Flying Update in Shadowlands

Suggesting that cattyness wasn’t a driving theme in all of your posts.

it wasnt. if you had bothered to read (AND understand) my previous comments you d know im over it so whats your point starting drama again?

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Well if you’d sit down and let me read the rest of the thread, I would be more inclined to say “Right, my bad”. Your constant passive-aggressive interruptions aren’t helping.

who again forced you to make a catty comment without reading everything first? wasnt me for sure.

if you dont want me to “passive aggressively interrupting you” then you maybe should have waited, sat down and read the whole thing first instead of commenting everything separately. :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

I got all the Pathfinders when they were current, that allowed me to fly in those older expacs when they were still relevant, this was a major boon at the time that I have benefited from immensely due to the nature of flying mounts making it easy to get around.

I feel like for others who missed it when it was current, the investment it takes is simply not worth it, the value of the reward has plummeted by extension of the content not being current or relevant in any way shape or form, yet the investment hasn’t changed.

I do not feel cheated for others getting it, because they were not able to fly in the expacs when they were current, they will not benefit more from it now then I did back in the time, this change would have had my support in Legion (to open up WoD)
Good change imo


I have an issue with the current changes in flying:

Azeroth/Kalimdor 1-60: No Flying
BC/Wrath 60-80: Slow/Fast Flying
Cata/MoP 80-90: Fast Flying
WoD, Legion, BfA 90-120: Fast Flying with Pathfinder

Planned in 9.0:
Any Continent 1-30: No Flying
Same Continent 30-40: Slow Flying
Same Continent 40-50: Fast Flying
Shadowlands 50-60: No Flying

Without the level revamp in 8.3, I am able to fly in all expansions from the start, except the old continents with Level < 60.
This possibility is getting taken away with 9.0. I want to fly while leveling, not for leveling speed but for fun and immersion.
If I have to level elsewhere up to level 30 to access flying for the continent I actually wanted to play, and have to remove experience gain in order to finish up the story with more than just one zone, what is the point of the level revamp then?

BtW: The Level Revamp was supposed to give us access to a full continent to level through, not to rush through a few zones in 7-12 hours.

My suggestion:

  • +60% riding skill can be purchased at level 10. It also should unlock +150% flying speed for continents with completed pathfinder (or loremaster for older expansions)
  • +100% riding skill at level 30 would grant access to +310% flying speed the same way
  • At level 50, players could purchase a +310% riding skill to fly anywhere with that character (e.g. to farm mounts in old zones), with the exception of Level 51+ content (Shadowlands).

I get it, improving the character is part of an RPG, that includes riding skill. But you have to consider the account-wide progress of veteran players, too.
Don’t force unnecessary character progression, or it is becoming a mess. Some zones/quests are designed with flying in mind.

You already removed Artisan Riding, because there is no need for five riding skills on a level range between 10-50. Consolidating flying and riding into 3 riding skills as suggested above should also suffice.
If you play for 4 hours and unlock flying for just another 4 hours, only to get it removed in the Shadowlands (until 9.2 ), does it really feel like a progression?


I’ve never farmed or indulged in any form of grinding for pathfinder. I’ve just played the game, did the campaigns for each expansion, did side quests when I found them and yet I can fly in all the relevant zones (WoD, Legions and BfA).

I can only assume those grumbling about farming and grinding must have missed parts of the game out on which case it is most likely to have been by choice and therefore they have nothing to moan about.

As for feeling cheated because old expansion travel skills are now cheaper or easier to get, that’s how Blizzard have done things before so again, nothing to moan about there.

The thing is, you won’t be able to fly until level 30, regardless if you have pathfinder for the continent or not.

Removing pathfinder requirement is not adding more flying options to the game, it is taking them away!

In current WoW, I may have to level through expansions. But once I am in the preferred leveling expansion, I am able play it from start to finish with always flying (however, either with XP eliminated or outleveling the bracket).
The Level Revamp forces ground mounts in the first 20 levels of any expansion. Some were actually designed with flying in mind (Cataclysm), others get flying restrictions during the 10-30 level bracket that weren’t there before, because these expansion were not playable before unlocking flying at 60+.

No change there then, the new level 30 is pretty much the old level 60, which you need to be to learn flying.

And you won’t have Pathfinder for any old content because it will cease to exist once SL goes live,

You are missing my point.

If I want to play e.g. Mists of Pandaria, I want to play it the same way I can play it now, with flying from the start.
The difference will be, it starts at level 80 now and at level 10 after the revamp.

Currently, up until 60 we are playing an expansion, that never allowed flying during leveling. All following expansions do allow flying, because they start when you unlocked it.

I do not care about leveling speed or convenience. I care about the content and the way I experience it. Flying allows me to explore the world on my own terms, rather than following a strict leveling path.

Well I’m sorry to tell you that you can’t. SL has changed all the expansions to suit them being used for levelling from level 1 and up.

The only way you’ll be able to keep playing as you do now is to find a pirate server somewhere that caters for people that don’t like the changes.

SL is not out yet. There is still room for feedback.

I do like changes and was looking forward to the leveling revamp. But I do not agree with the way flying is handled.

I don’t understand your issue here. You seem to just complain about other peoples opinions. In that case, we should end this discussion between us.

In order to make the changes work they HAD to change flying requirements. The only way they could have kept flying as it is now would be to have it available at level 1, which I highly doubt will happen.

As for feedback on this subject, I think SL is too far down the road of development for this to be changed now.

I don’t have any issues, you seem to have an issue with me telling you how it is, so don’t start on at me just because I’ve told you something you don’t like.

I made no comment regarding your opinion so please stop trying to make an argument out of nothing.

Sorry, your previous comment sounded quite dismissive.

Level 1? No, that’s the starting zone. But level 10, with flying IF you already played the content (like with pathfinder), that was my suggestion.

Got no problem with this… Pathfinder for current content is fine…

Grinding pathfinder for old content is a waste of time if you compare how much time it takes to get it versus how much use you’ll actually get out of it, imo.

Pathfinder was introduced to stop people burning through current content so fast that they would stop playing, the key words are current content. I did the Pathfinder achievements and as somebody said earlier, I had the benefit from it by flying in the zones when they were relevant and that is what the grind was meant to be, to reward me at that specific time.

So yes I also agree that leaving a dull grind for areas that are no longer current doesn’t make sense.

If Blizzard wants to keep pathfinder then I really feel like they need to stop driving us insane with mob density in zones. Even in Classic you can run through a zone freely without being dog-piled every few meters.

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