For The sake of christmast spirit

Blizz please allow paid transfers on era. I just wanna move my old paladin from gehennas(lately firemaw cluster) to pyrewood

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Transfers between PVE/PVP was already not possible with PCT at the Classic Era realms, bar special FCM rules like HC deaths.

Edit: Appears that PCT was disabled for different realm type transfers some longer while back. PCT is currently disabled due likely Anniversary realms emerging.

But it used to be available. I moved My 60 shaman from firemaw to pyrewood prior to The change with paid transfer.
I needed some help getting WW Axe so I moved my shaman. This option was removed for obscure reason. Blizz could bring it back

My understanding is, they were enabled at some point, and this is exactly what the complain is now about.

In the beginning we had PCT open from PVP to PVP and PVE to PVE/PVP.
But when SOM ended Blizzard changed that (an undocumented change) so you could now transfer from PVP/PVE to PVP/PVE - also even you had players of the other faction on the target PVP realm. I have done this a few times (which I now regret, thats another story :slight_smile: )

And now Blizzard closed this because “it is a money sink”. That haven’t stopped them before, so I can only assume the real reason is something else - maybe to prevent transport of gold / items from one server to another?

“money sink” but dont forget to but mount on retail for only 69,99 :DD

After checking it over again it seems to be enabled and disabled at some point.

I also know overall that PCT was disabled fully when Anniversary hit the deck because those tokens could be used for Anniversary realm transfers.

Perhaps it could be re-enabled again in the near future.

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