With the major changes coming to leveling characters from 10-50 in Shadowlands, we want to make sure that there is a navigational parity among all of the different expansions you can choose while questing. In the next version of the Shadowlands Alpha that will appear this week, testers are going to see an intentional change coming to Shadowlands for a couple of older Pathfinder achievements.
Specifically, the flight training rewards from Draenor Pathfinder and Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two will no longer be required for flying in Draenor or Broken Isles content. These will now be granted at level 30 with expert flying.
The achievements will remain in place as before, and Draenor Pathfinder will still be the way to earn the Soaring Skyterror mount, while Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part One will continue to reward increased mount speed in the Broken Isles.
Thank you very much!
This’ll make ‘some’ people happy. 
oh great, so they gave in again to a certain crowd.
There’s no reason to keep Path Finder for old content… I got zero issues with it in current.
A change that should have been made years ago tbh (for Draenor at least).
Well at least it’s only about old pathfinders, nothing was said about SL (and somehow nothing about BFA’s, I wonder why as you should only be honored by the time new player finish the BFA zones for the first time)
Imo that’s a good change, just hope it won’t translate into flying day one in the shadowlands zones
Quit being dramatic.
With the new leveling zones it absolutely makes sense.
Why would anybody pick WoD or Legion if they can fly in WOTLK / TBC / Cata.
But what kind ? The ones, who do not mind past be past ? 
next week old mythic raid mog available from vendors xD
A welcome change, even if it’s only for the Alpha testing. Personally I’ve been trying for the better part of two years to get myself to do Draenor Pathfinder and it’s just such a pain to get those reputations, not to mentions the randomly generated assaults and the fact that you basically get it from just doing stuff in just one zone. Kind of counter intuitive to name the achieve DRAENOR Pathfinder when everything you have to do involves Tanaan Jungle, basically.
Let’s be fair here, in old content it should be removed, like how they did it with Pandaria before BfA launched.
The reason for that is quite funny: They bent their knee and brought flying back. In the original statement they removed flying for good from WoD and future expansions - which cost them a LOT of players back then.
Will characters with 280% mount speed be upgraded to 310% in Shadowlands?
I don’t mind so much (and i got both achievements in the expac they were current in)
then whats the point of having a pathfinder in the game in the first place if it becomes obsolete when the expac is over?
pretty much this:
old raids are of the past as well and not relevant anymore, just like everything else. so why doesnt blizzard automatically add the sets to your transmog collection once the addon is over? whats the point of anything then really?
imo, if you want something, you earn it.
It’s a time gated system, and it also serves as a compromise between people that want flying and people that don’t.
Invincible for 500 gold next patch or plebs will riot 
Old content xD must be ffa
P.S. Disagreeing with ffa makes you racist elitist intolerant evil white man, so everyone better like my casual friendly suggestion of I flag you with my pleb brigade 
my question was more like, why pathfinder at all? why not just tell people flying will be enabled after 1 year.
Because it’s old - and we’ve had the benefit for years - and they can turn the achievements into FoS.
Don’t be such a gamernerd.