Flying, to me, will continue being an unnecesary feature so long as they do nothing with it. TBC, WotLK and Cata all had some content designed around flying but since then there’s been nothing outside of one faction in MoP. For that reason i couldn’t care less about flying not being there at max level, more so with the whistle and FP’s designed around getting to most places easily.
this is not about getting rewards for killing players, this is about getting rewards for NOT killing players… you get rewarded for doing WQ’s in WM not for engaging in WPvP… which means, that engaging in WPvP brings you nothing but wasted time and if you are seriously outnumbered death…
but you get a lot of stuff for ignoring other players… there is no incentive to attack other players… or even help other players… you get more stuff from ignoring it… and todays WoW is all about getting your tasks done FAST even blizzard supports the gogogogo mentallity with M+
the faster you do all your stuff, the more rewards you get, that is, why it was a bad Idea, to give higher rewards in WM
While i am strong supporter in gating flying for some time after launch, i think the wait in BFA have felt really long. I think we have arrived to a point, where we should talk about again if flying really needs to be delayed that long.
Blizzard say, that combat is very important, but they devalue it by themselves. Remember, that Ion constantly tells us, that something should be meaningful? Talents for example. But how about combat? Killing mobs has meaning in two cases only: 1) To get reward 2) To clear your way. And if mob doesn’t have any reward for you and constantly respawns, so 2nd point also loses it’s meaning, then killing it becomes meaningless. So, when Blizzard make content with smaller areas, that has lesser amount of mobs, that has higher respawn rate to compensate, they simply devalue their combat mechanic. Mobs should die for reason, not just because…
I will say this much on the issue . Pvp rewards should scale with pve content rewards . It doesnot make sense to make pvp gear inferior to pve gear in terms of stats and power .just my two cents on the topic.
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