Flying In New Zones Is Bad


Good idea. Jewelcrafters could also make disposable hearthstones that people can buy and then bind to inns anywhere they wish (working separately from normal hearthstone cd and location) with 3 charges or something. Mages could make portal scrolls and sell them, or there could be portal pedestals in different locations where mages could conjure portals that people can use for small fee (without being on group with said mage) that would be automatically taken when using the portal (bit like darkmoon mages portalling you to darkmoon faire style).


Lol! What?? I’m sorry, I honestly don’t mean to be rude but this is one of the most absurd things I’ve read about flying.

In my opinion people don’t like the argument ‘you don’t have to fly if you don’t want to’ because they know it’s the only argument that has little defence!!

So, to all anti-flying people - if you don’t like flying then don’t do it, but STOP trying to inhibit others from doing it just because you feel, for whatever bizarre reason, that it impacts your game. It doesn’t, you just think it does!

And… breathe. Thank you for reading! Good day! :grin:


And also. Blizzard have put themselves into such situation via delaying flying for so long. If they would have released flying earlier, in 8.1 for example, they would be able to delay it in 8.2 a little bit to allow you to play it without flying for some time. But with not having flying for a year??? No. We should even talk about releasing it immediately with 8.2 release, i.e. with formal Part II, as after a year delay waiting for it even more? No way.


you know full well the anti flyers will be

“you ruin muh immersions” yeah year later still finding exciteing blades of grass

"you ruin muh wpvp"yeah not everyone does PvP

“you are lazy people flying” yeah because people dont enjoy other views ofc not

Patch 8.2 wount be here until june and then you have to do pathfinder 2 so it will be a year by then nearly more then enough time for anti flyers .


Well, thanks for proving my point of people not wanting to see other peoples’ perspectives. If you think flying is fun for the sake of flying then there are tons of zones where you can fly for the sake of flying. Which is a weak argument – even I realize that. The argument you’re trying to push is just as bad. It would only really be relevant to a single player game, but if you were to understand that you’d have to broaden your perspective.

I’ve tried to elaborate in other threads, but any argument I make is immediately shot down because people are unwilling to listen. They’d rather pick at semantics, such as the use of empowering adjectives, or by making an argument that X, Y or Z doesn’t matter because there is no X, Y or Z in the game anymore (and they’ll repeat this argument even if I try to disprove them), or try to reinforce their own beliefs for my motivations. It’s hopeless to have any sort of sensible discord when people are so unwilling to listen to each other.

That being said, the OP is quite inflammatory in his tone, which is something I personally would have tried to avoid. This thread is just going to derail like all the rest.

I agree with you there but if you check the OP and his history he makes threads does the bait and never goes back to them and then goes around in random topics doing the same never answering for his actions.

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If this is what you think then I obviously didn’t do a very good job of making myself clear enough. I will try and work on that!

But you are mistaken, I have taken other people’s perspectives into consideration but most of them always seem to go on about these types of reasons:

(Thanks Serissa! :slight_smile:) And it is this I’m tired of and the ones who do try to accuse pro-flyers of being lazy, casuals etc. just because they enjoy flying and the anti-flyers don’t. If I have misjudged you in this then I apologise.

Well, the way I see it is this: since WoW is an MMO and most MMOs are single player games which have a community and include content to enable players to play with and against other players if they wish to do so, then it is very much relevant since WoW falls into that category.

But I would like to thank you for your polite tone in your disagreement with me. It is nice to be able to have a discussion like this in a pleasant manner. :smile:


The issue of flying is a selfish view of self interest. And I am not ashamed of that. Its utterly selfish. Those that support flying are only doing this so they themselves can fly. They are not trying to impose restrictions on any other player.

Trouble is, those that call for no flying do it cus they do want to impact and influence the way others enjoy the game.

So wanting to fly is selfish only insomuch that the player wants a benefit for themselves. And the those wanting no flying just want to ruin other players enjoyment.

Here is an idea. Simple choice. If you don’t want to fly … Don’t fly. But stop demanding that others should suffer your preferred game style. You don’t get those that want to fly demanding that other players have benefits taken away from them. It just gives you a false sense of superiority cus you think your view of matters, currently prevailing in game should be maintained cus many more sensible players actually want to enjoy those wonderful mounts they have mothballed and have sitting on shelves.

One last thing… it is cus of views like this that we have two basic mechanisms in this game that cus of bonkers views took away our best way to level and progress at a pace we chose. And that was scaling and flying. Scaling allowed a player to pick his or her own fights and progress through mobs at a pace that suited them. So if you wanted to fight greys so be it. If you wanted to fight yellows and reds then you could also have done same.

And flying which once was reward for reaching cap given that you would have explored the full reaches of the zone was also gated behind endless mechs just cus the game designers couldn’t design content that wasn’t gobbled up quicker than a hoover on heat.

In supporting these ideas you play directly into the hands of lazy game design. The example you quote isn’t our issue , its an issue of bad game design. And both scaling and none flying have been strapped onto the game to SLOW players down… cus they haven’t got any other clever ways to do it anymore.

And the problem with both. They are BORING and we are losing players by the bucket load. So if they had worked out more interesting content instead of artificial mechs that hold players back then maybe we wouldn’t be having this argument.

Trust me you do nothing other than destroy other players enjoyment. For those that want flying … they just want to FLY. Not stop you from doing it.


I could not have said it better myself. :100:

Flying is a hell of a lot more immersive for some of us and we have to wait a long time to get it.


People are listening but those reasons provided by no-flying folks just are not valid for them. Something that makes sense to you in your argument does not make sense for those who want to fly, because it is a matter of opinion not something that has one right answer. Also in this point pro-flyers are pretty angry (not to you but Blizzard) because flying has been postponed so long, so replies can be sharp too.

To clarify, pro flyers are saying “We want to be able to fly! It makes our game more fun”. We are not saying : “We want everyone to fly, so make it mandatory”. We want flying to be enabled so those who want can fly. That is why we say: you don’t have to fly. You simply don’t. There is nothing that automatically lifts you in air when flying will be enabled. But we do have to stay on ground now. That is the difference.

And i do aknowledge you been very civil on this discussion and it has been pleasure to talk about the subject. :smile:


Flying for me is about following things:

  1. Immersion: so called “game mechanics”, like to high density of mobs, too high respawn rate, too wide aggro radius, bugged combat, dazes, etc., kill it for me. Avoiding exceeding combat makes situation better.
  2. Difficulty level: indeed I use flying to avoid situations, I just can’t handle. For example too large pack of mobs or elite can kill me, when I’m undergeared, so it’s better to avoid it. “Challenge” just isn’t for me. I don’t want game to be way to stressful, as it brings negative emotions and kills my desire to play it.
  3. Navigation: I’m not fan of adventure genre, that is about navigating in mazes, searching for secrets, etc. I need RPG’s core elements, i.e. character customization and progression. I understand, that navigation and exploration should be part of MMORPG, but this part should be optional, as not all players need it.
  4. Forced PVP: too many PVP-flagged NPCs, blocking roads and sneaking here and there. And I don’t need PVP in any shape or form, as it’s extremely unfair and toxic. Players get their fun at expense of others. Players get their fun via humiliation and mockery of other players. Is it really so good for game? May be some players like it due to their mentality, but not me, sorry. PVP-related griefing - is exact thing, that is strongly recommended to have hard restrictions in any game (except purely PVP ones of course).
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nope i refuse i shall not make my usual comment towards Radi <3

There will be flying and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it


I wouldn’t care about no flying if Gather herbs was not so f**** annoying .

I don’t like to spend my playtime runing like headless chicken because how 900 and 2XX stats is importants in high content .

Édit: And i can add how much Azerith i lost because we have to go up then down then up then down then up then down, it will feel greater to be able to rush WQ everyday.

No. Ppl disagree sometimes. Is called “free will”. And if you like or not is available for all human beings.
Zerg never use it. But some of them fly. :thinking:


These discussions are always the same. :slight_smile:

I can understand the views of both sides, but there’s one thing I’d like to point out.
The “Don’t fly if you don’t want to” argument.

One of the main reasons I see put forth for not wanting flying is immersion. In my opinion immersion involves how everyone you see acts in world. So if other people can fly anywhere they want, that ruins the immersion of the person that doesn’t fly by choice.

Of course being able to fly is also immersion. And if you can’t do that, your immersion is also ruined.

Personally I like flying, but I wonder if it can be made more interesting/immersive to set it more apart from ground mounts (besides the flying obviously :stuck_out_tongue: ).

No, this actually makes sense. If they like flying, there are lots of places they can fly. But they don’t want flying, they want to avoid all the terrain, mazes and aggro, maybe because they are too good for such ‘chores’.

On the other hand, the so-called arguement ‘don’t fly if you don’t want to’ is worse than the worst joke. Who says such thing, and how, with what mentality? How can anyone think this is an arguement at all? It’s really interesting.

This is not even a good argument. Flying causes less ganking, which is good for people that don’t want to wpvp, and makes it easier for people that do want to wpvp to join in because they don’t have to navigate through entire zones on foot anymore.


Very simple, “I don’t like flying! BOOHOOO MEEHHH CRY CRY” - then don’t. Simple as, it’s not an argument - it’s a solution.

They either should just go back to TBC/WoTLK style flying (Max level -> Buy flying) or just remove it at all. This in between nonsense started at WoD and it’s horrible.

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Delaying flying until 2/5th of the expansion is already done is bad for the game.

If it would have been available at launch I would have saved a ton of time when I’m doing those awesome and immersive World Quests and Emissaries.

Now I have spent an eternity running around the clusterf__k zones via ground mount.
Gimme flying, now.
Thank you.
