly stomp on everyone when they roll out. So why did they not opt for convenience? My guess is that they are also looking for a challenge and don’t want the PvP to be as dull as the PvE, where they have to invent handicaps to make it interesting…

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gotta love wow community

not half, but those who were interested in WPvP also went to ES because it is the only PvP realm that isn’t majority Horde, and that realm only became recently minority Horde due to said transfers, you mentioned Apes below, they would also transfer if they somehow managed to ostracize all available Horde because they’re in it exactly to mess with the opposing faction.

glad to hear you are rerolling Alliance side on Flamelash!

that’s because they’re Apes, even if they would transfer they would be followed by Horde regardless because of how infamous they are.

and that’s entirely besides the point that Apes are a hardcore guild filled with very coordinated spergs who have done nothing but play private server up to Classic’s release, obviously they have a different perspective on what challenge means to them, and you shouldn’t be comparing Apes as players as a measure for how Alliance players in general should be expected to play.

exactly, people still NEED to do PvE content, whether they want to do it because they enjoy PvE (because you know, you can enjoy WPvP and PvE content, they’re not mutually exclusive) or do it out of necessity doesn’t matter here.

i’m not pretending anything, the few leaders of the guilds who mandated the decision to transfer didn’t do it because they wanted balance, it was just more convenient for them to become a majority faction on a realm that wasn’t already decisively majority Horde, so they went to the the most balanced realm as it is the easiest one to tip the scales towards Alliance’s number bias, we all know why THEY transferred, and i haven’t said anything in my previous post that would suggest otherwise either.

i’m also just sticking up for the people who get called “Flametrash immigrants” while they had no real choice in the matter, people saying those things would transfer if put in the same situation.


Roll alliance then! Why did you go ezmode horde if you’re such a hero?

There were free transfers did they leave before Alliance left or enjoyed the convenience? If they didn’t leave before gaze is right.

Gehennas has tons people who played vanilla private servers for years on the Horde side as well. Calling them spergs makes me think you haven’t interacted with them at all and are just jealous of their ability to thrive while being outnumbered.

You made it seem like anyone would want the convenience of being the majority, so I really only need 1 example to disprove that. I can probably find more examples for you if this one “doesn’t count” for some twisted reason…

Like I said, your logic of all people wanting convenience regardless of faction only seems to apply to Alliance on Flamelash. The Horde transferring to a server where they would be the minority doesn’t seem to fit into this idea of convenience you have.

I wholly agree with that. People saying that have no clue what they’re talking about and are probably just angry the status quo was disrupted. I recently had someone in an AV tell me I shouldn’t call out tactics cause I’m Flamelash… meanwhile, they were hanging around midfield like a dummy.

Heh, rolling Alliance is ezmode, my friend. Their racials are far superior! TBH, I don’t understand people who play a fantasy game where they can be anything they want, and they choose to play a human… Gnomes look sickly and have annoying voices, Night Elf are just fruity AF and Dwarves are just Humans that stopped growing at age 12. Even if Undead had no racials at all, I would probably still prefer them. There’s just something about an Undead shadow priest that appeals to me.

A RL friend made me switch to Alliance during Wrath because of a girl he liked. I still give him lip for it to this day.

What convenience? They moved to a server where they would be the minority. If they wanted convenience, why didn’t they move to a server where they would be the majority? Your argument makes about as much sense as a potato performing an opera…

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But I did play horde from vanilla to bfa…wanted a change and actually did go for the racials :slight_smile: horde is ezmode now due to numbers being skill…the more you are the more skilled you become at wpvp, it’s that simple.