Flat damage reduction did nothing

OP classes are still OP.
Doesn’t matter if you don’t get one shot, you’ll die one second later


this is not particularly good feedback… not at all.

borderline spam category tbh.

How could I be any more specific? The most unbalanced classes like shadow priests, shamans, balance druids, hunters still dominate in PvP. Just as the did before the change.

Individual classes need to be adjusted, not flat out damage reduction.

Do I need to spell it out more?

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For the open world there needs to be such an aura, for bgs, I don’t know… we already have increased HP there. This is the whole point of this exercise after all, to see.

how could you not?

bro you literally just walked in and said “this sucks, fix it”.
that’s not feedback, that’s immature feet stomping.

Well I’m glad I was specific in my reply.

Ironic considering i seen a thread that you created which consisted of pure yapping, some nonsense about Gadgetzan and how you ganked some ally as a priest and ally is bad yap yap yap.


hahaha git gud scrub.

Thats immature feet stomping.

no, that’s banter.

" Banter " ? Bro’s still living in 2010

never heard that expression before? it is also known as “trash talk” to the un-gamer.

Nah gamers dont use the the word " banter " as a form of trash talk,

The word banter was thrown about like 14 years ago, and has died out, maybe children still say " its banter " but not adult gamers, nah way,

Also ive just noticed that you 2 are in the same guild, thats cute, coming to his defence like that,

You guys come here to conquest the forum?

Without knowing the overall dynamics, it seems sort of obvious, just takes the weaker party longer to die.

Gamers dont use the word banter?

What does this have to do with “gamers”?

You never played with british people before?

would you say words like “wot” or “lol” is also outdated and childish, following that same logic?

by the way i am literally the priest. its my character, i am not trying to prostrate as a white knight. i just can’t post on my priest atm because “maximum posts for the day reached”.

Well apparently non gamers dont know about banter,

Im british myself, but i dont go around saying " its only banter ", i just say it what i say and if it offends someone thats their issue,

A real brit doesnt need to justify something by saying its banter.

Whats the maximum posts hahah?

You are british and find the use of the word “banter” to be immature?
literally WHAT?