Flying In New Zones Is Bad

what are you even trying to say to me ? there are ways and means to counter flyers in wpvp and i dont even pvp and i know that .
There is no PVP servers anymore hasnt been for 9 months now its your choice to WPVP yet you want to take away the choice for flyers doesnt sit well with me that you want to take away my choice when you still have one .


If you like flying go fly in Kalimdor. Simple as that.

But you can’t say ‘don’t if you don’t want it’, people tend to use easier way if they are allowed to.

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Flying is a functional aspect of the game. Saying “go back to Kalimdor if you want to fly”, c’mon, that’s like saying “Do Molten Core if you want to raid”…yep pointless.

Fact still stands, you do not have to fly if you want to enjoy the landscapes while running on your bare feet or ground mount.

How is AFKing while using the Flight Master better than flying yourself?


I agree. It’s also about competition. That’s, why we suggest only 100% solution of this problem - flying mode. Something similar to war mode. Or may be just make war mode no flying. This way players just wouldn’t see each other, as if they would play on different servers.

But if Blizzard don’t want to split playerbase even more, then there is another solution. Difficulty level. Something similar to LFR, Normal, Heroic, Mythic. Higher level you pick - better rewards you get. So in this case no-flying players would know, that flying ones would get worse quality of rewards.

Dunno about other players, but I really don’t care about quality of rewards, as infinite progress is pointless anyway. It kills sense of accomplishment. New gear set? Yeah, it’s meaningful. Grinding 100500 item levels just to kill harder versions of the same mobs? No, this is meaningless.

Blizzard claim, that there is no solution of flying/no-flying problem, other than to just remove flying. This is lie. There is plenty of solutions. They just don’t want to even try.

Again an analogy. Analogies are poor attempts to prove something, i don’t take them serious. Raids has nothing to do with skipping all the terrain, aggro and mazes. You can keep trying with some other analogies as well, they will all be irrelevant.

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I know you do, because that’s the main arguement every single anti flyer has, and it goes completely against my point of view, who feel the world gets bigger once I can enter the skies. And do you have any idea how frustrating it is when this arguement is drowning in a discussion about convienience?

You’ve got Blizzard on your side, just the fact that I read this yesterday;

" Flying is a good example. There are those who think flying makes the world feel smaller and some who want the convenience. The system evolved from getting it for gold, to not having it at all, and ultimately settled on a method that they feel is a nice middle ground."

Quote from MMO Champion, currently at the bottom of first page.

What pisses me off is that they used the “world feel smaller” -card to descibe those who are against flying, while those who want flying want it for convinience(!!!) indicating that that’s the correct view(quite franky, they’ve pretty much said so themselves that they think flying makes the world feel smaller)

There is no doubt some just want flying to be more efficient, while the rest of us want flying for immersion sakes. Bigger world, better views, fantasy appeal(as a kid I always wanted to fly IRL - there is something magic about it), class fantasy(druid), and generally feel that the world is more open and free. You also get a completely different and more awesome view of zones. I can’t count how many times I’ve taken screenshots of Suramar city for example, from the air! That view is impossible to get while grounded, and you really can’t see how freaking massive and detailed that city is, from the ground.

I never neglected your point of view, which is why I mentioned what flying means to me personally. I am just trying to get heard through to noise of talk about “lazy people who just want instant gratification and easy solutions, because that is the only thing flying has to offer”(?!).

Blizzard hit a middle ground. You get half the expansion flying free, and we’re paying for it through pathfinder, which can take a while to obtain if you don’t like being forced at what pacing you do the content. Personally I like to relax when doing the content, but pathfinder ruins my playstyle, because flying is very important to me, and if I’m gonna get it, I have to rush through content even when I don’t feel like it. WoD pathfinder was the worst at this though. I still don’t have it, and ended up unsuscribing because of it. Treasure hunting in particular, isn’t my thing. I like finding treasures when I stumble across them, not hunt chests through spesific targeting. BFA pathfinder part 2 better be simple, so I don’t have to worry about what order I do things. I just want to do tasks naturally.

But yeah, you have your middle ground. You should not be trying to push your view into a even larger part of the expansion. Anti flyers get 50% of the expansion, flyers get the other 50%.


So is your opinion then, since they’ll introduce flying either way in 8.2 :rofl: . Let’s cut all the discussions about this subject!


And so what if they do? There are many reasons why they do and no problem to you or anyone else unless you, or they, choose to make it one. What difference does it make to you if they make that choice?

At least they are trying to make their point. All you are doing is arguing without really giving a reason to back up what you’re saying.

But enough is enough, I’ve said my piece - again. Time to go do other things now. Have fun and stay safe all :slight_smile:


If the new zones just work the same as previous ones with flying, i.e. skip content and may as well not exist, then I’ll be really disappointed. If its like Stormpeaks or something where the zone is actually designed with flying in mind then I’m looking forward to what mechanics will be there.

When flying is introduced i will not be unhappy, because i like flying, not you. What you liek is to avoid all the terrain, aggro and reach the prize (ore, herb, mount farming with 2342 alt chars) without any obstacles.

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How great that you know what I think. Ugh.

I’ll tell you a secret, I explore way more of the content when I can fly than when I’m stuck on a ground mount. There’s a much higher chance I take a detour if I can just fly there, now I just go straight to the objective and that’s it.

Every time we went somewhere pre-BfA I used my own flying mount instead of the flight master. I wasn’t much faster, but it’s much more fun and convenient for me…

But great, internet-psychologist 101 mr awesome here knows everything better.


… I was agreeing with you. :confused:

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Seriously? Do you really want to drop down to that level?

Obviously we are on Kul Tiras and Zandalar because this is the curret content, we’ve likely completed content in those old zones. Sure, not at a 100%, but I bet you aren’t 100% done with Legion e.g. either. We can probably agree that we both feel finished with those zones by now. Just going back there solely to fly, and doing nothing else, won’t happen a lot. Sure, I might have the odd flying tour just for the heck of it, but it doesn’t take up much of my time online. And certainly not enough to validate your “tip” about going back to those old zones if flying is what you want.

And honestly, if flying breaks the current zones, wouldn’t that mean it would break the old zones too, or are you just as “finished” with those zones are the rest of us? I guess that world doesn’t matter much to you after all - Just your personal space… the exact location where you are doing content right now.

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Please stop skipping content then.

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That’s like saying if you want to be grounded go to the Argus.


Please accept my apology im having a blonde moment i am really sorry :frowning:


Yes, lets take the path of most resistance, I’m sure that will make me competitive with the people who are taking the path of least resistance. Such fulfilling gameplay.

Then blizzard should have introduced the zone in patch 8.1.5 it is ON THEM that the new zone is coming with the new patch where flying is coming in.

Yes and then BLIZZARD made ZONES that YOU COULD NOT FLY in.
see the problem there they forced the “compromise” to be almost useless.
It is not a compromise if you can’t actually fly in current content when flying comes.
And even when it comes you have to do an achievement meaning you will be doing that zone on the ground for a bit of time at the bare minimum.

This is a bullcrap excuse from you, you can explore and do more with the zone if you can fly. heck, it is easier to do that flying over being on the ground.
If i can fly i will see more of what the artists have made then if i am on a ground mount simply because if i am flying i will randomly think i want to go there and then go there with a ground mount i will just go there if there is a world quest or a quest there.

Again on Blizzard for not putting the zone out BEFORE we get flying.
But we ALSO have Deepholm a small zone yet perfectly made for Flying.
SO there IS a way to make a zone for flying and keep the scale small.


Please enlighten me how my flying makes you want to compete with me?

If you are talking about gathering, the competition is already there. I had to buy a Sky Golem for 148k gold, stack up on glove enchants for lower cast time on herb picking, and craft a ton of Coarse Leather Barding to avoid getting dazed and dismounted while picking flowers. That’s no different than you having to fly. Oh and btw, druid forms doesn’t seem to beneft from the 20% mounted movement speed buff. If you happen to be a druid gatherer(which I am not btw).

So boo hoo if you have to use a flying mount for gathering sakes. I never wanted the sky golem, or the enchant, or the leather barding. I just realized I had to pick it up because herbalism became such a drag, especially before Anchor Weed became more common.

Just drop that flying mount for other activities where other players won’t compete with you(well, at least I don’t see any other element where flying would make you less competative). WQ efficiency doesn’t count, because even when we fly, we do quests at different pacing. I’m one of the slowest people in the world at being efficient. I tend to get side tracked quite fast. I promise you I won’t out quest you even if I can fly.

But yeah, fill me in. Where do you feel the need to fly because other people fly, besides when gathering?


Yet I will likely be one of the people who explore the new zone to the fullest I can(I am not great at finding secrets… but secrets are usually not hidden through flying anyways), even though I can fly, or just think flying makes the game better.