Flying In New Zones Is Bad

So right from the bat the geography and seeing plenty of players riding around doing the new content, Mechagon and Nazjatar will be destroyed.

Damn flying advocates. “Gimme flying now now now! I don’t care about artists spending month on end crafting zones. I don’t care about seeing players actually populate the world rather than ‘swoop in swoop out’.”

You already had your perfectly fair middle-ground of getting access to it LATER. Constantly asking for flying when you’ve been told MULTIPLE times it’s coming in 8.2.

Already I can see people thinking “You don’t have to fly.” Well, I think you’ll find you probably do because now they’ll be designing, or rather breaking, things around flight-- and there’ll likely be platforms and areas you can only reach with flying now clumsily and hastily added in.

We know Mechagon is a small zone, so there’s no way it can be designed properly around flight - as in large open areas with verticality off in the distance. Can you really see Nazjatar being as vast and open as Storm Peaks?

Yea yea I know this is going to be swarmed with fly-fly people, but you know feel free to make your ‘arguments’. This is a horrible idea to have flying immediately because losing any sense of scale or geography is very bad in a brand new zone.


Maybe the new zones are designed with immediate flying in mind? Like Nazjatar is apparently going to be some sort of chasm in the ocean with lots of cliffs and stuff. Being able to fly would fit there.


You have had your non flying now for 8 months and still will have long time before 8.2 is gonna be released. Then it is pro flyers turn to have fun. This is what compromises mean: it sucks for us till 8.2 and then it (by what you say) sucks for you.


Look at it from the bright side… You can at least kill people with the air dismount tool again. :thinking:


You could have posted in one of the ongoing threads but you have to pump your alpha man chest and roar not that anyone cares what you think with your ego .

I think its great news we can use flying in 8.2 and all area’s means they have learnt there mistake from Argus .


He even stated its bigger than tanann and timeless and they were pretty big zone’s you talk so much drivel “meh immersion waaaaaah waaaaaaaaah”


Ofc you dont have to earn pathfinder 2 before getting it do you :thinking::thinking::thinking: which is going to take some time :thinking::thinking::thinking: but then again you dont do much :thinking::thinking: by the sounds of you .

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I am extremely fed up with people thinking this is what flying is about.

Sorry, I want flying because it makes the world feel bigger. Exact oposite of what you anti flyers claim. I like being at the top of the world, and I do play a druid. A character that transform into a bird. I miss being able to run off cliffs or just jump into the air and transform into a bird flying away. It’s freaking epic, yet what flying ADDS to the world, is seemingly completely ignored.

Flying makes the world feel bigger, more immersive, and the end result is that the game overall feels better and more open. That’s what flying means to me, and I am so tired of this argument being completely ignored and replaced by “convinience”, because this has nothing to do with convinience, and the crappy argument makes actual concerns due to lack of flying, drown(sure, convinience can be a valid argument in some cases, but regarding this it is rather useless).

Oh well, I guess I’ll continue tabbing out and going AFK whenever I have to use a flightpath, because I am not allowed to travel the world on my own.

And btw while at it(not about flying, but travelling), the boat traveling between Kul Tiras and Zandalar is pretty crap. It would have been better if it worked more like the old world boat travelling. There is nothing more immersion breaking this game has to offer right now, than the instant teleportation between these two islands. It makes them feel completely disconnected.


To be honest I whould rather have the options to take boats from Boralus/Zandalar to;

Tanaris or even perhaps a new built port in Uldum(Close to both Silithus and Caverns of time)
Then also a boat that connects Stormwind and Orgrimmar to Boralus and Zandalar.

Instead we have the portal room, even if its convenient I still whould find more boats entering and leaving, what’s supposed to be two of the most prosperous ports in whole Azeroth way more immersive. If we want more portals etc. why not just allow engineers to craft personal devices.

There could also be a thing to allow scribes to make Scrolls of town portal items;
Portals to Major cities, perhaps even some “unforseen places” like perhaps scrolls that take you to places near opposite faction cities… for example Scroll of portal; Orgrimmar whould leave Alliance users somewhere close(perhaps in the valley between orgrimmar/razor hill) but horde users whould show up in the portal room.

Then Enchanters could have “portal stones” which take you to other areas such as Argus, cavern of time etc.

This whould give both professions and traveling some new features. Ofcourse I don’t suggest these items to have rediculus material costs, instead they could be relatively cheap.


This has nothing to do with flying. Would be nice addition to game in general but i don’t see how it would any way replace flying or bring back anything flying took away. But still it would be nice to have. :smiley:

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Another fly-hating thread?? Haven’t there been enough already? SMH!!


Well about flying… hmm I’m not for or against flying really. However I disslike the portals scattered around the world and I’d rather see portals being in game trought items or classes if portals are supposed to be a thing. Flying at the very least ain’t a static portal. Only reason why i whould be against it whould be druids flying form tbh. due to how broken it is in W-PvP.

Another fun Idea I whould had loved are a addition to Jewelcrafters who have perhaps five different colored attuning gems they can craft(and sell). Every gem have 10 charges and when you attune a gem of a certain color to a summon stone your allowed to teleport to that stone.

So if you have alts that farm raids you can attune a stone to for example the ICC stone and by using your teleport gem you simply pop up there. But this ofcourse come with the luxury fee of buying stones. If you don’t farm raids you could choose stones which are convenient or not buy them at all.

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This is dead horse and we already have 2 threads about it. People talk about getting flying so late to be unfair compromise, as pro-flyers can’t experience game properly and enjoy it, when it’s still fresh and new, not obsoleted, but some other still try to pull blanket towards themselves. No flying there would: 1) Make Pathfinder Part II pointless, i.e. Part I should have rewarded flying then 2) Brake some initial “Master content on a ground - get flying” promises 3) To be simply unfair, as pro-flyers are treated as 3rd grade customers.

Flying isn’t needed by itself. Some players just need lower difficulty level. We have LFR, Normal, Heroic and Mythic raids for reason - exactly because different players prefer different difficulties. And only they can decide, where to start and when to climb on a next step. But at the same time we have only one outdoor difficulty, that is some sort of compromise. We need several difficulty levels. And we actually had them. When we had flying.

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Hmm I feel the exact opposite; flying makes the world feel smaller. I remember how cool it was in TBC to fly over Terokkar forest and see how close Shattrath was to that little night elf outpost that is full of moths. It put a perspective on things, but it didn’t make the world feel bigger.

I’ve argued with so many people about flying and it can be pretty exhaustive since no side wants to see the other side’s persective. Either you like it, or you don’t. However, I will add one thing to this thread since I know people are going to try and use it as an argument: saying that “you don’t have to fly” is like saying “if you want to fly you can visit any other expansion to do so.” If you think that the latter argument holds no weight then I will say that it holds exactly the same weight as the former.

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Ofc it doesnt because its NOT CURRENT CONTENT massive difference .


I agree a month or two before we get too fly there will do.

Oh, shut it and don’t use a flying mount in those zones. Be an example! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Considering Blizzard isn’t a fan of flying this is probably the case.

This actually made me laugh out loud! Thank you! :smiley:

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Hardly. That’s not how it works. How is that destroying the geography of areas designed with that content in mind? It Isn’t. Less people around? Ermm, no, there will be the same number of people around, someone approaching a zone from one direction whilst you approach it from another doesn’t make the world more ‘alive’ you know. The same applies to flying.

Actually, the petulant attitude you are trying to attribute to advocates of Flying there, is better suited to those against flying. “I don’t want flying!” “Well, that’s OK, you don’t have to use Flying?” “No, you don’t understand! I don’t want flying, so -no one should have flying!” “Well, you know, you do have a choice, but what you’re asking for is taking choice away from other people?” “They Don’t Matter, -I- Don’t want Flying, and that is all that is important!”

I Spy, with my little eye, someone who started playing after Wrath, or in fact no, after Cata. You know Flying has been necessary to reach some places ever since TBC? They’re breaking nothing. They’re giving people another way to view their majestic landscapes, seriously, some of the zones you -really- appreciate more from the Air, the views are astounding, you can really see the effort that went into them, that you just cannot see from the ground.


Is this a pre-emptive and dismissive way to try and stifle any argument that doesn’t fit your view of things?

If you had ever played the original WC games, you would know that Flying mounts were part of it, if you had played during Vanilla you would have seen the loading screen with a Dwarf riding a Gryphon through the Skies. If you had played TBC you would have done the Sunwell Bombing quest on Quel’Danas, or the various other flying quests, as well as gotten to those areas that you need flying for. If you had played WotLK you would have known that flying was essential to some of the zones, If you had played Cataclysm you would have known that Flying was essential to some of the zones, particularly Deepholm and Uldum.

That’s an awful lot of ‘arguments’ as you put it, to basically explain why you are wrong.

Flying belongs in the game, always has done.