Flight path killed me

I think its server lag tbh. This happend to me flying from STV too Wetlands. As i was coming into SW the bird dropped me right into a n00b group and killed me. They were wtf just happend. Warlock just fell out the sky in front of us and died.

When i ran up to the gates of stormwind after there was a bunch of people all stuck by the Elwynn Forest/Stormwind zone in and they were unable to enter stormwind with the same instance error.

Is an alliance griffon suppose too fly over orgrimar?

So you basically got killed by layering and crap servers. Sick.

no, it’s layering. Without layering you would be absolutely STAGGERED how many players are in these zones that the servers have to handle every day.

Got it once aswell. But a hearthstone exists, used it.

This is still happening to me… literally the only time i wont have it happen is if i spam change stances.

There’s nothing wrong with my internet so i know its not that.

Flight path killed me

Please accept this free complementary cup of coffee and remember that Flying is still the safest way to travel. :angel:

:flight_departure: Thank you for Flying with Azeroth Airlines! :flight_arrival:

It happens to me about every 4 flights in 10, it’s a roulette game every single damn time ha!

Not an issue when I’m playing solo but when trying to get to a dungeon, I get nervous everything that it will happen XD

Sounds like L2P issue.

Been playing since launch across 3 different characters, only encountered a single bug so far. In Retail you can barely play the game for the first 2 weeks after a major patch due to bugs making it impossible to proceed.

This bug is as old as the game itself. Lag, lost connexion for even a split second, or flying over a dungeon at the right moment, or a zillon other thing can cause it. I have been killed by this … not a lot, but frequently … from one of the first times I had enough G to pay for a Gryphon ride back in Vanilla. The Instance not found - message is a Classic!

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