For gods sake prem vs prem only we are sick of it

i just quote myself because i’m lazy
and i don’t farm consumables

:scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

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It is a good argument though, considering most people play wsg for rep/h and not because they particularly enjoy the gameplay loop itself. You have to realize surely that people who play BGs for the sake of pvp itself are a minority, and a small one at that. How many people do you think would do it if there were no rep rewards and no honor points to be gained. Some would, but do you think it’s 20%? 10, 5?
You basically want to change the system to make it more annoying for the majority and more fun for the minority.
Wow is a pve mmo, the entire PvP system was added in beta to placate a few Player-Killer weirdos from older generation of mmos. And then they added bgs and honor like 6 months into release to give a reason for normal players to engage in it, since it was already in place anyway.
You seen the south park wow episode? The “antagonist” there is what people viewed “PvPers” as before WoW.

I won’t argue anymore on this topic. Stating that some group of people is a minority is only ur assumption u have 0 statistical data to prove ur point. If u want to grind ur stuff to speedrun the game I would be really delighted, as some one suggested, that they remove or halved or w/e rep from WSG for solo queues but they would face only other soloquers (edit: also kinda wrong here, parties up to 5, so basically no raids).

@Blizzard, separate queues please

For the Peace of Azeroth

Why do people that like to do premades (to stomp pugs and get fast rewards obviously) want to remove solo que? Or their only argument is that you could join a premade? Why cant you let people play how they like? Part of solo que experience is to play with worse players and against bad / good players. Part of it is trying to carry your team and have fun. Idea of premade is farm fast wins for fast rewards. Why should you be given more rewards for this? “Because premade is so skillful” no it is not, right now its idea is stomping on pugs and you would hate to play only against other premades because you wouldnt gy camp for fast rewards anymore and that is why youre so against the idea of seperate queues.

No reason to not have seperate queues, would make solo que bgs aloooot better and premades can swing around vs other premades instead of sitting on enemy graveyard waiting for the free win. At the moment only way to play bgs is a premade and imo bgs should be playable as solo or with 1 or 2 friends too.

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The “high-skill” premade guys needs pugs to farm. Don’t ruin their “fun”. Kek


The ‘uber high skill’ puggers should group together and show these bad premaders what real skill looks like.

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you back hole sniffers premades are not appealing everybody in this game

"Wouaf ! Wouaf ! Show me what you got back there ! :tongue: :poop: "

Separate queues please

“why cant you let people play how they like” while demanding from Blizzard to change the game to make it how YOU like. hahah :joy::clown_face:

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In facts:

You “premaders” should be at war against other “premaders” even on these forums…

Why do you make an obsessionnel harassment on PuGs ?

You a psycho, better go to the doctor, stop wow :nauseated_face:

Y’all premaders don’t shine as premaders InGame so you are making “Forums Premades” to confort your powerlessness

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Lamborgimli, what drugs are you on? You were amusing to begin with but now I’m honestly starting to question your mental stability.

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Ooooh kid. There are ups and downs in life. You have nothing constructive to answer because i hited right, and destroyed you armor

PuGs will be happy to let you have fun in Premades vs Premades, because you love premades
Separate queues can offer you what you want ! and let PuGs have fair matches
You try to make PUGs something forbidden

I’m not the one who want gank PuGs at GY everyday all day like a psycho

Who got mental problems again? YOU psycho trying to do a Dictatorship

PUGs vs PUGs is “social”
Premades vs Premades is “social”

You have no valid arguments

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Did it take you this long to realise that he is mentally challenged? :smiley:

That would just be a premade than lol. Try again.

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That was the point. Try again.

No one is asking for the ability to form premades to be removed, rather than just to add a separate queue that matches pugs with pugs. People playing non meta classes struggle to find or form premade groups. Separate queues are an easy fix for everyone interested in actual pvp.


If and a missive IF - you main a hunter or a priest.

What in your head can’t understand that there is no solo in a random bg. You are teamed up with others. Or have you experienced being completely alone vs 10 others?

I like pug vs pug since the enemy won’t move in one giant pack all the time. Much more room for Interesting fights happening.

I dont care about rep. I don’t really care about winning or losing that much either. I just wanna have fun fighting other players.

That’s why pug vs pug is infinitely more fun than prem vs prem