For gods sake prem vs prem only we are sick of it

I dont understand why this is not in the game. It has taken ages and no change. Its frustrating for players…

I dont even care about bgs I just need to farm reputation for the rewards. At least give me a semi fun experience, not playing the lottery.


It took you 2 minutes to make this post. At this time you would have been already invited to the premade group. :slight_smile:


Oh nooo, i have to talk to ppl in order to get inv for premade :sob:
This is toooo hard


you dont get the point do you? it even sucks as a premade. are you slow?


I agree. Prem vs prem only, no more solo queue. Queue as a group or not at all, get rid of solo play in an MMORPG.


Or even if blizz will do prem vs prem and solo vs solo they will need to add more cool rewards then for ppl who go premades only
It will be very fair. Casuals get casual rewards, sweat dudes get big rewards coz they actualy put effort

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why not reward solo players who are consistently good at adapting to random teams as well? being in a premade doesnt make you a better or worse player.


Why should blizz reward solo quers in same way as premades? Most solo quers stay afk, dont know what to do, zug zug mid etc
Imagine u play solo with all these ppl.
Do u rly want carry all these ppl solo?
Why not play in grp with ppl who have actualy a clue what to do

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i didnt say reward afkers. i said who consistently do well in random circumstances. if you afk and it turns into a 9v10 bc of you, you will not be consistently doing well.

Playing in premades alredy makes u better coz u connect with ppl in first place.
I cant iamgine playng wsg without premade
Most solo quers are rly bad , and zug zug mid only non stop

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So u want afkers get same rewards as u? :rofl:
They also gonna que solo as u do.
And they gonna be deadweight like in evry game. Do u rly want it?

F urthermore if they like you ,you instantly become a trusted player and part of their friend lists for further Pvp activities /and pve sometimes/.


I mean if u realy want interesting and competitive game u should join premades
Most solo que ppl are caduals and will be deadweight for u in these games.


you cant into reading comprehension?

Read what? I alredy explained why solo que is not good as premade que


Yeah because all who do premade never is afk or following others lead and just auto attack targets and pretends to be good. Yeah not at all!

What you are describing it happens on both sides, so don’t try to make it a solo queue issue only.

Here is the thing, premades would miss solo que-ers a lot, but solos wouldn’t miss you at all, in fact we would be delighted to get rid of you.
Looks like you premades can’t function without farming solos but we would be having the time of our life without you, nobody likes you.
Like some clingy ex man, just get lost, we don’t need you, or want you, play your own game.


Do u know that preamde can win premade right?

That’s because if solo queue existed, why would anybody waste their time making teams when solo queue would be the same reward for barely half of the effort?

And what you want is irrelevant. What you want already exists on retail, go there and stop crying.


because you dont like playing rando against rando maybe. quality of people would still matter only with solos the unfairness o encountering a premade would be eliminated