Flight points addon?

Is there any addon that shows the flight points on map so I can unlock that point instead of walking by it not knowing.


If it wasn’t in Vanilla it won’t be in Classic

That said there are lots of mods coming out everyday so keep an eye out

The most that any addon could ever do is show in map where flightpaths are, but UI mod can never unlock the paths for you.

Yeah I only need to know where it is on the map so I can unlock it :frowning:


Dunno about that man, if you’re new to the game I guess you should check(online) where flight points to the zone are when you enter. Alot of the time you’re led there by quests though.

Bump. Also looking for this :slight_smile:

EDIT: Found this on reddit though, which supposedly shows all the classic flight paths: htt p s:/ /i.redd.i t/ypb hf0comayy. j pg


there are some on curse, flight masters classic, leatrix maps and some other forgot the name


Thanks. I’ll check them out.

EDIT: Can confirm Leatrix Maps (Classic) does show all flight points. Thanks alot, Apocalypto!


You can try Leatrix Maps (Classic)

*edit Hey im not 18… im 35 =)
*edit 2 I just noticed i was too late with Leatrix Maps (Classic). =)

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Appriciate it nevertheless :slight_smile:

Millions of years of evolution would eventually produce something in hominids, and many other living species, called the ‘eye’. In that most impossible to explain and incredible journey it developed the ability to recognise various colours.

Many millions of years later, some clever hominids would develop a game called ‘WoW’, and in that game, they used the colour ‘green’, with the symbol of an exclamation mark to point out something called ‘flight points’.

Keep your eye out for them, and use them to your benefit. :wink:


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