Flying mounts how dare you change it

Exactly. We should have option to change each mount’s way of flying, not this “one-for-all” exclusive.

Edit : ah, too many mounts? So what? Many old mounts simply do not look nor feel right when skyriding, and sometimes I just need to hover. At least consider to implement it as an option in future patches, please…


But come on, this is 2024, solutions exist. Just have a “steady all”, “dragonflying all” box plus the possibility to select by groups (Dragon mounts, bird mounts, etc) like you have for pets.

Assigning each mount a flight mode need not mean clicking once on every mount.

Although I have to say I like your suggestion of turning toggle cast time into a debuff more. And it should be easier to do.

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Right now you don’t have an option. It’s all skyriding or all regular. What I’m asking for, and what everyone has been asking for is not to disable this, but to tweak. Give us the option to manually set an override. If some of us are insane enough that we want to go through 300+ flying mounts, let us do that. Don’t give us the “you think that you do but you don’t” response.

As i mentioned in other threads before, regular flight is much better for short distances, skyriding for longer. I don’t want to sit there changing riding for 5 seconds. Why is it 5 seconds? Why is it not instant? Why not 1 second?

I think it takes 1.5 seconds to mount
Yet it takes 5 to switch types? Why?

I am asking you to be honest and give me a reason why it takes 5 seconds. We used to be able to mount our regular mount in 1.5, dismount and mount a dragonflying in 1.5 and the game knew to give us the dragonflying effect. If the game was able to do that, why does it suddenly take 5 seconds for it to be able to recognize this setting?


Ye, instead of the insane long 5s cd on switching between normal flying and the new one (before I just swapped mount if I wanted to use normal flying to find something hidden on the ground, and now it feels like a nerf), there should be an option to choose the flying on a specific mount. Just right click on the mount to assign skyriding or normal flying.


This is a solution that works for you, and that is fine, but it’s not a solution that works for me.

I did no such thing. You asked for possible reasons and I gave you one.

The cast time itself has spawned various discussions and many agree the five second cast time isn’t fun:-

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Spot on. Pick a mount for the style you want at the time you want has been working fine up until now.


I’m sorry, but this is 100% the “you think you do but you don’t”.
You basically said “you couldn’t possibly want to have this toggle on every mount, look at how many mounts ther are”

Translate this to transmog. “There is an excessive amount of mogs for all your gearpieces to have to pick to use or not, better stick to only having the option to mog whole sets”

Transmogging whole sets is very convenient for people who want to look a certain way and make their mog fit together but don’t want to go through every piece (like me), but there are those who want to go through every mog they have to presonalize their wardrobe just the way they want.

The same way, I want to personalize the way my stables work just the way I want, not just apply a uniform method.

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No it isn’t. So please just stop with that nonsense.

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Are you forgetting that Blizzard removed flying all together in WoD, despite a massive forum debate on the subject. So many players cancelled their subs that Blizzard reversed their decision.

That forced back down seemed to have annoyed Blizzard so much that they’ve been messing with flying ever since.


The way they have implemented this 5 second cast is a regressive approach for QOL. And when you remove QOL features, there will always be a backlash. Some will be genuinely upset, while others will moan just because that is what they want to do with their life.

I really do not know why people are being so defensive in Blizzard’s favour. Remember people come to WoW for entertainment. When you actively add a feature that make this cumbersome then the only thing that will happen is less people play.

Whoever thought this was going to sail well should give his head a real good shake.


In my opinion Blizzard have a few options

  • Replace the 5 sec cast time with instant cast which dismounts the player when switching flying types
  • Add a check box to each mount telling it what type of flight to be used and then add 2 key binds

I think Blizzard must have 2 options. One for those who don’t want to go through all their mounts and one for those who would do it. More options the better.

Before the patch I was expecting Blizzard to Copy the addon Litemount

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I have said this is in several of discussions (so can’t remember if I’ve said it in this one) but personally it would be better to apply a five second debuff to the player to prevent swapping fast if that is the aim. We already have a cast time to mount.

Personally not keen on the litemount solution. It’s fine if you only want to have a couple of mounts assigned but more than that it’s a big task to go through and assign what will work then. I used to use litemount before to stop it over riding my preference for steady flight. It wasn’t a big deal to set up because we only had half a dozen skyriding mounts so they were just excluded. Now we have almost every flying mount.

The one thing I do like about the current system is that I can use all the mounts for all the flying, regardless of which one I choose. I spend 99% of my time in steady flight. If the system changed as you proposed I would probably just mark one for skyriding and keep the rest as steady flight.

It’s not the end of the world for me if the system changes. It’s probably more of an issue for those that now enjoy both forms of flying.

I agree that more options are always better but I think it’s unlikely that they’d do multiple systems for this.

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I agree with you on this.
I hope Blizzard atleast removes the 5 sec cast time and makes it instant. The button already dismounts me so there is no need to change anythig else to it.


It’s also an issue in places where they force you to dragon ride. If I forget and enter the Tindral fight before having swapped then it wont let me swap during the fight. I think it should automatically put the player into skyriding mode if it’s required for the encounter.

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Honestly man, just flip the switch back. It’s 5 seconds.

Nothing sickens me more than seeing a post like this after the people who didn’t want flying at all had their game taken away from them for 10 years.

Get over it.

Though of course, this could reasonably be sarcasm…

In the dungeon The Nokhud Offensive on normal/heroic/mythic I can use only Dynamic flight for some reason. M+ allows sky riding and I don’t know what is the difference…


I saw someone else mention that issue yesterday. It’s a strange change, someone said there are now gryphons or ghostly birds or something to carry you between fights.

It is code. The limitations are only with how much Blizzard wants to spend in changing that code.

For my two penneth, the easiest is just give people two bound buttons option. Create a key bind for flying with sky riding no matter which mount you stick in there, then a second key bind to steady riding for whatever mount. That way you can populate the key bind to whichever mount you want and play as before. All this, while allowing you to fly your mount of choice in the fashion you wish to fly it, which was the soul intent of the change anyways.


Saying “Nu-uh” is not a valid response. I gave you an example. You cannot give me any reason why what I said was incorrect. That shows that you don’t have any. Taht you don’T want to bring precedent and reasons into this topic, because you know you don’t have those. Your responses are usually reasonable, but here you are blindly defending blizzard and I am really curious why.

Why not allow players an option to customize how they play the game? Blizz has the tech to do so, the tech is literally the same toggle that already exists.

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