Flying Update in Shadowlands

There isn’t one. Like so many other things in this game, it’s just a arbitrary thing that encourages people to play. That’s it. No matter how mind-numbing it is. It’s an absolute sellout, for developers who can’t be bothered to implement something that’s actually fun for it’s player-base.

Hence, we have this rubbish.


Blizzard plz just remove flying already and stop listening to the instant gratification kids who have never worked a hard day in their lives. We don’t want flying!

The flying mounts I’ve spent an absolute fortune on say otherwise. If they want to remove flying, like they tried in WoD, I want my money back. All of it. :wink:


Pathfinder does not make any sense, I fell scammed by Blizzard for requiring to farm in every expansion to be able to fly and then lost the ability to fly in the next expansion and some patches later to be required to do that farm again. It dones not make sense to be required to farm again multiple reputations to unlock something that I have already unlocked.

Pathfinder should be changes, it would be find if just require to explore the zones and complete the story, and just wait until next content patch when those zones are not relevant anymore. Or just do not have pathfinder and wait until next patch to fly in zones.

Exactly. I wouldn’t mind at all if it was a specific story-line, but no, we have to rep with some obscure faction we’ve never heard of for weeks, doing the same dailies over and over again. It’s lazy and it’s pretty obscene to ask your paying customers to jump through hoops to achieve something they’ve done before, numerous times.

All in all, it’s a complete joke.


I haven’t even done the BFA version, I refuse to. Until you can come up with something entertaining, I’m gonna pass. Sometimes, the only way to win is to not play, and they should really, really think long and hard on that because I’m certainly not alone. Stick your “repping” up your a***, because I’m certainly not falling for it again. :wink:

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i know. pathfinder in its current form just doesnt make sense to me whatsoever. i can only speak for myself but its definitely not encouraging me to keep playing. everytime i hear of another rep i have to grind i have a minor mental breakdown and im at the verge of quitting because its just not fun. :woman_shrugging:

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You and me both. I’ve only just come back since Christmas (the lock-down) and I still don’t like what I see. Are these idiots just immune to learning, or do they simply not care? I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s the latter.

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*Question *

Why popups from 250 to 5k g? What about 500g?

I like flying too but the reason why the devs don’t give it to us right away is because it would trivialize the world they spent so much time designing. In Cataclysm we had flying on day 1 of expansion release, and look how that turned out.

No, wrong. The reason the devs don’t give it to us, is pure laziness. It’s that simple. Like I said, I’d love a story-line that unlocked it, even if it spanned the entire expansion, but bizarrely, we have to rep with an underwater race… to fly?

Don’t defend them, that is the reason. Shirking morons who don’t even know what they intend to do, let alone implement it…

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If you hate flying so much it sounds like classic might be right up your alley.

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who is this we? I’m sure all the anti-flyers I see posting about removing flying I can count on my fingers, plus you don’t speak for me, I happen to like flying as do a good number of people on the forums.


Also, wtf is this? Do you seriously consider M+ and raids “working a hard day”? Lol, believe me, my friend, you have much to learn about actual life, not the online version. Are you’re in for the shock of a lifetime! :joy: :joy: :joy:

yeah…when they had this long break between pathfinder updates i found myself not playing wow for weeks. there were just more interesting things out there. i love flying and i can manage on ground as well so thats not the problem but oh boy. the mob placement really ticked me off so many times. sometimes i believe they only do this to spite us. everything seems like its designed to be as annoying and time consuming as possible. :roll_eyes: not exactly what/why im paying a sub for…

i really do love wow and i wouldnt even mind pathfinder if they would put someone with a brain behind the concept of it. the current design is just abhorrend and drives more people away than it garners.

but yeah, was surprised to see you back actually, hadnt seen you in a while so…welcome back? :smile:

Then the real problem is not the pathfinder but the content. Specifically that non-raid and non-dungeon content in this game is low effort garbe. It would make more headway if players target the real issue (WQs, dailies, islands, etc) instead of always complaining about the proxies (pathfinder, essences, reps, etc).

Oh waah waah waah, Blizzard loosened up requirements for old content. Quick, someone call the National Guard or something.
I hope they do more just to stick it at you.

more like “waaah waaah i take the first thing someone says without reading the rest because i just HAVE to get upset about other peoples opinions”

You think I am upset? That’s cute. I’m not the one who’s very first post to the thread was “Oh great, they gave in to a specific crowd”, essentially complaining about something being made easier/obsolete or whatever.

It’s old content. Who gives a hooey. If they want to move forward with Pathfinder achievements being timegated nuisances that will let people fly sooner if they jump through hoops or let them fly once a new expansion is on the horizon, then so what? It’s not like people skipping Shadowlands are gonna be any better than people who played through it.

its you who got all catty, not me, so go figure. :+1:

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