For gods sake prem vs prem only we are sick of it

Then don’t. Unfair matchmaking shouldn’t exist, very simple to understand, maybe even for you.

It does matter, and the whole community is sick of it, and they will patch it sooner or later, thank you :upside_down_face:
Pretty narcissistic to think only your opinion matters bro.

u gonna lose games in solo vs solo que anyway.
Coz most solo quers play terrible
Premades are vry good organised , connected ppl who actualy want win the game, not just afk zug zug mid

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that is not true, it’s just your opinion. The world does not revolve around your view point. FACT : the whole community does not agree with you, live with reality m8.

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Unfair rewarding shouldnt exist either.
Premades vs premades must be rewarded 3x better than casuals (solo quers)

Afk players must be rewarded as afk player , or zug zug mid bot
Organised sweatlords deserv better rewards coz they actualy give a damn about game

While I agree to that to some extent, joining a premade does not however automatically make you more skilled or worthy of that extra reward. There are people who only join premade for the easy grind of honor and rep, while in reality they don’t contribute to the win at all.

Two different distinctions.

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Maybe check out the number of threads about this issue before calling it only “my” opinion.
On the other hand, it’s like a total of 3 noobs that want to farm pugs in wsg that argue against it non-stop.

maybe check out the number of people disagreeing with you before calling it “your” opinion, lol, you fell for that one.

It’s 3, you Miylee and the guy with a blue picture

You will need to do premade BG’s if you are aiming for R14. So in the end, premade will exist even at 60lvl bracket.

And there’s nothing you can do about it, it’s going to exist regardless. Remove premades and people will instead cry about healers.

That’s not a strawman and it’s not me making it up, that ALREADY happened. Infact here, look at this thread: Hunters in WSG

That isn’t a ‘YAY finally no premade, perfect game!!!’ thread. That’s a ‘REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE class imbalance’ thread.

you and some forum crybabies are sick of it, not everyone. Your opinion isn’t important.

Four years of Classic laughs in your face.

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lol, you are strange. M8 m8ey m8, 1000s of people right now are playing premades on both sides.

According to your logic, these people does not exist. Just because You, the vocal minority have an opinion does not make it a fact. Do you understand ? Just because you say it does not make it true. La la land, you’re in la la land.

You guys are delusional af

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la la la la la…land. Hilarious. Your denial shows you up m8, Look kids ! Vinny thinks the 1000s of ppl playing in premades don’t exist !

You are a cad vinny old boy, what what.

Do you know Blizzard don’t care about your and that paladin opinion, because you won’t be the main audience of the game. Players like you won’t even reach 60lvl or will quit in the middle of phases.

the troLL Zede hits again…

ignore him, as he is only flaming here, it seems.

ON-topic: I totally agree that solo que will not miss premades, but for SURE the premades will miss randoms to stomp on. So it is natural for premades to opose the que separation… no more free food games for them.

Not gonna decipher your bs, get ignored, at least Miylee can form sentences

Solo-queuing to join a team, Warsong 10v10, Arathi 15v15, Alterac 40v40. I don’t see where solo-queuing is against MMORPG “spirit”. it’s still teamplay

Most EU players cried when russians did premades of 40 in AV. Why not separates queues?

Separate queues can be the best “Vanilla Experience”
Convert the old servers not connected to:
Where the “Hype”(server) is → the where competitive players go = Premades vs Premades as it’s own “hype” server. If you all premades are scared to face other premades and lose, you just don’t deserve to be called “PvP gamers” because you “strong”(premades) only want to dominate the “weak”(PUGs)

all you say here yep, they are scared

There are millions players who are scared to get a foot in BGs because sweaties made this game too serious, seriously, WoW Vanilla Golden Era was FULL of mouseclickers, even if they love the game, they can’t compete against badass players of today
So premade players are scared to let some space to the old mouseclickers?

Troll ? Old School WSG pvper with better BG stats than YOU. Cry more, i luvz it.

You “pro-keyboardmanboi” have a machinegun and the others have plastic arrows.
Where is the challenge for you?
Separate premades and PUGs is good for the sweaters and competitive players
You are playing a grandma and grandpa game you know?
you ganking poor grandmas at gy you psycho