For gods sake prem vs prem only we are sick of it

If that is all that is important to you, team up with others before hand and stop expecting Blizzard to give you special treatment just because you refuse to socialise with others.

Back then, the “solo game” was one of the things that made wow so successful.
Many people forget what the game world looked like 20 years ago.

Socialize in premades… Is that what you do? Lol you ain’t fooling nobody. You just want to stomp puggers and defend premades for all its worth.

Making premade vs premade would still let you socialize. It wouldn’t take away anything from you. It would give everyone what they want.

Or, can it be that you want to keep your easy wins vs puggers while you are being ultra social?

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Yes. I will occasionally say ‘anyone for some WSG’ in guild chat, then we’ll form a party and sign up. Usually there’s like 3-4 of us, sometimes up to 6.

Except I’d then have to say ‘Anyone for some WSG? We need a full team or we can’t play!’.

It doesn’t matter how many times you repeat the same crap, you’re still not right.

Separate the queues.

Real PvPers like Mylee can form their premades with nothing changing for them.

Its a win win.


Please… its clear you just want the easy wins by stomping pugs, premade que could be 2 different 5 man premades put together and then you got premade vs premade. Could que pug bg with max 2 or 3 player group. It takes nothing away from nobody expect the premaders free wins against pugs wich is the point and gives pugs chance to enjoy the random pvp.

Just because you think something doesn’t make it reality.

I play in groups of 3-6, something which would be impossible with a ‘solo’ queue option.

That isn’t how it works. This is World of Warcraft, not League of Legends. IF, and I mean IF there is ever a separate queue system; it will be the one from Retail and TBCC. Which means players can sign up with a group of 5, but not with a raid group.

The system can be anything blizzard wants and decides.

Not whilst it stills runs on the Classic engine, it can’t.

Join to premade, and stop crying.

Posting about this doesn’t help you at all.

Play the game efficiently like others, pug groups take the L and never win anything.

I wonder who even wants to soloque and think that match will be completely fair, it doesn’t happen ever.

Also I’m sure about that guys who are against premades have some issues with social skills, or their pvp skills just suck.

It is not community’s fault how especially you want to play the game in the first place, MMO’s are not designed mainly for the solo playing.

You always need a group for the dungeons, raids, and for the battlegrounds too.

Read this atleast twice, and let’s see did you realized something amazing.

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F you! this is game… not a Wall Street man. I hope gang will rob you on street nad when you call the cops they tell you… “so what…? join the other gang and fck em up! We will not help you just because its our job you weakling”


I knew it!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

Your reply is the best proof about that MMO’s are not designed for you.

Now we all know what the real issue is, it is you and your childish attitude.

I recommend you to uninstall WoW, this game is not for the rude morons like you.

You should try Mario Kart, Roblox, Minecraft or Tetris.

Those games will not get you so mad like WoW, you have my word.

Let’s see how long it takes when you are crying in the Mario Kart forums :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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And 70% of those don’t want to play premade, but feel forced, because the only option is getting stomped by them.

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Yes, lets blizzard reward premade vs premade with twice or more reward, i do not care, i just want to not face premade when i join solo queue!
If i join solo, i want to play vs others who are joined solo too, if i join premade, it is fair to play vs premade.
Battlegrounds are instanced PvP where are some rules in order to win and must have in regard to grp vs grp or solo too.
On open world pvp there is no rule, so does not matter what vs what , how much vs how much, where to happen etc.


very rarely happens. and all these “fun” solo queue experiences are just them stomping poorly geared opponents and thinking ‘i’m so strong’

the stacks of lies from the solo crowd never ceases to amaze.

What solo play are you talking about? Are you alone in bgs when signing up for a random bg?

If that’s the case, i really understand why you like premades so much.

Me on the other hand always end up in a GROUP of 9 others when doing bgs.

I think you should write a ticket to blizz and tell them you are always alone in bgs when signing up for a random bg

And what happened now in p2?

You still don’t have a solo queue and you’ll still be crying about teams of 5 kicking your butt.

I just hope all PvPers leave.

Toxic bunch and all you do is complain trying to nerf things.